1,546 research outputs found

    The quantum Hilbert space of a chiral two-form in d = 5 + 1 dimensions

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    We consider the quantum theory of a two-form gauge field on a space-time which is a direct product of time and a spatial manifold, taken to be a compact five-manifold with no torsion in its cohomology. We show that the Hilbert space of this non-chiral theory is a certain subspace of a tensor product of two spaces, that are naturally interpreted as the Hilbert spaces of a chiral and anti-chiral two-form theory respectively. We also study the observable operators in the non-chiral theory that correspond to the electric and magnetic field strengths, the Hamiltonian, and the exponentiated holonomy of the gauge-field around a spatial two-cycle. All these operators can be decomposed into contributions pertaining to the chiral and anti-chiral sectors of the theory.Comment: 15 page

    BPS states in (2,0) theory on R x T5

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    We consider (2,0)(2, 0) theory on a space-time of the form R×T5R \times T^5, where the first factor denotes time, and the second factor is a flat spatial five-torus. In addition to their energy, quantum states are characterized by their spatial momentum, 't Hooft flux, and Sp(4)Sp (4) RR-symmetry representation. The momentum obeys a shifted quantization law determined by the 't Hooft flux. By supersymmetry, the energy is bounded from below by the magnitude of the momentum. This bound is saturated by BPS states, that are annihilated by half of the supercharges. The spectrum of such states is invariant under smooth deformations of the theory, and can thus be studied by exploiting the interpretation of (2,0)(2, 0) theory as an ultra-violet completion of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on R×T4R \times T^4. Our main example is the AA-series of (2,0)(2,0) theories, where such methods allow us to study the spectrum of BPS states for many values of the momentum and the 't Hooft flux. In particular, we can describe the RR-symmetry transformation properties of these states by determining the image of their Sp(4)Sp (4) representation in a certain quotient of the Sp(4)Sp (4) representation ring.Comment: 22 page

    Duality of string amplitudes in a curved background

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    We initiate a program to study the relationship between the target space, the spectrum and the scattering amplitudes in string theory. We consider scattering amplitudes following from string theory and quantum field theory on a curved target space, which is taken to be the SU(2)SU(2) group manifold, with special attention given to the duality between contributions from different channels. We give a simple example of the equivalence between amplitudes coming from string theory and quantum field theory, and compute the general form of a four-scalar field theoretical amplitude. The corresponding string theory calculation is performed for a special case, and we discuss how more general string theory amplitudes could be evaluated.Comment: 29 page

    The low-energy spectrum of (2,0) theory on T^5 x R

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    We consider the ADE-series of (2, 0) supersymmetric quantum theories on T^5 \times R, where the first factor is a flat spatial five-torus, and the second factor denotes time. The quantum states of such a theory \Phi are characterized by a discrete quantum number f \in H^3 (T^5, C), where the finite abelian group C is the center subgroup of the corresponding simply connected simply laced Lie group G. At energies that are low compared to the inverse size of the T^5, the spectrum consists of a set of continua of states, each of which is characterized by the value of f and some number 5r of additional continuous parameters. By exploiting the interpretation of this theory as the ultraviolet completion of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on T^4 \times S^1 \times R with gauge group G_{adj} = G/C and coupling constant g given by the square root of the radius of the S^1 factor, one may compute the number N_f^r (\Phi) of such continua. We perform these calculations in detail for the A- and D-series. While the Yang-Mills theory formalism is manifestly invariant under the \SL_4 (Z) mapping class group of T^4, the results are actually found to be invariant under the \SL_5 (Z) mapping class group of T^5, which provides a strong consistency check.Comment: 33 page

    Commutation relations for surface operators in six-dimensional (2, 0) theory

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    The A_{N - 1} (2, 0) superconformal theory has an observable associated with every two-cycle in six dimensions. We make a natural guess for the commutation relations of these operators, which reduces to the commutation relations of Wilson and 't Hooft lines in four-dimensional SU(N) N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory upon compactification on a two-torus. We then verify these commutation relations by considering the theory at a generic point of its moduli space and including in the surface operators only contributions from the light degrees of freedom, which amount to N - 1 (2, 0) tensor multiplets.Comment: 7 page

    Zero-mode dynamics in supersymmetric Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory

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    We consider minimally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with a Chern-Simons term on a flat spatial two-torus in the limit when the torus becomes small. The zero-modes of the fields then decouple from the non-zero modes and give rise to a spectrum of states with energies that are given by multiples of the square of the coupling constant. We discuss the determination of this low-energy spectrum, both for simply connected gauge groups and for gauge groups of adjoint type, with a few examples worked out in detail.Comment: 13 page

    The light spectrum near the Argyres-Douglas point

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    We consider N = 2 super Yang-Mills theory with SU(2) gauge group and a single quark hypermultiplet in the fundamental representation. For a specific value of the quark bare mass and at a certain point in the moduli space of vacua, the central charges corresponding to two mutually non-local electro-magnetic charges vanish simultaneously, indicating the possibility of massless such states in the spectrum. By realizing the theory as an M-theory configuration, we show that these states indeed exist in the spectrum near the critical point.Comment: 7 pages. Late

    Weyl anomaly for Wilson surfaces

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    We consider a free two-form in six dimensions and calculate the conformal anomaly associated with a Wilson surface observable.Comment: 8 page

    A short representation of the six-dimensional (2, 0) algebra

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    We construct a BPS-saturated representation of the six-dimensional (2, 0) algebra with a certain non-zero value of the `central' charge. This representation is naturally carried by strings with internal degrees of freedom rather than by point particles. Upon compactification on a circle, it reduces to a massive vector multiplet in five dimensions. We also construct quantum fields out of the creation and annihilation operators of the states of this representation, and show how they give rise to a conserved two-form current that can be coupled to a tensor multiplet. We hope that these results may be relevant for understanding the degrees of freedom associated with strings in interacting (2, 0) theories.Comment: 11 page
