5 research outputs found

    The Influence of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques on Depression Level of Cronic Kidney Disease Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis Therapy

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    Hemodialysis is a renal replacement therapy for patients with cronic renal disease who are decline of renal fuction. The complex therapy and physical condition of chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis patient involve a severe stressor that lead to depression. Progressive muscle relaxation technique is one of nonpharmacoloical therapies that treat depression. This research aimed to prove the influence of progressive muscle relaxation technique to changes in depression level in cronic kidney disease with hemodialysis in Dr. WahidinSudiroHusodoMojokertohospital. In this research design used is Quasy experiment with pre-test post-test control group design. Sample of 30 people were taken by simple random sampling. 15 people from experimental group were given routine progressive muscle relaxation technique in 2 times a day of the week and 15 people from control group were given not routine progressive muscle relaxation techniques in 2 day one time in a week . The research instrument was Beck Depression Inventory. Wilcoxon  Signed Rank Test shows that p value (0.001) < α (0.05), so it is accepted  that there is an effect of progressive muscle relaxation on the depression level of cronic kidney disease patient undergoing hemodialysis. To test the U-Mann Whitney shows that p value (0.005) < α (0.05), so that H0 is rejected it means there is different of the channge depression level between experiment group and the control group.this therapy can increase the production of melatonin and serotonin, reduce stress hormone cortisol. PMR also, lowering the muscle tension ,do make positive thinking so,  throught that is influence to decrease in depression level. Routine muscle relaxationdistractify the stressor everyday in training

    Improved the Behavior of the Prevention of Recurrence of Hypertension on the Elderly Through Empowerment Support Group

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    Hypertension in the elderly can actually be prevented, but the lack of adequate knowledge about the elderly hypertension and prevention efforts are likely to increase the number of occurrence of hypertension and hypertension occurred so often repeated (relapse). With empowerment Support Group is expected to be an increase in prevention of recurrence behavior of hypertension in the elderly. The purpose of the study is to know the influence of the support group against the behavior of the elderly in the prevention of recurrence of hypertension at the village and subdistrict Bicak Trowulan Mojokerto.  The design used was pre experiments with one group pre test and post testdesign. This research sample 24 elderly by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection through the pre test and post test using a questionnaire about the behavior of the elderly in the prevention of recurrence of hypertension. Intervention support group provided for 8 weeks. Data processing is started from the editing, coding, scoring and tabulating. then conducted a test of a different mode. The results showed there was a positive change in behavior in the prevention of recurrence of hypertensive elderly in the village of Trowulan subdistrict of Mojokerto Bicak. Empowerment Support group is effective in improving the behavior of the elderly in the prevention of recurrence of hypertensive diDesa Bicak subdistrict of Mojokerto Trowulan as much as 83.4%, because of the support group is a group that teaches the assistance and guiding the elderly behave healthy life which will result in reducing or eliminating personal and social problems

    Relationship Between Hemodialysis And Hb Levels With Level Of Fatigue

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    Hemodialysis is one of the interventions for patients with chronic renal failure which if done for a long time will cause fatigue symptoms as much as 82% to 90% of patients. The duration of the patient undergoing hemodialysis will increase fatigue levels; this will cause decreased concentration, malaise, sleep disturbances, emotional disturbances and reduce the ability of the patient's ability in daily activities. The exact symptom that occurs in patients with chronic renal failure is a decrease in Hb levels. The purpose of this study was to prove the long-standing relationship between hemodialysis and Hb levels with fatigue levels. The research design uses correlation analytic. The variables studied were hemodialysis duration, hemoglobin level,and fatigue level. The sample size in this study was 61 respondents with simple random sampling technique. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. The results of the study simultaneously showed a long relationship between hemodialysis and HB levels with fatigue levels. Patients who have long undergone hemodialysis will have high levels of urea and creatinine. High urea will interfere with the production of the hormone erythropoietin. As a result of the number of red blood cells decreases, as a result, the patient will experience symptoms of fatigue.   &nbsp

    Challenge in Social Support for Improving Quality of Life People with Hiv/aids

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    Background Became HIV-positive people was heavy burden in life, where complex issues  always dealt. The complexity of the problem might be faced certainly could impact on the quality of life. One factor that had important role in the quality of life was social support. Objective The aim of this research was to know the correlation between social support and quality of life people with HIV/AIDS, Methods the research design was used correlation analytic with cross sectional approach. The population for this study were all people with HIV/AIDS at KOPENHAM Mojokerto in 2016 who were 79 respondents. The Samples were took by used random sampling which was 65 respondents. The data analysis used coefficient contingency shows p value(0.002) <α (0.05), it means there is a relationship of social support with the quality of life people with HIV/AIDS. Results The result of the research showed that 29 respondents who had low quality of life, 20 respondent (69,0%) did not get social support, while from 36 respondent who had high quality of life, 25 (69,4%) respondents get positive social support. Conclusions: Respondents who get social support have high quality of life, caused social support makes people feel appreciated and loved, but there are other factors in quality of life, like age, education level, economy level, marriage status, and gender

    The Analysis Predictor of Language Development Achievement in Under Five Year Old Children

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    The difficulty of working mothers in stimulating the development of children's language was the lack of quality time for stimulation, the child was given a "leftover" time by the mother after the mother worked and the condition was tired after work. The study aimed to look for the predictor of language development achievement in under five years old children. The study design was analytic correlation. The study population was under five years old children with their mother (employed and unemployed) in  Mojokerto District as many as 760 respondents. Sample of 102 respondents were taken using cluster random sampling. Sources of data used primary data, the instrument used a questionnaire and DDST, and collection of DDST data through observation. This research used logistic regression test. The Research result showed that mother's job influenced children language development with the analysis result p-value 0,000 < 0,05, while  the children's gender also influenced their language development with p-value 0,046 < 0,05. From this research, it could be known that the working mothers had less time to motivate their children to learn a good language. Female children had a better language development than the male ones because female children had less activitie