46 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Plasma Nutfah Tanaman Terintegrasi Dengan Program Pemuliaan

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    Plant breeding, as an applied of plant genetics, is based and is supported by various subdisciplines of genetic sciences, includeing plant germplasm, classical genetics, molecular genetics, cytogenetics, gene-transformation techniques, etc. Linkage and team work system between plant germplasm management and plant breeding program is most required, since the success of plant breeding maybe obtained from the contribution of gene donor parents, derived from the germplasm management. Without the flow of genes from the germplasm collection, varieties produced by the plant breeder would suffer a narrow genetical based or a bottle-necking genetic based. Plant germplasm research is an integral part of the germplasm management, aimed to (1) evaluate the genetic variation of the germplasm collection, to be readily available for the breeding program and to be used for scientific publications, (2) tracing the origin of plant species, and (3) officially release a selected germplasm, containing new economic gene (s). The linkage between germplasm management and plant breeding research program could be facilitated through the following activities (1) identifying an elit germplasm for varietal release, (2) selection and stabilization of a promising germplasm accession for possible varietal releases, (3) use of germplasm accession as a gene donor parent to incorporate adaptive genes into improved variety, (4) use of germplasm accession for a specific donor gene, (5) use of germplasm to broaden the genetical base of varieties through an introgression and nobilization, (6) use of germplasm to improve the genetic value of the breeding population, and (7) to develop multiple crossess involving many parents to broaden the genetical base of the breeding population. Another important function of the germplasm management is to conserve accessions carrying genes which may be useful in the future, to anticipate the dynamic changing of biological and environmental stresses on crop. Germplasm management is considered successfully conducted when it is continously supplying donor gene parents to breeders for parental crosses on their breeding program, conversely, breeding program in considered successfully managed, when it uses the rich genetic variability available on the germplasm collection. Separating the organizational units among the breeding program, germplasm management and molecular genetic research, is only for enhancing the intensity of the research, but should not separate the linkage program of the research

    The Cyanogenic Potential of Roots and Leaves of Ninety Nine Cassava Cultivars

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    Studies on cyanogenic potential (CP) of roots and leaves of Indonesian cassava germplasm are still inadequate in relation to food toxicity and on human health. The CP of leaves of 99 cassava cultivars was analyzed using picrate paper kits. Effort to reduce CP of cassava leaves by boiling them was also conducted. The results showed that roots and leaves had low and moderate level of CP. There was a significant correlation between the CP of leaves (Y) and roots (X) of 45 cassava cultivars with regression equation Y = 36.214 + 1.3085 X (r = 0.5228). The CP content was high in the young leaves (241 ppm) and low in the older ones (99 ppm). The proximal portion of the roots had the highest CP content (300 ppm), and that in the distal end was the lowest (56 ppm). The root part close to cortex had highest CP content (550 ppm), whereas the central part was the lowest (35 ppm). Boiling cassava leaves for 20 minutes significantly reduced the CP up to 75%, indicating that for safety, cassava should be completely processed or cooked. This study implied that CP content should be considered in cassava breeding programs. Forty two of 99 cassava cultivars have CP below 50 ppm which is safe for consumption

    Site Determination for OTEC Turbine Installation of 100 MW Capacity in North Bali Waters

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    This research was conducted to investigate a suitable location for the OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) pilot plant in North Bali. The investigation was done by calculating the theoretical potential of electric power output using the method of Uehara and Ikegami (1990) for closed cycle OTEC. OTEC power plants require a temperature difference between surface and bottom water layers at least 20°C. Temperature data were obtained from the HYCOM temperature model for a period of 9 years (2008 - 2017) at 4 points which were verified with field data taken in 2017 using KR Geomarin III. The results of field measurements show that the sea surface temperature (SST) in the study area ranges from 28 to 31°C while at depth of 800 m 5.75°C. ∆T values range from 22 to 25°C. Verification of modelling temperature and measurement temperature shows that the modeling results resemble the temperature of North Bali Waters. Analyses results for the four points showed that B-11, located in the Tedjakula area, has the largest electrical power output (71,109 MW). Thus, point B-11 is the best location for development of OTEC pilot plant in North Bali Waters.Keywords: sea water temperature, net power, OTEC closed cycle, North BaliPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan lokasi yang layak untuk pilot plant OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) di perairan Bali Utara. Penentuan dilakukan dengan menghitungpotensi teoritis output daya listrik menggunakan metoda Uehara dan Ikegami (1990) untuk OTEC siklus tertutup. Pembangkit listrik OTEC membutuhkan perbedaan suhu antara lapisan permukaan dan lapisan dalam sebesar 20°C atau lebih. Data suhu didapatkan dari model suhu HYCOM untuk jangka waktu 9 tahun (2008 – 2017) pada 4 titik yang diverifikasi dengan data lapangan yang diambil pada tahun 2017 dengan menggunakan KR Geomarin III. Hasil pengukuran lapangan menunjukaan bahwa suhu permukaan laut (SPL) daerah penelitian berkisar 28-31°C dan suhu air pada kedalaman 800 m adalah 5,75°C. Nilai ∆T berkisar 22-25°C. Verifikasi suhu hasil pemodelan dengan suhu hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa suhu hasil pemodelan dapat mewakili suhu perairan Bali Utara. Hasil analisis yang dilakukan pada 4 titik menunjukkan bahwa titik B-11 yang terletak di daerah Tedjakula memberikan output daya listrik terbesar (71,109 MW). Titik B-11 merupakan lokasi terbaik untuk pengembangan pilot plant OTEC di perairan Bali Utara.Kata kunci: suhu air laut, daya listrik, OTEC siklus tertutup, Bali Utar

    Pengendalian Kualitas untuk Meminimalkan Jumlah Cacat pada Produk Kaleng Aeorosol

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    2.64% is the largest defect percentage of aerosol can product of PT Multi Makmur Indah Industri. To improve the product quality, the study focused on the goal of reducing the percentage of defects using the Statistical Quality Control. After gaining control of the company, we can calculate the process capability in the aerosol can manufacture. The next step is identification of the defects causes that arise using the failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) method to measure the defect causes risks and as an input in determining control recommendations. From the observations and data processing, it is recognized that the overall phase of the process has a process capability value above 99%. 80% of defects in the aerosol cans product occur during the process of can making, component making and printing. While the most risking defect cause is the destruction ofmachine B coating on the printing process (RPN = 245) and the quality of the welding wire on can manufacturing process (RPN = 160). Therefore, the solution to reduce the defect percentage is replacing the damaged coating machine B as well as upgrading the quality of the welding wire. Thus, it can reduce the losssale as much as 1.06% (Rp110,716,000) per month