850 research outputs found

    Postnatal growth rate varies with latitude in range-expanding geese: The role of plasticity and day length

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    1. The postnatal growth period is a crucial life stage, with potential lifelong effects on an animal's fitness. How fast animals grow depends on their life‐history strategy and rearing environment, and interspecific comparisons generally show higher growth rates at higher latitudes. However, to elucidate the mechanisms behind this gradient in growth rate, intraspecific comparisons are needed. 2. Recently, barnacle geese expanded their Arctic breeding range from the Russian Barents Sea coast southwards, and now also breed along the Baltic and North Sea coasts. Baltic breeders shortened their migration, while barnacle geese breeding along the North Sea stopped migrating entirely. 3. We collected cross‐sectional data on gosling tarsus length, head length and body mass, and constructed population‐specific growth curves to compare growth rates among three populations (Barents Sea, Baltic Sea and North Sea) spanning 17° in latitude. 4. Growth rate was faster at higher latitudes, and the gradient resembled the latitudinal gradient previously observed in an interspecific comparison of precocial species. Differences in day length among the three breeding regions could largely explain the observed differences in growth rate. In the Baltic, and especially in the Arctic population, growth rate was slower later in the season, most likely because of the stronger seasonal decline in food quality. 5. Our results suggest that differences in postnatal growth rate between the Arctic and temperate populations are mainly a plastic response to local environmental conditions. This plasticity can increase the individuals' ability to cope with annual variation in local conditions, but can also increase the potential to re‐distribute and adapt to new breeding environments

    Cell type-specific acquired protection from crystal adherence by renal tubule cells in culture

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    Cell type-specific acquired protection from crystal adherence by renal tubule cells in culture.BackgroundAdherence of crystals to the surface of renal tubule epithelial cells is considered an important step in the development of nephrolithiasis. Previously, we demonstrated that functional monolayers formed by the renal tubule cell line, Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK), acquire protection against the adherence of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals. We now examined whether this property is cell type specific. The susceptibility of the cells to crystal binding was further studied under different culture conditions.MethodsCell-type specificity and the influence of the growth substrate was tested by comparing calcium oxalate monohydrate crystal binding to LLC-PK1 cells and to two MDCK strains cultured on either permeable or impermeable supports. These cell lines are representative for the renal proximal tubule (LLC-PK1) and distal tubule/collecting duct (MDCK) segments of the nephron, in which crystals are expected to be absent and present, respectively.ResultsWhereas relatively large amounts of crystals adhered to subconfluent MDCK cultures, the level of crystal binding to confluent monolayers was reduced for both MDCK strains. On permeable supports, MDCK cells not only obtained a higher level of morphological differentiation, but also acquired a higher degree of protection than on impermeable surfaces. Crystals avidly adhered to LLC-PK1 cells, irrespective of their developmental stage or growth substrate used.ConclusionsThese results show that the prevention of crystal binding is cell type specific and expressed only by differentiated MDCK cells. The anti-adherence properties acquired by MDCK cells may mirror a specific functional characteristic of its in situ equivalent, the renal distal tubule/collecting ducts

    Large area and flexible micro-porous piezoelectric materials for soft robotic skin

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    The need for flexible, highly sensitive tactile sensors that can fit onto curved surfaces is driving the conformable sensor materials research in the field of human–machine interactions. Here we report a new type of compliant piezoelectric active composite, a micro-porous polyurethane-PZT material, capable of generating a voltage output upon touch. The composites are synthesized with the aim of maximizing the piezoelectric sensitivity of particulate composite sensor materials. The goal is to reduce the dielectric constant of the polymer matrix and improve flexibility of conventional bulk piezo-composites, consisting of ceramic particles in a dense polymeric matrix, by adding a third (gaseous) phase to the system in the form of uniformly sized pores. The presence of the gaseous component in the polymer matrix in the form of well-distributed spherical inclusions effectively decreases the polymer dielectric permittivity, which increases the piezoelectric voltage sensitivity (g33) of the composite sensors significantly. The unique combination of dielectrophoretic structuring of PZT particles and the addition of a gaseous phase to the polymer resin results in the highest performance of the particulate composite sensors reported in the literature so far. The newly developed micro-porous composites show g33 value of 165 mV m/N that is twice that of the structured PZT-bulk PU composites (80 mV m/N) and more than five times the g33 value of bulk PZT ceramics (24–28 mV m/N). The capability of the flexible freestanding sensors for application in touch sensing devices for soft robotics is demonstrated
