488 research outputs found

    Reflections on the Development of Contrastive Domain of Second Language Education: An Overview

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    The current paper reflects on the evolving course and place of contrastive aspects of second language research. It attempts to give a concise overview of the related cross-linguistic perspectives over the last decades and elucidates their ascribed nuts and bolts in order to shed further light on the role and significance of cross-linguistic studies in second language research from the past up until now. To this end, the author expressly elaborates on different versions of Contrastive Analysis (CA) to come up with a clear picture of 'contrastive' genre of second language education. The paper concludes that notwithstanding of its inconsistent influence, the contrastive realm of second language education has firmly abided and has dynamically maintained its sphere of influence in L2 researc

    Implications of High-Frequency Trading for Security Markets

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    High frequency trading (HFT) has grown substantially in recent years, due to fast-paced technological developments and their rapid uptake, particularly in equity markets. This paper investigates how HFT could evolve and, by developing a robust understanding of its effects, to identify potential risks and opportunities that it could present in terms of financial stability and other market outcomes such as volatility, liquidity, price efficiency and price discovery. Despite commonly held negative perceptions, the available evidence indicates that HFT and algorithmic trading (AT) may have several beneficial effects on markets. However, they may cause instabilities in financial markets in specific circumstances. Carefully chosen regulatory measures are needed to address concerns in the shorter term. However, further work is needed to inform policies in the longer term, particularly in view of likely uncertainties and lack of data. This will be vital to support evidence-based regulation in this controversial and rapidly evolving field

    The role of 17ÎČ-estradiol and estrogen receptors in regulation of Ca(2+) channels and mitochondrial function in cardiomyocytes

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    Numerous epidemiological, clinical, and animal studies showed that cardiac function and manifestation of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are different between males and females. The underlying reasons for these sex differences are definitely multifactorial, but major evidence points to a causal role of the sex steroid hormone 17ÎČ-estradiol (E2) and its receptors (ER) in the physiology and pathophysiology of the heart. Interestingly, it has been shown that cardiac calcium (Ca(2+)) ion channels and mitochondrial function are regulated in a sex-specific manner. Accurate mitochondrial function and Ca(2+) signaling are of utmost importance for adequate heart function and crucial to maintaining the cardiovascular health. Due to the highly sensitive nature of these processes in the heart, this review article highlights the current knowledge regarding sex dimorphisms in the heart implicating the importance of E2 and ERs in the regulation of cardiac mitochondrial function and Ca(2+) ion channels, thus the contractility. In particular, we provide an overview of in-vitro and in-vivo studies using either E2 deficiency; ER deficiency or selective ER activation, which suggest that E2 and ERs are strongly involved in these processes. In this context, this review also discusses the divergent E2-responses resulting from the activation of different ER subtypes in these processes. Detailed understanding of the E2 and ER-mediated molecular and cellular mechanisms in the heart under physiological and pathological conditions may help to design more specifically targeted drugs for the management of CVDs in men and women

    Characteristics of FSH peaks and antral follicular wave dynamics in sheep

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    In the ewe, one to three antral follicles emerge or grow from a pool of small antral follicles (1 to 3 mm in diameter) every 3 to 5 days and reach diameters of ¡Ý5 mm before regression or ovulation. Each follicular wave is triggered by a peak in serum concentrations of FSH. It is not clear what characteristics of an FSH peak cause follicular wave emergence and what aspects of development of a follicular wave are regulated by its preceding FSH peak. In Experiment 1, we found that the amplitude of FSH peaks decreased, while basal serum FSH concentrations increased across the inter-ovulatory interval (P < 0.05). However, there were no associated changes in the growth, static or regression phases of follicular waves or the number and size of follicles in a wave. In Experiment 2, using computer-assisted quantitative echotextural analysis, we found that the numerical pixel value (NPV) for the wall of anovulatory follicles emerging in the third wave of the cycle was significantly higher than for waves 1 and 2 at the time of wave emergence but it decreased as follicles reached maximum follicular diameter (P < 0.05). A tendency for a similar pattern for the wall of follicles in the last wave of the cycle was also observed (P = 0.07). In Experiment 3, treatment with ovine FSH (oFSH) increased the amplitude of an FSH peak by 5 to 6 fold. This treatment increased estradiol production (P < 0.05) but had little effect on other characteristics of the subsequent follicular wave. Daily injections of oFSH (Experiment 4) for four days, resulted in the occurrence of 4 discrete peaks in serum FSH concentrations. Each injection of oFSH resulted in the emergence of a new follicular wave. In Experiment 5, six cyclic ewes received oFSH (0.1 ©Ìg/kg, sc) every 6 h for 42 h, to try to give a gradual increase in the leading slope of an FSH peak. Serum FSH concentrations increased in oFSH treated ewes (P < 0.05) resulting in an additional peak between two endogenously driven FSH peaks and therefore, did not give the planned gradual leading slope to an FSH peak. Ovine FSH treatment occurred in the early growth phase of wave 1 of the inter-ovulatory interval and increased the growth rate of growing follicles in that wave, compared to control ewes (P < 0.05). This apparently induced dominance in follicles in wave 1, causing them to suppress wave emergence in response to the injected FSH. In Experiment 6, oFSH was infused constantly (1.98 ©Ìg/ewe/h, iv, n = 6) for 60 h. Infusion of oFSH maintained serum FSH concentrations at a level similar to the zenith of a peak. This resulted in a superstimulatory effect with a peak in the mean number of large follicles on Day 2 after the start of FSH infusion (P < 0.001). A hormonal milieu similar to low serum progesterone concentrations was created by treatment of ewes with prostaglandin and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) sponges (Experiment 7). This treatment delayed regression of the penultimate follicular wave of a cycle. However, the delayed follicular atresia was accompanied by a greater degree of apoptosis in somatic cells of follicles growing in the penultimate wave compared to those in the final wave of the cycle, when collected one day before expected ovulation. In conclusion, trends in basal serum concentrations of FSH and peaks in serum FSH concentrations, across the estrous cycle, are associated with changes in the image attributes of follicles emerging later in the estrous cycle, perhaps reflecting a greater readiness of those follicles for ovulation and formation of CL. The ovine ovary can respond to discrete peaks in serum FSH concentrations with the emergence of new follicular waves on a daily basis. This led us to conclude that follicular dominance is not evident in the ewe and peaks in serum FSH concentrations are likely to be driven by some endogenous rhythm that is unrelated to ovarian follicular secretory products. However, direct dominance can be induced by giving supplemented FSH during the growth phase of a follicle. Extended exposure of ovine ovaries to the serum concentrations of FSH found at the zenith of a peak overrides the mechanisms that recruit follicles into a wave and induces a superovulatory response in cyclic ewes. Finally, an increase in the incidence of apoptosis occurs in antral follicles in sheep that have an extended lifespan, prior to any morphological changes detectable by ultrasonography. This would seem to cause decreased follicular viability and lowered fertility of the oocytes that the follicles contain

    Susceptibility of Some Grapevine Cultivars and Rootstocks to Crown Gall Disease

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    The effects of five interspecific hybrid rootstocks on the susceptibility of grafted scions to crown gall were studied forsix years in field as well as greenhouse experiments. The incidence of crown gall on susceptible grape scion cultivars(Vitis vinifera cvs. ‘Thompson seedless’ and ‘Red Sahebi’) was not affected by their grafting onto resistant rootstocks,including NAZ4 (Vitis vinifera cv. ‘Jighjigha’ × Riparia Gloire) and NAZ6 (V. vinifera cv. ‘Gharaozum’ × Kober 5BB),or on self-rooted cultivars when the inoculated vines were monitored over a three-month period in a greenhouse.The weights of the galls induced on non-grafted vines by two of six strains of Agrobacterium vitis and Agrobacteriumtumefacience biovar 1 were significantly different. A. vitis strain AG57 and Agrobacterium tumefacience biovar1 strain 16/6 induced significantly larger galls (8.9 and 5.4 mm respectively) on ‘Thompson seedless’ and ‘RedSahebi’ when these were growing as self-rooted plants than when grafted on NAZ4 and NAZ6. Observations over afour-year period in the field showed that there was no difference in crown gall incidence until the second year. Scionsgrafted onto rootstocks of NAZ4 and NAZ6 had a 21.5% and 6.8% incidence, compared to 55% for self-rooted vines.In another field experiment with naturally infected scions of V. vinifera cv. ‘Asgari’ (a very susceptible cultivar),crown gall was apparent on vines grafted onto all rootstocks after six years. The incidence of crown gall was 18%on NAZ6 compared to 68% on NAZ1. During a five-year period, many self-rooted vines died, compared to only afew scions grafted onto NAZ4 and NAZ6 rootstocks that died. At the end of the study, many pathogenic strains ofAgrobacterium spp. were isolated from the roots of ‘Thompson seedless’ and ‘Red Sahebi’ vines, but not from rootsor vines when NAZ4 and NAZ6 rootstocks were used

    Evaluation of a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy with Patent Blue in Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer

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    Background: A sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy is an interesting issue in the field of surgical oncology and has recently been introduced to the treatment of gastric cancer. The purpose of this study is to assess accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and false negative rates (FNRs) of SLN biopsies, and to ascertain whether or not this procedure is useful for locally advanced gastric cancer.Methods: From December 2013 to March 2014, 22 patients with gastric cancer were enrolled in this study. After laparotomy, patent blue was injected around the tumor subserosaly, resection was then done, and SLNs were detected on a back table. Afterward, D2 dissection was carried out. Finally, SLNs and other specimens were submitted for permanent pathology.Results: SLNs were detected in 20 of 22 patients. The total number of SLNs was 87. SLNs were positive in 7 patients, and the total number of positive SLNs was 17. In three patients, the SLNs were negative, whereas other LNs were positive, with an FNR of 15%. 18 patients received neoadjuvant. Complete pathologic responses with negative LNs were seen in 3 patients. Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and negative predictive values were 80%, 66%, 90%, and 76%, respectively.Conclusions: This research demonstrated that SLN mapping in advanced gastric cancer is an appropriate method with acceptable levels of accuracy, sensitivity, and negative predictive values, even in those patients who received neoadjuvant treatment

    Real particle geodesics and thermodynamics of a black hole in Regular Schwarzschild-Anti de Sitter space-time

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    In this work, we illustrate the geodesics of real particles obtained numerically in a Regular Schwarzschild Anti-de Sitter (RSch-AdS) space-time. The behavior of these geodesics are considered depending on variation of effective parameters such as mass distribution, angular momentum and cosmological constant. Also, using the laws of thermodynamics of black holes, we will study and discuss some aspect of black hole (BH) described by this spacetime such as temperature, entropy, heat capacity and Gibbs free energy.Comment: 22 pages, 26 figure

    Metastatic Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas: A Case Report

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    Background: Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a malignant primary cutaneous neuroendocrine tumor with high propensity for local recurrence and distant metastasis. It commonly involves skin, brain, bone, liver and lung. Distant metastasis to the gastrointestinal tract, including pancreas, is very rare.Presentation of Case: In this article we report a case of a 59 year old male with history of left gluteal skin MCC which presented with metastatic involvement of body of pancreas 5 months after the diagnosis of primary tumor.Conclusion: Although MCC metastases to pancreas is rare, it should be kept in mind in patients with abdominal complaints and past history of MCC

    Optimal Decision Making Method for Multi Criteria Problems

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    The moderating effect of cultural intelligence on the relationship of transformational and transactional leadership styles and job performance

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    Job performance and effective leadership are important factors for success of any organization. Effective leadership is critical to ensure that organization and employee work effectively to achieve high levels of performance. Transformational and transactional leadership style is found to be the most appropriate style of leadership to enhance employee job performance, and in a multicultural environment can lead to enhanced cultural intelligence. Organization cultural intelligence is a tool that can increase an individual’s ability to deal effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds. It raises the level of employee’s job performance by detecting and assimilating reason, and act on cultural cues appropriately in situations characterized by cultural diversity. In Malaysia’s multi-cultural diversity, the challenges for nurses are that they must be open to interact and have interpersonal relationships, and build connections with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds. Despite the popularity of cultural intelligence, previous studies have not focused much on the moderating factor between cultural intelligence, and transformational and transactional leadership style and job performance. Thus, study identified the leadership style (transformational and transactional) needed to improve nurses’ job performance in hospitals. A model to explain how cultural intelligence moderates the relationship between transformational and transactional and job performance was also developed. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used to measure the leadership style, and self-performance appraisal questionnaire for job performance and CQS questionnaire for cultural intelligence were used. Based on simple random sampling, 255 nurses from two public hospitals in Johor Bahru, Malaysia participated in the study. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS (ver.22) was used for data analysis. The findings indicated that a significant relationship exists between leadership style and job performance. Besides that, cultural intelligence plays a significant role as a moderator in the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership style and job performance. The results highlighted that transformational and transactional, and cultural intelligence are essential in improving nurses’ job performance. Based on the findings, leaders in the healthcare organizations should consider cultural intelligence to reduce workplace isolation among nurses. The findings of this study can be used to facilitate administrators in their planning to improve nurses’ job performance. Finally, the model developed can be used as the basis for future research
