10,829 research outputs found

    Jet production in ep collisions

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    Results obtained by the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations on jet production in photoproduction and deep-inelastic scattering are presented and compared to NLO QCD models.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, talk given at the XXXVIIIth Rencontres de Moriond (QCD), Les Arcs, France, March 22-29 200

    Boyhood, initiation, homosexual behaviour and homosexuality in European Palaeolithic and Mesolithic

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    In this article, boyhood in European Pleistocene is decribed. After the introduction, it describes the terms "child" and "boy". In the section about the first people in Europe I have included the first people in Greece and Italy as well because most people think by these countries only to the welknown classical period. Then the existence and live from children e.g. boys will be described which is following by thze adventures from children e.g. adolescent boys in the caves. Here we come to the erotic art, made by the adolescent boys and the possible homosexual behaviour of these boys. Then we coming to cannibalism in relation to initiation-rites and at the end to the subject of inition itself and the question of there was homosexuality

    A Very Forward Proton Spectrometer for H1

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    A new, very forward, proton spectrometer with large acceptance will be installed in the proton beam line of the H1 experiment in 2003. The spectrometer, located 220 m downstream of the interaction point, is based on the Roman Pot technique and consists of two stations in the cold section of the proton beam line. A brief description of this new device and expected physics results are presented.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, talk given at LISHEP 2002, Session C: Workshop on Diffractive Physics, 4-8 February 2002, Rio de Janeiro, Brazi

    Dirac-Maxwell correspondence: Spin-1 bosonic topological insulator for light

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    Fundamental differences between fermions and bosons are revealed in their spin and distribution statistics as well as the discrete symmetries they obey (charge, parity and time). While significant progress has been made on fermionic topological phases of matter with time-reversal symmetry, the bosonic counterpart still remains elusive. We present here a spin-1 bosonic topological insulator for light by utilizing a Dirac-Maxwell correspondence. Departing from structural photonic approaches which mimic the pseudo-spin-\textonehalf{} behavior of electrons, we exploit the integer spin and discrete symmetries of the photon to formulate a distinct bosonic topological phase of matter. We introduce a bosonic Kramers theorem and the photonic equivalent of topological quantization, which arises solely from photon spin. Our continuum field theory predicts that photons acquire a mass in the presence of a spatio-temporally dispersive degenerate chirality, a unique form of magneto-electric coupling inside matter fundamentally different from well-known chirality, magneto-electricity, gyrotropy or bi-anisotropy. We predict that this unique dispersive (non-local) degenerate chiral medium has anomalous parity and time-reversal symmetries and if found in nature will exhibit a gapped Quantum spin-1 Hall bosonic phase. Photons do not possess a conductivity transport parameter which can be quantized (unlike electronic systems), but we predict that photon spin quantization of symmetry-protected edge states is amenable to experimental isolation leading to a new bosonic phase of matter.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure