23 research outputs found

    The institutional framework model for the implementation of the EU cohesion policy in Croatia for the 2021-2027 programming period

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    The EU cohesion policy is considered one of the most important policies implemented and financed through the EU common budget, as about a third of the EU budget is allocated to funds that are instruments of that policy. The goal of the EU regional policy is to reduce development disparities between EU regions by co-financing development projects. Given that the less developed regions benefit the most from this policy, it is extremely important for Croatia because it directly affects the countryā€™s economic and social development and helps it converge towards the EU average. Considering the above, this paper seeks to contribute to the scientific discourse on the use of regional policy funds by examining the topic beyond temporal boundaries of programming periods and by proposing an institutional framework model for the management of the EU regional policy instruments in Croatia. To empirically determine the key institutional factors in the absorption of EU funds, the paper considers the existing EU fund management systems of selected EU countries. Through scientific research and comparative analysis of management systems in nine Central and Eastern European countries and drawing on the experience of the Croatian system and its functioning, an optimal model for the management of the EU regional policy funds at the national level was formulated. The proposed model should improve strategic decision making by the executive branch and help Croatia make the best possible use of EU regional policy funding, which should in turn reflect positively on economic growth

    Register of olive groves

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    DosadaÅ”nje aktivnosti Zavoda za voćarstvo u izradi katastra maslinika usmjerene su na obradu zakonodavstva EU iz područja maslinarstva, a posebno dijelova koji su izravno povezani s pripremom katastra maslinika. Republika Hrvatska je dobivanjem statusa kandidata za članstvo u EU stekla mogućnost koriÅ”tenja predpristupnih fondova, ali isto tako preuzela je na sebe i određene obveze. Odlukom Vijeća (EZ-a) 2004/648/EC od 13.09.2004. o načelima, prioritetima i uvjetima sadržanim u Europskome partnerstvu s Hrvatskom pred Republiku Hrvatsku se stavljaju zadaci iz područja poljoprivrede koje treba ispuniti prije ulaska u punopravno članstvo EU. U skladu s pravnom stečevinom Zajednice uspostavit će se odgovarajući sustav za identificiranje zemljiÅ”nih parcela i istovremeno poboljÅ”ati prikupljanje i obrada statističkih podataka u poljoprivredi.Current activities in the Institute for Fruit-growing on completing the register of olive groves are aimed at processing the EU legislation in the sector of olive growing, particularly the sector directly connected with the preparation of the olive groves register. The Republic of Croatia has, by obtaining the status of a candidate for the EU membership, acquired a possibility of making use of access funds, at the same time accepting certain obligations. By the decision of the Council of Europe of Sept.13, 2005 on principles, priorities and conditions contained in the European partnership with Croatia the Republic of Croatia has tacks in the sector of agriculture which must be fulfilled before obtaining full membership of the EU. In keeping with the legislature of the Union the relevant system for identification of land plots will be established at he same time improving data collection and processing in agriculture


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    Nacionalni sustavi koji omogućavaju neometano upravljanje i efikasnu implementaciju fondova regionalne (kohezijske) politike EU, presudni su za uspjeh koriÅ”tenja te politike u pojedinoj državi EU. Međutim, prostor za raznolikost u implementaciji i upravljanju regionalnom politikom EU je velik. Stoga se nacionalna iskustva razlikuju zbog brojnih faktora, poput intenziteta i tipa EU financiranja, koherentnosti područja u koja se sredstva fondova EU usmjeravaju te relativne snage nacionalne administracije. Stoga sustavi implementacije mogu znatno odstupati među državama, a prikupljanje i obrada podataka za potrebe ovoga rada znatno je otežana zbog nejednake trensparentnosti i dostupnosti podataka o arhitekturi nacionalnih institucionalnih sustava upravljanja fondovima EU. Rezultati istraživanja u ovom radu pokazali su da sustavi (arhitektura) upravljanja fondovima regionalne politike EU među državama nisu identični zbog cijelog niza faktora. Međutim, u analiziranim državama u ovom radu prisutne su i sličnosti, Å”to je dijelom posljedica prijenosa iskustava među državama. Stoga rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je moguće definirati optimalan i funkcionalan nacionalni sustav upravljanja fondovima regionalne politike EU, temeljen na iskustvima usporedivih država te ga primijeniti i na Hrvatsku. S obzirom da se nalazimo na samom početku nove financijske perspektive EU (2021. ā€“ 2027.), kada se po državama članicama EU definiraju sustavi upravljanja fondovima EU za novu financijsku perspektivu, a objavljenih radova/istraživanja koji bi bili podloga takvim odlukama i na razini Hrvatske nema, time je doprinos i vrijednost ovoga rada nositeljima politika pravovremen i značajan.National systems that enable smooth management and efficient implementation of EU regional (cohesion) policy funds are crucial for the successful use of this policy in individual EU countries. However, the framework for diversity in the implementation and management of EU regional policy is extensive. Therefore, national experiences differ due to various factors, such as the intensity and type of EU funding, the coherence of the areas into which EU funds are channelled, and the relative strength of national administration. Therefore, implementation systems can differ significantly between countries, and the collection and processing of data for the purposes of this paper are significantly hampered by the unequal transparency and availability of data on the structure of national institutional EU fund management systems. The research results in this paper have shown that the systems (structure) of the EU regional policy fundsā€™ management between countries are not identical due to a whole range of factors. However, similarities between countries analysed in this paper are also present, which is partly due to the transfer of experiences between countries. Therefore, the results of the research show that it is possible to define an optimal and functional national system of managing EU regional policy funds, based on the experiences of comparable countries and to apply it to Croatia. Given that we are at the very beginning of the new EU Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027), when EU fund management systems are defined by EU member states for a new financial perspective, and published papers/research that would be the basis for such decisions on the level of Croatia are absent, thus the contribution and value of this paper for policyholders is well-timed and significant

    The Influence of Processing on Physico-chemical Parameters, Phenolics, Antioxidant Activity and Sensory Attributes of Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) Fruit Wine

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    Production of elderberry fruit wine in Croatia is very limited and primarily conducted in small family farms, so the aim of this research was to determine the quality parameters of elderberry fruit and elderberry fruit wine as the fi nal product. Six types of elderberry fruit wines (A, B, C, D, E and F) were produced with addition of different amounts of sugar (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 1.5 and 0.5 kg per 4 kg of elderberry fruit) and water (wines C, D, E). Quality of wines was evaluated using physico-chemical analysis, determination of phenolic compounds (total phenols, total flavonoids, hydrolised tannins and anthocyanins), antioxidant activity and sensory evaluation. According to the amount of total sugar after the fermentation, wines A, B, C and F can be considered as dry wines while wines D and E can be categorized as semi-dry wines. Total acidity in all wines was higher when compared to fresh elderberry fruit. Fresh elderberry fruit as well as wines had high concentration of phenolic compound with anthocyanins in the highest extent, although the winemaking process decreased the amount of phenolics. Both elderberry fruit and wine show high antioxidant activity and present a rich source of biologically active compounds. Consumers found the wine with high sugar amount and low acidity to be the most acceptable

    The Influence of Processing on Physico-chemical Parameters, Phenolics, Antioxidant Activity and Sensory Attributes of Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) Fruit Wine

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    Production of elderberry fruit wine in Croatia is very limited and primarily conducted in small family farms, so the aim of this research was to determine the quality parameters of elderberry fruit and elderberry fruit wine as the fi nal product. Six types of elderberry fruit wines (A, B, C, D, E and F) were produced with addition of different amounts of sugar (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 1.5 and 0.5 kg per 4 kg of elderberry fruit) and water (wines C, D, E). Quality of wines was evaluated using physico-chemical analysis, determination of phenolic compounds (total phenols, total flavonoids, hydrolised tannins and anthocyanins), antioxidant activity and sensory evaluation. According to the amount of total sugar after the fermentation, wines A, B, C and F can be considered as dry wines while wines D and E can be categorized as semi-dry wines. Total acidity in all wines was higher when compared to fresh elderberry fruit. Fresh elderberry fruit as well as wines had high concentration of phenolic compound with anthocyanins in the highest extent, although the winemaking process decreased the amount of phenolics. Both elderberry fruit and wine show high antioxidant activity and present a rich source of biologically active compounds. Consumers found the wine with high sugar amount and low acidity to be the most acceptable

    Određivanje udjela fenola i antioksidacijskog kapaciteta u sortama borovnice (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) uzgojenim na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the content of phenolics: total phenols (TPC), flavonoids (TF), anthocyanins (TA), flavan-3-ols (TF3ols), as well as total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and reducing power (RP) in four blueberry cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) introduced in the Northwest Croatian climate conditions. Phenolic compounds were measured by spectrophotometric methods, TAC was determined using DPPH and ABTS assays and RP by FRAP assay. All cultivars contained high mass fraction of TPC, TF, TA and lower mass fraction of TF3ols. Among the researched fruits, Sierra cultivar contained the highest amounts of all groups of phenolics, followed by Elliott>Bluecropā‰„Duke. Significant differences were observed in phenolic mass fraction among different cultivars and growing seasons (p<0.05), and phenolic compounds were significantly higher in growing season 2006. Examined cultivars possess high antioxidant capacity and reducing power, and all phenolics were highly correlated with TAC and RP (R=0.46 to 0.99). The study indicated that growing and climate conditions in Northwest Croatia are convenient for introducing blueberry cultivars. Generally, blueberry fruits are a rich source of phenolics, which show evident antioxidant capacity.Svrha je ovoga istraživanja odrediti udjel fenola: ukupne fenole (TPC), flavonoide (TF), antocijane (TA), flavan-3-ole (TF3ols), zatim ukupni antioksidacijski kapacitet (TAC) i redukcijsku snagu (RP) u četiri sorte borovnica (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) introduciranih u klimatskim uvjetima sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Fenolni su spojevi određeni spektrofotometrijskim metodama, TAC je određen DPPH i ABTS metodama te RP FRAP metodom. Sve su sorte sadržavale veliku količinu TPC, TF, TA i manju količinu TF3ols. Među istraživanim sortama, sorta Sierra sadržavala je najveću količinu svih skupina fenolnih spojeva, zatim sorta Elliott te Bluecrop i Duke. Statistički značajne razlike utvrđene su u količini fenolnih spojeva različitih sorata te zbog sezone uzgoja (p<0.05). Udjeli fenolnih spojeva bili su veći u sortama uzgojenim tijekom 2006. Istraživane sorte imaju veliki antioksidacijski kapacitet i redukcijsku snagu, a sve skupine fenolnih spojeva pokazuju vrlo visoku korelaciju s TAC i RP (R=0,46 do 0,99). Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da uzgoj u klimatskim uvjetima sjeverozapadne Hrvatske pogoduje introdukciji istraživanih sorata borovnice. Općenito su plodovi borovnice bogat izvor fenolnih spojeva, koji pokazuju očigledan antioksidacijski kapacitet

    Humus content in soils intended for establishment of permanent plantations in Croatia

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    Humus ima specifičnu, viÅ”estruko pozitivnu ulogu u fizikalnim, kemijskim i mikrobioloÅ”kim značajkama tla. Doprinosi formiranju stabilnih agregata, strukturi tla, aeraciji, poboljÅ”anju ritma infiltracije i povećanju kapaciteta skladiÅ”tenja vode. Kao skladiÅ”te za biljna hraniva ujedno je izvor plodnosti tla. Također, služi kao pufer protiv brzih promjena reakcije tla (pH) i djeluje kao izvor energije za mikroorganizme u tlu. Uvažavajući gore iznijeto, kao i činjenicu da trajni nasadi (voćnjaci i vinogradi) na istoj povrÅ”ini ostaju dugi niz godina te da je potrebno žurno formirati tratinu u međurednom prostoru, poznavanje razine humusa u tlima namijenjenim za podizanje voćnjaka i vinograda je od izuzetne važnosti. Temeljem analiza cca četiri tisuće uzoraka tla (računajući oranični sloj 0-30 cm i podoranični sloj 30-60 cm) iz 16 županija Republike Hrvatske, utvrđena je količina humusa. Uzorci tla uzeti su u periodu od 2000. do 2006. godine , tj. u vrijeme kad se krenulo u znatnije podizanje voćnjaka i vinograda, popraćeno poticajima za podizanje trajnih nasada (BiÅ”ko i sur., 2005a.; BiÅ”ko i sur. 2005b.). Količina humusa određena je metodom po Tjurinu (Å korić i Seretić 1966.). U konačnici, izračunate su i prosječne vrijednosti (% humusa) oraničnog i podoraničnog sloja tla Å”to čini ukupno 2.038 uzoraka i predstavlja isto toliko proizvodnih povrÅ”ina sa kojih su uzeti prosječni uzorci. Prosječne vrijednosti količine humusa po pojedinoj županiji kretale su se od 1,53 % u Virovitičko-podravskoj do 3,32 % u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji. U ostalim županijama utvrđene su sljedeće prosječne vrijednosti humusa: Koprivničko-križevačka 1,54 %, PožeÅ”ko-slavonska 1,62 %, Vukovarsko-srijemska 1,63 %, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska 1,78 %, Brodsko-posavska 1,80 %, Zadarska i Međimurska 2,01 %, Sisačko-moslavačka 2,13 %, Istarska 2,15 %, Zagrebačka 2,22 %, Krapinsko-zagorska 2,23 %, Karlovačka 2,44 %, Å ibensko-kninska 2,74 % i Ličko-senjska 2,89 %. Utvrđene vrijednosti uspoređene su s IzvjeŔćem Europskog ureda za istraživanje tala (Br. 15) Europske Komisije: ā€žOrganic Matter in the Soils of Southern Europeā€, Zdruli i sur., 2004.Humus has a specific, multiple positive influence on physical, chemical and microbiological soil characteristics. It contributes to the formation of stable aggregates, soil structure and aeration, improvement of infiltration rhythm and to an increase of water storage capacity. Being a storage for plant nutrients, it is a source of fertility at the same time. Furthermore, it is also a buffer against rapid changes in soil reaction (pH) and acts as an energy source for microorganisms in the soil. Taking into consideration aforementioned, as well as the fact that permanent plantations (orchards and vineyards) stay in the same area for a longer time, the need for urgent growth of grass between rows, understanding levels of humus in soils intended for establishment of orchards and vineyards is of utmost importance. Based on the analysis of approximately four thousand soil samples (including topsoil 0-30 cm and subsoil 30-60 cm) from 16 counties in the Republic of Croatia, humus content was determined. Soil samples were taken in the period between 2000 and 2006, in the time of planting major orchards and vineyards, accompanied by incentives for setting us permanent plantations (BiÅ”ko et al., 2005a; BiÅ”ko et al. 2005b). Humus content was determined by Tjurin method (Å korić i Sertić, 1966). Finally, mean values (% humus) of topsoil and subsoil were calculated which accounts for 2.038 samples, representing the same number of plots from which samples were taken. Mean values of humus content per each county ranged between 1.53% in Virovitičko-podravska County and 3.32% in Primorsko-goranska County. For other counties the following mean values of humus content were determined: Koprivničko-križevačka 1.54%, PožeÅ”ko-slavonska 1.62%, Vukovarsko-srijemska 1.63%, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska 1.78%, Brodsko-posavska 1.80%, Zadarska and Međimurska 2.01%, Sisačko-moslavačka 2.13%, Istarska 2.15%, Zagrebačka 2.22%, Krapinsko-zagorska 2.23%, Karlovačka 2.44%, Å ibensko-kninska 2.74% and Ličko-senjska 2.89%. Identified values were compared with the Report of the European Office for Soil Research (No 15) of the European Commission: ā€œOrganic Matter in the Soils of Southern Europe, Zdruli, et al. 2004