2,220 research outputs found

    Fiscal transparency and policy rules in Poland

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    This paper assesses the current stance and desirable progress in the implementation of fiscal transparency and rules in Poland. An index of transparency based on Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC), with some modifications, is also constructed in this paper, followed by proposals for making transparency and fiscal rules more efficient within Poland's fiscal policy. This study attempts to answer the following questions: Firstly, to what extent is fiscal policy transparent in the context of the standards set by the EU's regulations and the IMF's ROSC? Secondly, have the fiscal rules adopted by Poland proved to be successful in establishing fiscal policy discipline? Finally, what still needs to be changed to make both transparency and fiscal rules more efficient for the conduct of fiscal policy? To set the work in context we also provide an overview of recent advances in both the theoretical and empirical literature on fiscal transparency and rules

    The effects of Brexit on the EU, the UK and Dorset – a migrant’s account

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    The lecture evaluates the economic effects of Brexit on the EU taking Frankfurt as an example, the UK and in particular Dorset. Dorset stands out as having voted pro leave well above UK average. The lecture argues that Brexit is against the interest of Dorset businesses except for the tourism sector. The overall effect on the UK is presented as negative for the economy, whereas there will e a small positive effect on the EU. Much will however depend on whether there will be a hard Brexit or transitional arrangements can be established

    20 Jahre wirtschaftstransformation - Fortschritte und fehlschlÀge

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    Eine Bestandsaufnahme von 20 Jahren Writschaftstransformation im ehemaligen Ostblock inmitten der Weltwirschaftskrise stellt eine besondere Herausforderung dar, weil Effekte der globalen Krise von den Wirkungen des Transformationsprozesses eo ipso unterschieden werden mĂŒssen. Andererseits wird die Aufgabe dadurch vereinfacht, daÎČ in der Krise strukturelle StĂ€rken und SchwĂ€chen in den TransformationslĂ€ndern klarer zutage treten. Die Stimmung in der Region ist insgesamt schlecht und die anfangs euphorischen Erwartungen in der Bevölkerung im Hinblick auf die Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Lage sind bitter enttĂ€uscht worden. Jedoch gibt es Unterschiede. Im RĂŒckblick lassen sich Unterschiede in den Ergebnisen der Transformation auf die Umsetzung wirtschaftspolitischer Konzepte in den jeweiligen zurĂŒckfĂŒhren

    Musterknabe Osteuropa: Subventionskontrolle und staatliche Beihilfen

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    Location/dislocation: Temporal environments

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