3 research outputs found

    Combinatorial single-cell profiling of major chromatin types with MAbID

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    Gene expression programs result from the collective activity of numerous regulatory factors. Studying their cooperative mode of action is imperative to understand gene regulation, but simultaneously measuring these factors within one sample has been challenging. Here we introduce Multiplexing Antibodies by barcode Identification (MAbID), a method for combinatorial genomic profiling of histone modifications and chromatin-binding proteins. MAbID employs antibody–DNA conjugates to integrate barcodes at the genomic location of the epitope, enabling combined incubation of multiple antibodies to reveal the distributions of many epigenetic markers simultaneously. We used MAbID to profile major chromatin types and multiplexed measurements without loss of individual data quality. Moreover, we obtained joint measurements of six epitopes in single cells of mouse bone marrow and during mouse in vitro differentiation, capturing associated changes in multifactorial chromatin states. Thus, MAbID holds the potential to gain unique insights into the interplay between gene regulatory mechanisms, especially for low-input samples and in single cells

    Developing a reproducible protocol for culturing functional confluent monolayers of differentiated equine oviduct epithelial cells(dagger)

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    We describe the development of two methods for obtaining confluent monolayers of polarized, differentiated equine oviduct epithelial cells (EOEC) in Transwell inserts and microfluidic chips. EOECs from the ampulla were isolated post-mortem and seeded either (1) directly onto a microporous membrane as differentiated EOECs (direct seeding protocol) or (2) first cultured to a confluent de-differentiated monolayer in conventional wells, then trypsinized and seeded onto a microporous membrane (re-differentiation protocol). Maintenance or induction of EOEC differentiation in these systems was achieved by air-liquid interface introduction. Monolayers cultured via both protocols were characterized by columnar, cytokeratin 19-positive EOECs in Transwell inserts. However, only the re-differentiation protocol could be transferred successfully to the microfluidic chips. Integrity of the monolayers was confirmed by transepithelial resistance measurements, tracer flux, and the demonstration of an intimate network of tight junctions. Using the direct protocol, 28% of EOECs showed secondary cilia at the apical surface in a diffuse pattern. In contrast, re-differentiated polarized EOECs rarely showed secondary cilia in either culture system (>90% of the monolayers showed <1% ciliated EOECs). Occasionally (5-10%), re-differentiated monolayers with 11-27% EOECs with secondary cilia in a diffuse pattern were obtained. Additionally, nuclear progesterone receptor expression was found to be inhibited by simulated luteal phase hormone concentrations, and sperm binding to cilia was higher for re-differentiated EOEC monolayers exposed to estrogen-progesterone concentrations mimicking the follicular rather than luteal phase. Overall, a functional equine oviduct model was established with close morphological resemblance to in vivo oviduct epithelium. Summary Sentence A functional equine in vitro oviduct epithelium model was established in Transwell inserts and microfluidic chips using either a direct seeding or a de-differentiation/re-differentiation protocol