2,600 research outputs found

    Kinematic response of the outer stellar disk to a central bar

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    We study, using direct orbit integrations, the kinematic response of the outer stellar disk to the presence of a central bar, as in the Milky-Way. We find that the bar's outer Lindblad resonance (OLR) causes significant perturbations of the velocity moments. With increasing velocity dispersion, the radius of these perturbations is shifted outwards, beyond the nominal position of the OLR, but also the disk becomes less responsive. If we follow Dehnen (2000) in assuming that the OLR occurs just inside the Solar circle and that the Sun lags the bar major axis by ~20 degrees, we find (1) no significant radial motion of the local standard of rest (LSR), (2) a vertex deviation of \~10 degrees and (3) a lower ratio sigma_2/sigma_1 of the principal components of the velocity- dispersion tensor than for an unperturbed disk. All of these are actually consistent with the observations of the Solar-neighbourhood kinematics. Thus it seems that at least the lowest-order deviations of the local-disk kinematics from simple expectations based on axisymmetric equilibrium can be attributed entirely to the influence of the Galactic bar.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Modelling Galaxies with f(E,Lz); a Black Hole in M32

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    A technique for the construction of axisymmetric distribution functions for individual galaxies is presented. It starts from the observed surface bright- ness distribution, which is deprojected to gain the axisymmetric luminosity density, from which follows the stars' gravitational potential. After adding dark mass components, such as a central black hole, the two-integral distribu- tion function (2I-DF) f(E,Lz), which depends only on the classical integrals of motion in an axisymmetric potential, is constructed using the Richardson- Lucy algorithm. This algorithm proved to be very efficient in finding f(E,Lz) provided the integral equation to be solved has been properly modified. Once the 2I-\df\ is constructed, its kinematics can be computed and compared with those observed. Many discrepancies may be remedied by altering the assumed inclination angle, mass-to-light ratio, dark components, and odd part of the 2I-DF. Remaining discrepancies may indicate, that the distribution function depends on the non-classical third integral, or is non-axisymmetric. The method has been applied to the nearby elliptical galaxy M32. A 2I-DF with ~55 degrees inclination and a central black hole (or other compact dark mass inside ~1pc) of 1.6-2*10^6 Msun fits the high-spatial-resolution kinema- tic data of van der Marel et al. remarkably well. 2I-DFs with a significantly less or more massive central dark mass or with edge-on inclination can be ruled out for M32. Predictions are made for HST-observations: spectroscopy using its smallest square aperture of 0.09"*0.09" should yield a non-gaussian central velocity profile with broad wings, true and gaussian-fit velocity dispersion of 150-170km/s and 120-130km/s, respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, uuencoded compressed ps file (468k), Ref: OUTP-94-04

    A Very Fast and Momentum-Conserving Tree Code

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    The tree code for the approximate evaluation of gravitational forces is extended and substantially accelerated by including mutual cell-cell interactions. These are computed by a Taylor series in Cartesian coordinates and in a completely symmetric fashion, such that Newton's third law is satisfied by construction and hence momentum exactly conserved. The computational effort is further reduced by exploiting the mutual symmetry of the interactions. For typical astrophysical problems with N=10^5 and at the same level of accuracy, the new code is about four times faster than the tree code. For large N, the computational costs are found to scale almost linearly with N, which can also be supported by a theoretical argument, and the advantage over the tree code increases with ever larger N.Comment: revised version (accepted by ApJ Letters), 5 pages LaTeX, 3 figure

    On the coupling of massless particles to scalar fields

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    It is investigated if massless particles can couple to scalar fields in a special relativistic theory with classical particles. The only possible obvious theory which is invariant under Lorentz transformations and reparametrization of the affine parameter leads to trivial trajectories (straight lines) for the massless case, and also the investigation of the massless limit of the massive theory shows that there is no influence of the scalar field on the limiting trajectories. On the other hand, in contrast to this result, it is shown that massive particles are influenced by the scalar field in this theory even in the ultra-relativistic limit.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, uses titlepage.sty, LaTeX 2.09 file, submitted to International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    A fast multipole method for stellar dynamics

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    The approximate computation of all gravitational forces between NN interacting particles via the fast multipole method (FMM) can be made as accurate as direct summation, but requires less than O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) operations. FMM groups particles into spatially bounded cells and uses cell-cell interactions to approximate the force at any position within the sink cell by a Taylor expansion obtained from the multipole expansion of the source cell. By employing a novel estimate for the errors incurred in this process, I minimise the computational effort required for a given accuracy and obtain a well-behaved distribution of force errors. For relative force errors of 107\sim10^{-7}, the computational costs exhibit an empirical scaling of N0.87\propto N^{0.87}. My implementation (running on a 16 core node) out-performs a GPU-based direct summation with comparable force errors for N105N\gtrsim10^5.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Journal for Computational Astrophysics and Cosmolog

    Tracing the Hercules stream around the Galaxy

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    It has been proposed that the Hercules stream, a group of co-moving stars in the Solar neighborhood offset from the bulk of the velocity distribution, is the result of resonant interactions between stars in the outer disk and the Galactic bar. So far it has only been seen in the immediate Solar neighborhood, but the resonance model makes a prediction over a large fraction of the Galactic disk. I predict the distribution of stellar velocities and the changing Hercules feature in this distribution as a function of location in the Galactic disk in a simple model for the Galaxy and the bar that produces the observed Hercules stream. The Hercules feature is expected to be strong enough to be unambiguously detected in the distribution of line-of-sight velocities in selected directions. I identify quantitatively the most promising lines of sight for detection in line-of-sight velocities using the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the predictions of the resonance model and an axisymmetric model; these directions are at 250 deg <~ l <~ 290 deg. The predictions presented here are only weakly affected by distance uncertainties, assumptions about the distribution function in the stellar disk, and the details of the Galactic potential including the effect of spiral structure. Gaia and future spectroscopic surveys of the Galactic disk such as APOGEE and HERMES will be able to robustly test the origin of the Hercules stream and constrain the properties of the Galactic bar

    Black hole foraging: feedback drives feeding

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    We suggest a new picture of supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth in galaxy centers. Momentum-driven feedback from an accreting hole gives significant orbital energy but little angular momentum to the surrounding gas. Once central accretion drops, the feedback weakens and swept-up gas falls back towards the SMBH on near-parabolic orbits. These intersect near the black hole with partially opposed specific angular momenta, causing further infall and ultimately the formation of a small-scale accretion disk. The feeding rates into the disk typically exceed Eddington by factors of a few, growing the hole on the Salpeter timescale and stimulating further feedback. Natural consequences of this picture include (i) the formation and maintenance of a roughly toroidal distribution of obscuring matter near the hole; (ii) random orientations of successive accretion disk episodes; (iii) the possibility of rapid SMBH growth; (iv) tidal disruption of stars and close binaries formed from infalling gas, resulting in visible flares and ejection of hypervelocity stars; (v) super-solar abundances of the matter accreting on to the SMBH; and (vi) a lower central dark-matter density, and hence annihilation signal, than adiabatic SMBH growth implies. We also suggest a simple sub-grid recipe for implementing this process in numerical simulations.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 5 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamical Models for the Milky Way

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    The only way to map the Galaxy's gravitational potential Φ(x)\Phi({\bf x}) and the distribution of matter that produces it is by modelling the dynamics of stars and gas. Observations of the kinematics of gas provide key information about gradients of Φ\Phi within the plane, but little information about the structure of Φ\Phi out of the plane. Traditional Galaxy models {\em assume}, for each of the Galaxy's components, arbitrary flattenings, which together with the components' relative masses yield the model's equipotentials. However, the Galaxy's isopotential surfaces should be {\em determined\/} directly from the motions of stars that move far from the plane. Moreover, from the kinematics of samples of such stars that have well defined selection criteria, one should be able not only to map Φ\Phi at all positions, but to determine the distribution function fi(x,v)f_i({\bf x},{\bf v}) of each stellar population ii studied. These distribution functions will contain a wealth of information relevant to the formation and evolution of the Galaxy. An approach to fitting a wide class of dynamical models to the very heterogeneous body of available data is described and illustrated.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, style file and 4 figures included. Invited talk presented at the meeting ``Formation of the Galactic Halo ... Inside and Out'', Tucson, October 9-11. Full .ps file available at ftp://ftp.physics.ox.ac.uk/pub/local/users/dehnen/MilkyWayModels.ps.g