923 research outputs found

    Damping in quantum love affairs

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    In a series of recent papers we have used an operatorial technique to describe stock markets and, in a different context, {\em love affairs} and their time evolutions. The strategy proposed so far does not allow any dumping effect. In this short note we show how, within the same framework, a strictly non periodic or quasi-periodic effect can be introduced in the model by describing in some details a linear Alice-Bob love relation with damping.Comment: in press in Physica

    Stock markets and quantum dynamics: a second quantized description

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    In this paper we continue our descriptions of stock markets in terms of some non abelian operators which are used to describe the portfolio of the various traders and other {\em observable} quantities. After a first prototype model with only two traders, we discuss a more realistic model of market with an arbitrary number of traders. For both models we find approximated solutions for the time evolution of the portfolio of each trader. In particular, for the more realistic model, we use the {\em stochastic limit} approach and a {\em fixed point like} approximation

    A quantum statistical approach to simplified stock markets

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    We use standard perturbation techniques originally formulated in quantum (statistical) mechanics in the analysis of a toy model of a stock market which is given in terms of bosonic operators. In particular we discuss the probability of transition from a given value of the {\em portfolio} of a certain trader to a different one. This computation can also be carried out using some kind of {\em Feynman graphs} adapted to the present context.Comment: in press in Physica

    Damping and Pseudo-fermions

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    After a short abstract introduction on the time evolution driven by non self-adjoint hamiltonians, we show how the recently introduced concept of {\em pseudo-fermion} can be used in the description of damping in finite dimensional quantum systems, and we compare the results deduced adopting the Schr\"odinger and the Heisenberg representations.Comment: in press in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Pseudo-bosons, Riesz bases and coherent states

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    In a recent paper, Trifonov suggested a possible explicit model of a PT-symmetric system based on a modification of the canonical commutation relation. Although being rather intriguing, in his treatment many mathematical aspects of the model have just been neglected, making most of the results of that paper purely formal. For this reason we are re-considering the same model and we repeat and extend the same construction paying particular attention to all the subtle mathematical points. From our analysis the crucial role of Riesz bases clearly emerges. We also consider coherent states associated to the model.Comment: in press in journal of mathematical physic

    Fixed Points in Topological *-Algebras of Unbounded Operators

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    We discuss some results concerning fixed point equations in the setting of topological *-algebras of unbounded operators. In particular, an existence result is obtained for what we have called {\em weak Ï„\tau strict contractions}, and some continuity properties of these maps are discussed. We also discuss possible applications of our procedure to quantum mechanical systems.Comment: in press in Publication RIM

    Simplified stock markets described by number operators

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    In this paper we continue our systematic analysis of the operatorial approach previously proposed in an economical context and we discuss a {\em mixed} toy model of a simplified stock market, i.e. a model in which the price of the shares is given as an input. We deduce the time evolution of the portfolio of the various traders of the market, as well as of other {\em observable} quantities. As in a previous paper, we solve the equations of motion by means of a {\em fixed point like} approximation.Comment: Rep. on Math. Phys., in pres

    Multiplication of distributions in any dimension: applications to δ\delta-function and its derivatives

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    In two previous papers the author introduced a multiplication of distributions in one dimension and he proved that two one-dimensional Dirac delta functions and their derivatives can be multiplied, at least under certain conditions. Here, mainly motivated by some engineering applications in the analysis of the structures, we propose a different definition of multiplication of distributions which can be easily extended to any spatial dimension. In particular we prove that with this new definition delta functions and their derivatives can still be multiplied

    Deformed quons and bi-coherent states

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    We discuss how a q-mutation relation can be deformed replacing a pair of conjugate operators with two other and unrelated operators, as it is done in the construction of pseudo-fermions, pseudo-bosons and truncated pseudo-bosons. This deformation involves interesting mathematical problems and suggests possible applications to pseudo-hermitian quantum mechanics. We construct bi-coherent states associated to \D-pseudo-quons, and we show that they share many of their properties with ordinary coherent states. In particular, we find conditions for these states to exist, to be eigenstates of suitable annihilation operators and to give rise to a resolution of the identity. Two examples are discussed in details, one connected to an unbounded similarity map, and the other to a bounded map.Comment: in press in Proceedings of the Royal Society

    Matrix computations for the dynamics of fermionic systems

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    In a series of recent papers we have shown how the dynamical behavior of certain classical systems can be analyzed using operators evolving according to Heisenberg-like equations of motions. In particular, we have shown that raising and lowering operators play a relevant role in this analysis. The technical problem of our approach stands in the difficulty of solving the equations of motion, which are, first of all, {\em operator-valued} and, secondly, quite often nonlinear. In this paper we construct a general procedure which significantly simplifies the treatment for those systems which can be described in terms of fermionic operators. The proposed procedure allows to get an analytic solution, both for quadratic and for more general hamiltonians.Comment: In press in International Journal of Theoretical Physic
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