222 research outputs found

    Food habits and preferences: A study of Iowa people of two age groups

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    A better understanding of the food consumption habits of people and of their attitudes toward food is important to progress in nutrition education, and to efficiency and economy in meal planning. The full impact of nutrition on the health and well-being of people will not be felt until the forces which dominate food choices are more thoroughly understood. This study was undertaken in 1946-47 in cooperation with the Research Division of the Quartermaster Food and Container Institute. It was part of a larger study designed to obtain information regarding the appetite level for various foods of people of two age groups, 17-19 years and 46-58 years, in different parts of the United States. The purposes of the study as carried out in Iowa were as follows: 1. To obtain information concerning the use of food by Iowa families, represented through the two age groups. 2. To study some of the characteristics or conditions which may be related to the food selection of Iowa people. 3. To discover some of the attitudes of the people toward various foods and groups of foods

    The Case for Chemistry

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    If You\u27re considering a change in major because of the chemistry situation, take a little time out to think. Quit worrying for the moment about the details of the halide family or balancing that last equation. Think of chemistry as a whole and what it means to your every day living, to your career and to progress in general

    Are We - Food Rich But Nutrition Poor ?

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    Nutrition shouldn\u27t be left to guesswork or chance. Science has shown the nutrients we need as well as the foods that contain them. Still, we tend to eat happily, but not wisely, when we could be eating happily and wisely

    When Does Poor Nutrition Start?

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    A striking similarity between diets of school-age girls and older women raises this question. Why does a high school girl have a poorer diet than her little sister? Are poor eating habits passed on from generation to generation? How can we upgrade the diets of Iowa school girls

    Beyond Sovereignty: Collectively Defending Democracy in the Americas

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    What Iowans Eat and Why

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    The homemakers\u27 skill in planning and preparing meals is vital to the health of her family. But it\u27s everyone\u27s responsibility to make a good selection from the food that has been prepared

    What We Learned About Nutrition From the War

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    It took a war to teach us how to eat—a war in which food was as vital as bombs for victory. In feeding our families today we should not forget what we learned then

    A Report to Iowa School Girl: LOOK What a GOOD Diet Can Do!

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    This is a report about girls your own age - busy girls who missed out on some meals, who nibbled between times and had food habits much like yours. This is the story of what happened when they stepped up their nutrition