4 research outputs found

    Measurement Model Assessment of Intervention Strategies for Littering Behavior Changes using Partial Least Square: in Context of Malaysian Flat Residents

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    This research was conducted for assessment of the measurement model by using Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square. In implementing the measurement model testing in this study, the variable exogenous and endogenous variables that intervention strategies are represented by the variables x and behavioral changes that are represented as variable y. Test validity and reliability is implemented through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis using Smart PLS 2.0. A total of 1200 questionnaires were distributed and only 849 forms returned and used for this analysis. In this paper, findings and discussion will only describe the results of an analysis of the measurement model linking indicators (manifest variables) to construct. Assessment of the validity and reliability of the measurement model is assessed through four following analysis of internal consistency reliability, indicator reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity. The end result of over four analysis found that the measurement model in this study is valid and can be used for further analysis of the formation of structural models

    Development of maintainance culture : a conceptual framework

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    Maintenance culture has been recognised as an important aspect to increase the quality of maintenance work. Despite being unique to each organisation, culture within organisations needs to evolve to suite the ever- changing market demands and trends. The cultivation of maintenance culture should commence with the change of mindsets and attitudes to promote continuous knowledge and skill enhancement, and performance improvement in maintenance activities. Cultural change needs to break indigenous moulds of poor perception, old patterns of now inappropriate behaviour, and outdated beliefs and values. Though studies pertaining to culture are abundant in business and manufacturing sectors, little effort has been put to study culture in the construction industry, particularly in maintenance. Maintenance work has not been studied much from the cultural perspective and former approaches have seldom taken into account the demands of the maintenance work in the entire organisation. Maintenance culture is important to elevate maintenance performance which would directly lead to enhanced facilities performance. It is an alternative for improving maintenance commitment and creating maintenance awareness among all parties in maintenance management. This paper will discuss the conceptual framework for developing maintenance culture for all parties involved in maintenance management. DEVELOPMENT OF MAINTENANCE CULTURE: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/241754290_DEVELOPMENT_OF_MAINTENANCE_CULTURE_A_CONCEPTUAL_FRAMEWORK [accessed Jul 18, 2017]

    A review on the success factors for community participation n solid waste management

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    Community participation is recognised as a factor contributing to the success of waste management. There have been many case studies in developing countries which prove that community participation in waste management plays a vital role in the contribution on the success of the services provided. Nevertheless, community participation is difficult to achieve even though it is important for solving the problem of waste management. There are several success factors that have been put forward by researchers that can practically encourage community participation in solid waste management. Nevertheless, there are many disputes and disagreements on the selection of the best factors to ensure successful participation from the community in solid waste management. Therefore, this paper will discuss the success factors for community participation in solid waste management and will present some of the opinions and criticisms on the matter