801 research outputs found

    Irreducible subgroups of algebraic groups

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    Bases of quasisimple linear groups

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    Let VV be a vector space of dimension dd over FqF_q, a finite field of qq elements, and let GGL(V)GLd(q)G \le GL(V) \cong GL_d(q) be a linear group. A base of GG is a set of vectors whose pointwise stabiliser in GG is trivial. We prove that if GG is a quasisimple group (i.e. GG is perfect and G/Z(G)G/Z(G) is simple) acting irreducibly on VV, then excluding two natural families, GG has a base of size at most 6. The two families consist of alternating groups Altm{\rm Alt}_m acting on the natural module of dimension d=m1d = m-1 or m2m-2, and classical groups with natural module of dimension dd over subfields of FqF_q

    Finite subgroups of simple algebraic groups with irreducible centralizers

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    We determine all finite subgroups of simple algebraic groups that have irreducible centralizers - that is, centralizers whose connected component does not lie in a parabolic subgroup.Comment: 24 page

    Recognition of finite exceptional groups of Lie type

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    Let qq be a prime power and let GG be an absolutely irreducible subgroup of GLd(F)GL_d(F), where FF is a finite field of the same characteristic as \F_q, the field of qq elements. Assume that GG(q)G \cong G(q), a quasisimple group of exceptional Lie type over \F_q which is neither a Suzuki nor a Ree group. We present a Las Vegas algorithm that constructs an isomorphism from GG to the standard copy of G(q)G(q). If G≇3D4(q)G \not\cong {}^3 D_4(q) with qq even, then the algorithm runs in polynomial time, subject to the existence of a discrete log oracle

    The length and depth of algebraic groups

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    Let GG be a connected algebraic group. An unrefinable chain of GG is a chain of subgroups G=G0>G1>>Gt=1G = G_0 > G_1 > \cdots > G_t = 1, where each GiG_i is a maximal connected subgroup of Gi1G_{i-1}. We introduce the notion of the length (respectively, depth) of GG, defined as the maximal (respectively, minimal) length of such a chain. Working over an algebraically closed field, we calculate the length of a connected group GG in terms of the dimension of its unipotent radical Ru(G)R_u(G) and the dimension of a Borel subgroup BB of the reductive quotient G/Ru(G)G/R_u(G). In particular, a simple algebraic group of rank rr has length dimB+r\dim B + r, which gives a natural extension of a theorem of Solomon and Turull on finite quasisimple groups of Lie type. We then deduce that the length of any connected algebraic group GG exceeds 12dimG\frac{1}{2} \dim G. We also study the depth of simple algebraic groups. In characteristic zero, we show that the depth of such a group is at most 66 (this bound is sharp). In the positive characteristic setting, we calculate the exact depth of each exceptional algebraic group and we prove that the depth of a classical group (over a fixed algebraically closed field of positive characteristic) tends to infinity with the rank of the group. Finally we study the chain difference of an algebraic group, which is the difference between its length and its depth. In particular we prove that, for any connected algebraic group GG, the dimension of G/R(G)G/R(G) is bounded above in terms of the chain difference of GG.Comment: 18 pages; to appear in Math.

    Intersections of Matrix Algebras and Permutation Representations of PSL(n,q)

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    AbstractIf G is a group, H a subgroup of G, and Ω a transitive G-set we ask under what conditions one can guarantee that H has a regular orbit (=of size |H|) on Ω. Here we prove that if PSL(n,q)⊆G⊆PGL(n,q) and H is cyclic then H has a regular orbit in every non-trivial G-set (with few exceptions). This result is obtained via a mixture of group theoretical and ring theoretical methods: Let R be the ring of all n×n matrices over the finite field F and let Z be the subring of scalar matrices. We show that if A and M are proper subrings of R containing Z, and if A is commutative and semisimple, then there exists an element x∈SL(n,F) such that xAx−1∩M=Z or n=2=|F|