34,301 research outputs found

    Surjectivity of maps induced on matrices by polynomials and entire functions

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    We determine a necessary and sufficient condition for a polynomial over an algebraically closed field kk to induce a surjective map on matrix algebras Mn(k)M_n(k) for nβ‰₯2n \ge 2. The criterion is given in terms of critical points and uses simple linear algebra. Following that, we formulate and prove a corresponding result for entire functions as well.Comment: 5 pages, shortened the document, added an important result in the end, added reference

    Longitudinal momentum densities in transverse plane for nucleons

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    We present a study of longitudinal momentum densities (p+densitiesp^+ \rm densities) in the transverse impact parameter space for uu and dd quarks in both unpolarized and transversely polarized nucleons by taking a two dimensional Fourier transform of the gravitational form factors with respect to the momentum transfer in the transverse direction. The gravitational form factors are obtained by the second moments of GPDs. Here we consider the GPDs of two different soft-wall models in AdS/QCD correspondence.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; text modifie

    On topological upper-bounds on the number of small cuspidal eigenvalues

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    Let SS be a noncompact, finite area hyperbolic surface of type (g,n)(g, n). Let Ξ”S\Delta_S denote the Laplace operator on SS. As SS varies over the {\it moduli space} Mg,n{\mathcal{M}_{g, n}} of finite area hyperbolic surfaces of type (g,n)(g, n), we study, adapting methods of Lizhen Ji \cite{Ji} and Scott Wolpert \cite{Wo}, the behavior of {\it small cuspidal eigenpairs} of Ξ”S\Delta_S. In Theorem 2 we describe limiting behavior of these eigenpairs on surfaces Sm∈Mg,n{S_m} \in {\mathcal{M}_{g, n}} when (Sm)({S_m}) converges to a point in Mg,nβ€Ύ\overline{\mathcal{M}_{g, n}}. Then we consider the ii-th {\it cuspidal eigenvalue}, Ξ»ic(S){\lambda^c_i}(S), of S∈Mg,nS \in {\mathcal{M}_{g, n}}. Since {\it non-cuspidal} eigenfunctions ({\it residual eigenfunctions} or {\it generalized eigenfunctions}) may converge to cuspidal eigenfunctions, it is not known if Ξ»ic(S){\lambda^c_i}(S) is a continuous function. However, applying Theorem 2 we prove that, for all kβ‰₯2gβˆ’2k \geq 2g-2, the sets Cg,n14(k)={S∈Mg,n:Ξ»kc(S)>14}{{\mathcal{C}_{g, n}^{\frac{1}{4}}}}(k)= \{ S \in {\mathcal{M}_{g, n}}: {\lambda_k^c}(S) > \frac{1}{4} \} are open and contain a neighborhood of βˆͺi=1nM0,3βˆͺMgβˆ’1,2{\cup_{i=1}^n}{\mathcal{M}_{0, 3}} \cup {\mathcal{M}_{g-1, 2}} in Mg,nβ€Ύ\overline{\mathcal{M}_{g, n}}. Moreover, using topological properties of nodal sets of {\it small eigenfunctions} from \cite{O}, we show that Cg,n14(2gβˆ’1){{\mathcal{C}_{g, n}^{\frac{1}{4}}}}(2g-1) contains a neighborhood of M0,n+1βˆͺMg,1{\mathcal{M}_{0, n+1}} \cup {\mathcal{M}_{g, 1}} in Mg,nβ€Ύ\overline{\mathcal{M}_{g, n}}. These results provide evidence in support of a conjecture of Otal-Rosas \cite{O-R}.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur
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