14,209 research outputs found

    Baire class one colorings and a dichotomy for countable unions of FσF_\sigma rectangles

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    We study the Baire class one countable colorings, i.e., the countable partitions into FσF_\sigma sets. Such a partition gives a covering of the diagonal into countably many FσF_\sigma squares. This leads to the study of countable unions of FσF_\sigma rectangles. We give a Hurewicz-like dichotomy for such countable unions

    A dichotomy characterizing analytic digraphs of uncountable Borel chromatic number in any dimension

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    We study the extension of the Kechris-Solecki-Todorcevic dichotomy on analytic graphs to dimensions higher than 2. We prove that the extension is possible in any dimension, finite or infinite. The original proof works in the case of the finite dimension. We first prove that the natural extension does not work in the case of the infinite dimension, for the notion of continuous homomorphism used in the original theorem. Then we solve the problem in the case of the infinite dimension. Finally, we prove that the natural extension works in the case of the infinite dimension, but for the notion of Baire-measurable homomorphism

    There Exist some Omega-Powers of Any Borel Rank

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    Omega-powers of finitary languages are languages of infinite words (omega-languages) in the form V^omega, where V is a finitary language over a finite alphabet X. They appear very naturally in the characterizaton of regular or context-free omega-languages. Since the set of infinite words over a finite alphabet X can be equipped with the usual Cantor topology, the question of the topological complexity of omega-powers of finitary languages naturally arises and has been posed by Niwinski (1990), Simonnet (1992) and Staiger (1997). It has been recently proved that for each integer n > 0, there exist some omega-powers of context free languages which are Pi^0_n-complete Borel sets, that there exists a context free language L such that L^omega is analytic but not Borel, and that there exists a finitary language V such that V^omega is a Borel set of infinite rank. But it was still unknown which could be the possible infinite Borel ranks of omega-powers. We fill this gap here, proving the following very surprising result which shows that omega-powers exhibit a great topological complexity: for each non-null countable ordinal alpha, there exist some Sigma^0_alpha-complete omega-powers, and some Pi^0_alpha-complete omega-powers.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 16th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science and Logic, CSL 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11-15, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (c) Springer, 200