4 research outputs found

    Ponovno branje zgodovine mesta Dargazin skozi podobe miniatur Nasuha Matrakçija

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    This article focuses on the miniature paintings of Nasuh Matrakçi who came to the west of Iran during the Safavid period. Matrakçi’s miniatures are among the oldest surviving images of Dargazin city, the like of which cannot be found in other travelogues and historians’ works. The surviving three images at two different settings can help us understand the urban and social status of Dargazin in the Safavid period. The findings indicate that, thanks to its Sunni residents and because of its geopolitical significance, Dargazin was of great interest to Ottoman and Safavid rulers who turned it to the governing base of the region. This played an important role in the city’s development in the way that in some areas, like the design of gardens, the traditional architecture of the Safavid period was mixed with original Persian style.Članek se osredotoča na miniature Nasuha Matrakçija, ki je v zahodni Iran prišel v času Safavidov. Njegove miniature spadajo med najstarejše ohranjene podobe mesta Dargazin. V drugih popotniških besedilih in zgodovinskih delih ni mogoče najti takih podob. Tri ohranjene podobe, ki kažejo dva različna prizora, nam pomagajo razumeti urbani in družbeni status Dargazina v času Safavidov. Zahvaljujoč sunitskemu prebivalstvu mesta in njegovemu geopolitičnemu pomenu, najdbe nakazujejo pomen, ki ga je mesto imelo za Otomane in Safavide, v času katerih je bil Dargazin upravno središče regije. Ta status je imel pomembno vlogo v razvoju mesta, kar se kaže v tem, da se je na nekaterih področjih, kot je oblikovanje vrtov, tradicionalna arhitektura safavidskega obdobja mešala s prvotnim perzijskim slogom

    Rereading the History of Dargazin City in Nasuh Matrakçi Miniature Images

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    This article focuses on the miniature paintings of Nasuh Matrakçi who came to the west of Iran during the Safavid period. Matrakçi’s miniatures are among the oldest surviving images of Dargazin city, the like of which cannot be found in other travelogues and historians’ works. The surviving three images at two different settings can help us understand the urban and social status of Dargazin in the Safavid period. The findings indicate that, thanks to its Sunni residents and because of its geopolitical significance, Dargazin was of great interest to Ottoman and Safavid rulers who turned it to the governing base of the region. This played an important role in the city’s development in the way that in some areas, like the design of gardens, the traditional architecture of the Safavid period was mixed with original Persian style

    Laparoscopic adrenalectomy: 10-year experience, 67 procedures

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short-term and long-term results of laparoscopic adrenalectomies carried out in our center. Materials and Methods: A total of 67 laparoscopic adrenalectomies were performed during the 10 years between 1995 and 2005 at Shahid Labbafinejad Medical Center. A transperitoneal lateral approach was used in 65 (97.0%) of the patients, and retroperitoneal approach was used in 2 (3.0%). The clinical characteristics and the outcomes were reviewed in a retrospective study. Results: Indications for laparoscopic adrenalectomy in our patients were as follows: pheochromocytoma in 28 patients (41.8%), aldosteroneproducing adenoma in 15 (22.4%), pseudocyst in 6 (9.0%), Cushing syndrome (macronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia) in 5 (7.5%), nonfunctioning adenoma (incidentaloma) in 5 (7.5%), myelolipoma in 2 (3.0%), almost normal adrenal tissue in 2 (3.0%), adrenal cyst in 2 (3.0%), adenocarcinoma in 1 (1.4%), and schwannoma in 1 (1.4%). The mean operative time for unilateral cases was 149.0 ± 36.1 minutes. The mean intraoperative blood loss was 126 ± 36 mL. Conversion rate to open surgery was 7.5%. Reoperation due to hemorrhage was performed in 1 patient. Conclusion: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is a safe procedure in some adrenal tumors and a reasonable option for selected large adrenal tumors when complete resection is technically feasible and there is no evidence of local invasion

    The Analysis of Effective Reasons for Samko's Rebellion (1285_1297A.H)

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    Ismail Aqa, who is known as Samko, has been regarded to be one of the most influential figures of Iran's contemporary history in the north – western frontiers and over there for almost 25 years. The narratives about him are generally biased. The present study endeavors to explain the effective reasons for Samku's rebellion based on the Persian primary resources and Russian documentary researches with analytical- descriptive approach. This article demonstrates that the rebellion of Shakak's leaders was as a result of corruption and incompetence of Qajar's kings, despite of biased reports. Such biased reports emphasize on the conspiracy of Shakak's leaders. The outcome of this study is that the events such as constitutional revolution, global changes, termination of the First World War, the revolution of October and the departure of aliens from Azarbayejan had the great influence on Samku's rebellion. This study claims that the real rebellion of Samku began after the First World War and the departure of aliens from the north _ western frontiers of Iran. It can be concluded that some factors such as governmental corruption, ignorance of Shakak's position and refusal to participation of this group in governing of regions with local changes offered a great opportunity for Samku' rebellion