841 research outputs found

    Local government council as a constituent of the Nigerian Federation: benefits and constitutional constraints

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    The Local Government Council as a system of governance in Nigeria is provided for in the Constitution of Nigeria,1 even though it did not make it part of the federating unit of Nigeria. The benefit of making it a constituent part of the federation are enormous, because being the government closest to the people, especially the rural community, they know the immediate needs of the people and are better able to meet same. They are both cost effective and even more efficient in implementing laws, especially revenue and tax laws, and consequently, bring development to the people.Keywords: Local Government Council, Nigerian Federation, Benefits, Constitutional Constraint

    Design of Cessna 210 Radome-Pod Instrument Interface for Flight Testing

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the most appropriate location and design for an instrument interface that can utilize minimum volume within a Cessna 210 wing-pod. This study considered some instruments such as a radiometer, heitronics pyrometer, laser altimeter and a network camera; to develop a suitable instrument interface. The study examined the process needed to implement a design methodology for instrument interfaces for flight testing. The study combined varying physiological factors to produce a design for the internal-instruments’ interface of a wing pod. These factors include but may not be limited to simulated analysis, impact on human physiology, center of gravity calculations and practicality of instrument location. Accessibility factors evidently determined the most accessible placement of the flight test instruments for maintenance as well enable effective space utilization within the wing pod. Constraints of the study resulted in an acceptable zonal placement of the instruments forward of the certified center of gravity and a design that is simply effective. The results are not outstanding as any change in instrument interface features such as weight, design and location will alter the zonal placement of the instruments by moving it further aft. Further improvements can be made by optimizing the design to improve the structural strength and loading configurations

    Effect of high plant (cowpeas) and animal (casein) proteins on urinary –N-acetyl-beta-D- glucosaminidase (NAG) and micoalbuminuria in rats

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    Background: Urinary NAG activity is one of the most frequently evaluated urinary enzymes used in the diagnosis of renal tubular toxicity in recent time. Urinary NAG activity has been reported to precede changes in serum creatinine and endogenous creatinine clearances while microalbumin is the excretion of albumin in urine; this is highly variable, ranging from non detectectable quantities to milligrams of albumin. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the intake of high plant (Cowpeas) and animal (Casein) proteins on urinary NAG and microalbuminuria in rats.Methods: One hundred and eighty wistar rats were used in this study. The rats were randomly distributed into 8 experimental groups (20 per group) and control (20). Blood and 24 hour urine samples were collected at baseline, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months intervals. Urinary NAG and microalbumin were determined spectrophotometrically.Results: Urinary NAG concentration was observed to be significantly higher (P<0.01) in urine of rats on casein diets when compared to baseline values, increases of over tenfold were observed. When NAG values of cowpeas fed rats was compared to that of casein fed rats, there was a significant increase (P<0.01) in urinary NAG values of rats fed with casein diet and the increase seen was proportional to dosage and duration. However for urinary microalbumin concentration, there was a significant increase in urinary microalbumin concentration of 30% casein fed rats when compared to baseline at 1month (P<0.05), which dropped at 3 months and 6 months and for the 40% casein diet, there was a significant increase (P<0.01) at 1 and 3 months but dropped at 6 months. Values of 30% cowpeas fed rat were significantly higher (P<0.01) than baseline values at 1 month and at 3 months for 35% cowpeas fed rats. Others were not significant.Conclusion: This study has clearly shown that the intake of a high plant protein, cowpeas leads to mild increase in NAG and microalbumin in urine. On the other hand, an intake of high casein diet, an animal protein, resulted in a marked increase in urinary NAG and mild increase in microalbumin. This study has also shown that the increase of urinary NAG precedes that of microalbumin.Keywords: High-protein diet, Urinary NAG, Microalbumi

    Diagnosis and Evaluation of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common cause of elevated liver function tests results, after the commonly investigated causes have been excluded, and frequently coexists with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) because the conditions have common risk factors. As both T2DM and NAFLD are related to adverse outcomes of the other, diagnosis and valuation of fatty liver is an important part of the management of diabetes. Although noninvasive methods, such as biomarkers, panel markers, and imaging, may support a diagnostic evaluation of NAFLD patients, accurate histopathological findings cannot be achieved without a liver biopsy. As it is important to know whether steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis are present for the management of NAFLD, liver biopsy remains the gold standard for NAFLD diagnosis and evaluation. Therefore, new investigations of the pathogenesis of NAFLD are necessary to develop useful biomarkers that could provide a reliable noninvasive alternative to liver biopsy

    Reality or Fantasy: A Study of Animal Behaivour in Igbo Folktales

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    In Igbo folktales, animals are depicted behaving like human beings. In this way, they are shown with family relationship similar to human’s. Such family members have duties spelt out. Outside, they have towns with kings and even soldiers doing their duties. Among these animals, there are inter and intra species friendship.  A situation such as this has led early analyst to conclude that such stories are created out of the experience of man in order to teach human lessons. But then, the stand of this paper is that if we rely on scientific investigations, we can discover that what the tales relate is how it is in the actual world of animals. Keywords: Animals towns, houses, families, friendship, reality, fantasy

    Circadian changes in urinary Na+/K+ ratio in humans: is there a role for aldosterone?

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    Background: There are indications that the renal excretion of Na+ and K+ is affected by the body's circadian rhythm. Aldosterone is known to be the major determinant of urinary Na+/K+ ratio. However, recent reports suggest that the circadian rhythm of K+ excretion does not depend on endogenous aldosterone. We therefore aimed to investigate the diurnal and nocturnal changes in urinary Na+/K+ ratio, and to test if aldosterone plays a key role.Methods: We investigated the Na+/K+ ratios and aldosterone excretion in 12h-day and night urine. Ethical approval was obtained for 24 healthy male subjects, aged 20-30 years, who were included in this study. 12h-day and 12h-night urine samples were collected. Urine concentrations of Na+ and K+ were analysed using flame photometry and the amount in mmol of these electrolytes was calculated. Urine aldosterone concentrations were analysed using the enzyme immunoassay method. Urinary Na+/K+ ratios were calculated by dividing the amount of Na+ by that of K+, both in mmol/12h. Results are presented as mean ± SEM, and analysed using unpaired Student’s t-test.Results: While a significantly higher Na+/K+ ratio was observed in the 12h-night urine compared with the 12h-day urine (4.22 ± 0.18 vs 2.91± 0.18, p<0.001, n=24), aldosterone excretion (μg/12h) was similar in both the day and night urine.The significantly increased Na+/K+ ratio in the nighttime urine observed in this study was shown to be as a result of a significant decrease (p<0.001) in K+ excretion at night. Correlation analysis revealed no significant relationships between aldosterone and the Na+/K+ ratio in both the day and night urine.Conclusion: Our results suggest that an aldosterone independent mechanism may be responsible for the night time dip in the renal excretion of K+. Understanding this mechanism will provide more insights into how this pathway may be targeted in hypertension caused by non-dipping night time renal K+ excretion.Keywords: Na+, K+, Na+/K+ ratio, aldosterone, 12h-day, 12h-night, urin