6 research outputs found

    Accelerated Culture Transformation : Ujung Tombak Kesuksesan Organisasi

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    Mission, vision, values ​​and meanings that are put together to build a corporate culture of enterprise IT employees characters. The vision of goals to be achieved by the company. The mission is what will be done to achieve that goal. The mission of the company has a significant role in achieving the goals. Value is a code of conduct in carrying out missions. While the meaning is when employees are able to understand the work as a sacred duty. This article describes the importance of unity MVVM within an organization. Organizations with unity MVVM (Mission, Vision, Value, Meaning) will be able to achieve the goals of the organization in accordance with the target and the character of the company. For that we need to cultivate in ourselves MVVM employees by way of: Plant the human potential third MVVM with the IQ, EQ and SQ for mecapai mission of profit, people and planet, Making MVVM as part of a HR system in order to become living values ​​then it should be translated into a behavioral guidelines that give clarity about what should and should not be done, the formation of leaders become role models

    Penduduk dalam Proses Pembangunan

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    Population problems in countries developing countries is the high level of growth, the spread is uneven between regions, the structure of the population that are less profitable, quality of population and labor force is still low, the nature and behavior of the population economically and socially, still less favorable or unfavorable development. To address and solve the problems of the people mentioned above, it is necessary to pursue various measures and policies, among others are: (1) Strengthening Family Planning (FP) in reducing birth (birth rate) and stabilization of maternal and child health, (2) Strengthening the health program in terms of mortality rates and increasing life expectancy, (3) Program transfer and dissemination of population for the handling of population density in certain areas and the suitability of land capacity to support regional development, (4) Improvement of education in order to develop the population and improving the quality of human resources in suitability to support and conducive to development, (5) expansion or improvement of education, information and counseling on population, including family planning and Family Welfare, (6) efforts and other measures associated with these population

    Pengaruh Human Capital, Upah Minimum dan Angkatan Kerja terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Sektor Industri Pengolahan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of human capital, regional minimum wages and labor force on economic growth of the manufacturing sector in Central Java Province in 2011-2019. This type of research is quantitative. The research method uses multiple linear regression with panel data approach. The results showed that human capital and regional minimum wage have a positive and significant effect on the economic growth of the manufacturing sector in the province of Central Java. The labor force has not significant on the economic growth of the manufacturing sector in the province of Central Java. The implication of this finding is the need to improve the quality of human resources through increasing the number of scholarships. In addition, the need to increase the regional minimum wage