204 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of multiplicative space- and time-dependent sources

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    This paper presents a numerical regularization approach to the simultaneous determination of multiplicative space- and time-dependent source functions in a nonlinear inverse heat conduction problem with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions together with specified interior and final time temperature measurements. Under these conditions a unique solution is known to exist. However, the inverse prob- lem is still ill-posed since small errors in the input interior temperature data cause large errors in the output heat source solution. For the numerical discretisation, the boundary element method combined with a regularized nonlinear optimization are utilized. Results obtained from several numerical tests are provided in order to illustrate the efficiency of the adopted computational methodology

    On the Calibration of a Size-Structured Population Model from Experimental Data

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    The aim of this work is twofold. First, we survey the techniques developed in (Perthame, Zubelli, 2007) and (Doumic, Perthame, Zubelli, 2008) to reconstruct the division (birth) rate from the cell volume distribution data in certain structured population models. Secondly, we implement such techniques on experimental cell volume distributions available in the literature so as to validate the theoretical and numerical results. As a proof of concept, we use the data reported in the classical work of Kubitschek [3] concerning Escherichia coli in vitro experiments measured by means of a Coulter transducer-multichannel analyzer system (Coulter Electronics, Inc., Hialeah, Fla, USA.) Despite the rather old measurement technology, the reconstructed division rates still display potentially useful biological features

    Inverse bifurcation analysis: application to simple gene systems

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    BACKGROUND: Bifurcation analysis has proven to be a powerful method for understanding the qualitative behavior of gene regulatory networks. In addition to the more traditional forward problem of determining the mapping from parameter space to the space of model behavior, the inverse problem of determining model parameters to result in certain desired properties of the bifurcation diagram provides an attractive methodology for addressing important biological problems. These include understanding how the robustness of qualitative behavior arises from system design as well as providing a way to engineer biological networks with qualitative properties. RESULTS: We demonstrate that certain inverse bifurcation problems of biological interest may be cast as optimization problems involving minimal distances of reference parameter sets to bifurcation manifolds. This formulation allows for an iterative solution procedure based on performing a sequence of eigen-system computations and one-parameter continuations of solutions, the latter being a standard capability in existing numerical bifurcation software. As applications of the proposed method, we show that the problem of maximizing regions of a given qualitative behavior as well as the reverse engineering of bistable gene switches can be modelled and efficiently solved

    Determination of the characteristic directions of lossless linear optical elements

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    We show that the problem of finding the primary and secondary characteristic directions of a linear lossless optical element can be reformulated in terms of an eigenvalue problem related to the unimodular factor of the transfer matrix of the optical device. This formulation makes any actual computation of the characteristic directions amenable to pre-implemented numerical routines, thereby facilitating the decomposition of the transfer matrix into equivalent linear retarders and rotators according to the related Poincare equivalence theorem. The method is expected to be useful whenever the inverse problem of reconstruction of the internal state of a transparent medium from optical data obtained by tomographical methods is an issue.Comment: Replaced with extended version as published in JM

    A General Inverse Problem for the Growth-Fragmentation Equation

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    The growth-fragmentation equation arises in many different contexts, ranging from cell division, protein polymerization, biopolymers, neurosciences etc. Direct observation of temporal dynamics being often difficult, it is of main interest to develop theoretical and numerical methods to recover reaction rates and parameters of the equation from indirect observation of the solution. Following the work done in (Perthame, Zubelli, 2006) and (Doumic, Perthame, Zubelli, 2009) for the specific case of the cell division equation, we address here the general question of recovering the fragmentation rate of the equation from the observation of the time-asymptotic solution, when the fragmentation kernel and the growth rates are fully general. We give both theoretical results and numerical methods, and discuss the remaining issues
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