103 research outputs found

    Signaling through CD5 Activates a Pathway Involving Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase, Vav, and Rac1 in Human Mature T Lymphocytes

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    CD5 acts as a coreceptor on T lymphocytes and plays an important role in T-cell signaling and T-cell-B-cell interactions. Costimulation of T lymphocytes with anti-CD5 antibodies results in an increase of the intracellular Ca21 levels, and subsequently in the activation of Ca21/calmodulin-dependent (CaM) kinase type IV. In the present study, we have characterized the initial signaling pathway induced by anti-CD5 costimulation. The activation of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase through tyrosine phosphorylation of its p85 subunit is a proximal event in the CD5-signaling pathway and leads to the activation of the lipid kinase activity of the p110 subunit. The PI 3-kinase inhibitors wortmannin and LY294002 inhibit the CD5-induced response as assessed in interleukin-2 (IL-2) secretion experiments. The expression of an inactivated Rac1 mutant (Rac1 z N17) in T lymphocytes transfected with an IL-2 promoter-driven reporter construct also abrogates the response to CD5 costimulation, while the expression of a constitutively active Rac1 mutant (Rac1-V12) completely replaces the CD5 costimulatory signal. The Rac1-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav is heavily phosphorylated on tyrosine residues upon CD5 costimulation, which is a prerequisite for its activation. A role for Vav in the CD5-induced signaling pathway is further supported by the findings that the expression of a dominant negative Vav mutant (Vav-C) completely abolishes the response to CD5 costimulation while the expression of a constitutively active Vav mutant [Vav(D1-65)] makes the CD5 costimulation signal superfluous. Wortmannin is unable to block the Vav(D1-65)- or Rac1 z V12-induced signals, indicating that both Vav and Rac1 function downstream from PI 3-kinase. Vav and Rac1 both act upstream from the CD5-induced activation of CaM kinase IV, since KN-62, an inhibitor of CaM kinases, and a dominant negative CaM kinase IV mutant block the Vav(D1-65)-and Rac1 z V12-mediated signals. We propose a model for the CD5-induced signaling pathway in which the PI 3-kinase lipid products, together with tyrosine phosphorylation, activate Vav, resulting in the activation of Rac1 by the Vav-mediated exchange of GDP for GTP

    Inhibition of preprotein translocation and reversion of the membrane inserted state of SecA by a carboxyl terminus binding MAb

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    SecA is the peripheral subunit of the preprotein translocase of Escherichia coli. SecA consists of two independently folding domains, i.e., the N-domain bearing the high-affinity nucleotide binding site (NBS-I) and the C-domain that harbors the low-affinity NBS-II. ATP induces SecA insertion into the membrane during preprotein translocation. Domain-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were developed to analyze the functions of the SecA domains in preprotein translocation. The antigen binding sites of the obtained mAbs were confined to five epitopes. One of the mAbs, i.e., mAb 300-1K5, recognizes an epitope in the C-domain in a region that has been implicated in membrane insertion. This mAb, either as IgG or as Fab, completely inhibits in vitro proOmpA translocation and SecA translocation ATPase activity. It prevents SecA membrane insertion and, more strikingly, reverses membrane insertion and promotes the release of SecA from the membrane. Surface plasmon resonance measurements demonstrate that the mAb recognizes the ADP- and the AMP-PNP-bound state of SecA either free in solution or bound at the membrane at the SecYEG protein. It is concluded that the mAb actively reverses a conformation essential for membrane insertion of SecA. The other mAbs directed to various epitopes in the N-domain were found to be without effect, although all bind the native SecA. These results demonstrate that the C-domain plays an important role in the SecA membrane insertion, providing further evidence that this process is needed for preprotein translocation.</p

    Porcine fetal ventral mesencephalic cells are targets for primed xenoreactive human T cells

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    Xenotransplantation of porcine fetal ventral mesencephalic (pfVM) cells to overcome the dopamine shortage in the striatum of patients with Parkinson's disease seems a viable alternative to allotransplantion of human fetal donor tissue, especially because the latter is complicated by both practical and ethical issues. There is, however, little known about the xenospecific immune responses involved in such an intracerebral xenotransplantation. The aim of our study was to investigate whether 1) naive human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMBC) display cytotoxicity against pfVM cells of E28 pig fetuses, and 2) priming of human PBMC by xenogeneic antigen presenting cells (APC) modulates pfVM-directed cellular cytotoxicity. For this purpose fresh PMBC from nine individual donors were primed by incubation with either irradiated pfVM cells or porcine spleen cells (PSC) as APC in the presence of IL-2 for 1 week before assessing cytotoxicity in a Cr-51 release assay. Also, direct NK reactivity and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) of fresh PMBC against pfVM cells was assessed. No direct cytotoxicity of naive cells (either NK reactivity or ADCC) against pfVM cells could be determined. Only PMBC primed with PSC were capable of lysing pfVM cells. PBMC primed with pfVM cells did not show cytolytic capacity towards pfVM. Interestingly, large differences in xenospecific T-cell responses exist between individual donor PBMC. Thus, human T cells are capable of killing pfVM cells in a xenoreactive response, but only after priming by donor APC. The large interindividual differences between human donors in their xenoreactive response may influence patient selection for xenotransplantation and chances of graft survival for individual patients

    Exometabolomics and MSI: deconstructing how cells interact to transform their small molecule environment

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    Metabolism is at the heart of many biotechnologies from biofuels to medical diagnostics. Metabolomic methods that provide glimpses into cellular metabolism have rapidly developed into a critical component of the biotechnological development process. Most metabolomics methods have focused on what is happening inside the cell. Equally important are the biochemical transformations of the cell, and their effect on other cells and their environment; the exometabolome. Exometabolomics is therefore gaining popularity as a robust approach for obtaining rich phenotypic data, and being used in bioprocessing and biofuel development. Mass spectrometry imaging approaches, including several nanotechnologies, provide complimentary information by localizing metabolic processes within complex biological matrices. Together, the two technologies can provide new insights into the metabolism and interactions of cells

    Spontaneous changes in intermediate filament protein expression patterns in lung cancer cell lines

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    The usefulness of cell lines in the study and prediction of the clinical behaviour of lung cancer is still a matter of debate. However, lung tumour cell cultures have been of value in investigations concerning molecular and cell biological aspects of these neoplasms. Especially in the examination of characteristics specific for the main types of differentiation (squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma), in vitro studies have been most important. Twenty eight lung cancer cell lines were cultured for up to four years, and were examined at regular intervals for their intermediate filament protein (IFP) expression patterns using a panel of cytokeratin (CK) and neurofilament (NF) antibodies. These studies showed that the classic type of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines contain CKs 8, 18, and occasionally CK 19, while the variant-type SCLC cell lines generally express no CKs but can contain NFs. Non-SCLC cell lines, such as squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma cell lines, contain CKs 7 (in most cases), 8, 18 and 19. In one variant SCLC cell line and in one adenocarcinoma cell line CKs 4, 10 and 13, characteristic of squamous cell differentiation, were found. Although most cell lines have remained stable with respect to growth characteristics and IFP expression patterns, five lung cancer cultures exhibited a transition from one cell type to another, paralleled by changes in IFP expression. Progressions from classic to variant SCLC cell lines have been observed, next to conversions from variant SCLC to cell lines re-expressing cytokeratins. In some cases this resulted in a coexpression of CKs and NFs within a cell line and even within individual tumour cells. These results strongly support the earlier finding that CK expression in SCLC cell lines is a reliable marker for the classic type of differentiation, while the absence of CKs and the presence of NFs marks the variant type of differentiation. Our results are discussed in view of previous histological findings

    Erforschung von biokompatiblen und korrosionsbestandigen Beschichtungen, die auf Titanlegierung Vt6 durch Elektroerosivemetallbearbeitung aufgetragen werden

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    В статье рассмотрены фазовый и химико-элементный составы покрытия для ортопедии и дентальной медицины, нанесенного на титановый сплав ВТ6методом электроискровой обработки металлов с целью предотвращения попадания с поверхности сплава в организм человека химических элементов, оказывающих токсическое воздействие

    Targeted delivery of a designed sTRAIL mutant results in superior apoptotic activity towards EGFR-positive tumor cells

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    Previously, we have shown that epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-selective delivery of soluble tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (sTRAIL), by genetic fusion to antibody fragment scFv425, enhances the tumor-selective pro-apoptotic activity of sTRAIL. Insight into the respective contribution of the agonistic receptors TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 to TRAIL-induced apoptosis may provide a rational approach to further optimize TRAIL-based therapy. Recently, this issue has been investigated using sTRAIL mutants designed to selectively bind to either receptor. However, the relative contribution of the respective TRAIL receptors, in particular TRAIL-R1, in TRAIL signaling is still unresolved. Here, we fused scFv425 to designed sTRAIL mutant sTRAILmR1–5, reported to selectively activate TRAIL-R1, and investigated the therapeutic apoptotic activity of this novel fusion protein. EGFR-specific binding of scFv425:sTRAILmR1–5 potently induced apoptosis, which was superior to the apoptotic activity of scFv425:sTRAIL-wt and a nontargeted MOCK-scFv:sTRAILmR1–5. During cotreatment with cisplatin or the histone deacetylase inhibitor valproic acid, scFv425:sTRAILmR1–5 retained its superior pro-apoptotic activity compared to scFv425:sTRAIL-wt. However, in catching-type Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assays with TRAIL-R1:Fc and TRAIL-R2:Fc, scFv425:sTRAILmR1–5 was found to not only bind to TRAIL-R1 but also to TRAIL-R2. Binding to TRAIL-R2 also had functional consequences because the apoptotic activity of scFv425:sTRAILmR1–5 was strongly inhibited by a TRAIL-R2 blocking monoclonal antibody. Moreover, scFv425:sTRAILmR1–5 retained apoptotic activity upon selective knockdown of TRAIL-R1 using small inhibitory RNA. Collectively, these data indicate that both agonistic TRAIL receptors are functionally involved in TRAIL signaling by scFv425:sTRAILmR1–5 in solid tumor cells. Moreover, the superior target cell-restricted apoptotic activity of scFv425:sTRAILmR1–5 indicates its therapeutic potential for EGFR-positive solid tumors