40 research outputs found

    The sea in Jorge Barbosa, Raul Brandão and Ruy Duarte de Carvalho

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    The concept of space in Deflagrações (2021) by José Luís Hopffer C. Almada

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020 DL57/2016/CP1453/CT0101This chapter is a contemplation of the topic of space in a book entitled Deflagrações, by José Luís Hopffer C. Almada (JLHCA). This author writes under various literary names, such as Nzé de Sant´y Ago, Amizé di Sant´y Águ, Ezeami di Sant´y Águ, Alma Dofer, Alma Dofer Catarino and Erasmo Cabral de Almada, Dionísio de Deus y Fonteana, and Tuna Furtado. He prefers the designation of “literary names” to differentiate himself from the heteronyms used by Fernando Pessoa. In this reflection, we will point out certain movements in different spaces (in Cape Verde and abroad), as well as important Cape Verdean figures and rebellions that occurred in Cape Verde between 1822 and 1910, i.e., the uprisings of Monte Agarro and Mindelo, and the revolts of the Engenhos, Achada Falcão and of Ribeirão Manuel. It will begin with a brief background of JLHCA, his work, and the topic under study. José Luís Hopffer C. Almada is an important reference in Cape Verdean literature and has written numerous studies, essays, and poems. He is associated with several cultural initiatives in Cape Verde and Portugal. Among other distinctions, JLHCA has figured in multiple compilations and anthologies of poetry. He has also participated in scientific events in various countries and has vast professional experience.publishersversionpublishe

    Reflexos da vivência cabo-verdiana na escrita de Jorge Barbosa

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    Palavras de encerramento

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    DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0101 UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020Se cada pessoa é ela própria e as suas circunstâncias, cada época histórica é o modo como, no intervalo de tempo a que essa época dá um nome, actualiza a identidade dos povos para que possam aproveitar as oportunidades e responder aos desafios, no quadro de possibilidades que a corrente dos acontecimentos vai abrindo. (Martins, 2019: 325).publishersversionpublishe

    O palenquero como forma de transmissão da memória de Palenque de São Basílio

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020publishersversionpublishe


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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Só cabo tcham morrê” (Renato Cardoso)

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020 DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0101publishersversionpublishe

    The role of droughts and waling in capverdean emigration to the United State of America

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020O arquipélago de Cabo Verde é constituído por dez ilhas e alguns ilhéus. Localizado no caminho do Sahel, a queda da chuva assume um papel relevante na definição da vida dos cabo-verdianos, visto que é a sua queda quem determina um ano agrícola favorável e mantimentos em abastança. A sua irregularidade, distinguida por grandes períodos de seca, tem feito com que os residentes se confrontem, de tempos em tempos, com épocas de estiagens, com consequências dramáticas na agricultura e na criação de gado. Portanto, os cabo-verdianos têm vindo a sofrer a pressão de vários fenómenos adversos que os incitam a abandonarem a sua terra natal. Refira-se que, além da seca resultante da ausência da chuva e de outras motivações, o recrutamento de caboverdianos, no século XVIII, para trabalharem na pesca da baleia, setor económico muito importante, nessa altura, pelo interesse do seu óleo na curtição de peles, de couros, e, na iluminação nos Estados Unidos da América, teve um papel muito importante na emigração caboverdiana. The archipelago of Cape Verde is comprised of ten islands and some islets. Situated in the path of the Sahel, rainfall plays a vital role in defining the life of Cape Verdeans, since the amount of precipitation determines whether an agricultural year is productive, and if there is an abundance of supplies. The irregularity in rainfall, resulting in long dry spells, from time to time requires residents to contend with droughts that have dramatic consequences on the islands’ agriculture and cattle-raising. Therefore, Cape Verdeans have suffered the pressure of different adverse phenomena which makes them leave their homeland. Apart from droughts caused by lack of rainfall, and other circumstances, the recruiting of Cape Verdeans in the 18th century to work in whaling, a very important economic sector at that time because of the demand for whale oil in leather tanning and illumination in the United States of America, played a very important role in Cape Verdean emigration.publishersversionpublishe

    Boletim de Propaganda e Informação

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020 DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0101publishersversionpublishe