34 research outputs found

    Perceived transformational leadership style as determinant of subordinates’ trust perspective of Malaysian local authorities

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of transformational leadership style on subordinates’ trust using 300 questionnaires responded by the employees (support staff group) of local authorities (LAs) located in the central region of peninsular Malaysia.The measurement scale employed in this study has met the acceptable levels of validity and reliability tests of the study.However, performing confirmatory factor analysis based on structural equation modeling (SEM) has remained some items of single component of transformational leadership style.Thus, transformational leadership are measured based on single construct as a first order model analysis.Regression result of SEM analysis indicated that trust was influenced by the transformational leadership style. Further, this study provided the discussions and implications from the findings

    Conceptual framework on transformational leadership style towards employee engagement

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    Over the past two decades, several issues have been raised on employee engagement with regards to contemporary human resource that describes employee engagement as a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind.Employee engagement can be further characterized into vigour, dedication and absorption at workplace.However, some of the problems that decline due to high turnover and related issues arise in organization such as low loyalty, hopping to another organization and high absenteeism.Thus in this research work, it is proposed to investigate the factors that influence employee engagement at Westport Malaysia Sdn Bhd. This correlational study was carried out based on the structured questionnaire circulated to employees who work in various departments.The questionnaires represent the employee engagement as dependent variable and transformational style as independent variable.Initially, a pilot study has been conducted through reliability test and obtained excellent result.Hence, in the further analysis, methodology through statistical analysis is proposed to evaluate the obtained variables

    Profiles, knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics a case of Malaysian government retirees

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    By the year 2020, Malaysia will be an ageing society ignited by the expected increase of senior citizens to 2.71 million.This group consists mainly of the government retirees, who have reached their mandatory retirement age of 56 years old.The objectives of this study are twofold.First, this paper examines the profiles of the Malaysian government retirees and second, to identify the current knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) they have.To elicit findings,a total of 1609 questionnaires were compiled and analyzed using SPSS.Findings indicate that most of the retirees have acquired numerous KSAOs throughout their years of service, especially in the area that relates to their tasks and responsibilities. However, once they have retired, these retirees are unable to harness their invaluable KSAOs for the country’s development.It is therefore of paramount importance for the government to develop a proper means for the seretirees to utilize their KSAOs.Recommendations emphasize several policy guidelines and activities that can be undertaken by the relevant authorities to help the government retirees transfer their KSAOs appropriately

    Improving employees' welfare

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    Employees’ welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages.Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration.The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families

    Union commitment as a predictor of member participation in union activities

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    This study examined the relationship between union commitment and union participation. It also attempted to determine the most important dimension of union commitment in explaining union participation. Data were gathered through a survey of transportation union members in Malaysia. Correlation and regression analyses were used to examine the relationship. Findings showed that dimensions of union commitment, namely membership and efforts towards union, union loyalty, responsibility to the union, belief in unionism, and pride and confidence to union, were correlated with union participation. However, the regression result indicated that only union loyalty was found to be the most significant factor that explained union participation. Implications of the findings are also discussed

    Faktor jurulatih mempengaruhi keberkesanan latihan: Satu kajian empirikal di Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia

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    Pembangunan sumber manusia terutamanya latihan banyak menghuraikan tentang betapa pentingnya latihan di dalam sesebuah organisai.Oleh itu, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberkesanan latihan perlu dititikberatkan agar tidak berlakunya pembaziran.Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini telah dijalankan untuk mengukur perkaitan di antara keberkesanan latihan dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya iaitu faktor jurulatih dengan menggunakan 105 borang soalselidik yang diisi dengan lengkap oleh kakitangan di Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia.Dapatan analisa regresi digunakan untuk mengkaji kekuatan hubungan antara pembolehubah bebas iaitu faktor jurulatih dengan pembolehubah bersandar iaitu keberkesanan latihan. Secara amnya, dapatan kajian ini mengesahkan bahawa faktor jurulatih amat mempengaruhi keberkesanan latihan.Selanjutnya, implikasi dan perbincangan kajian turut dihuraikan dalam kertas kajian ini

    Iklim organisasi penyederhana dalam hubungan budaya organisasi dan amalan kerja berprestasi tinggi

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    Todays world business competition become more open and challenging, This situation demands the organizations more focused to evaluate their role of internal factor such as value and work environment become more quality and competitive advantage.This study was undertaken to explore the influence of organizational climate in the relationship between organizational culture and high performance work system.A cross-sectional survey was performed to identify the current scenario of internal perception among 187 employees in Malaysian broadcasting industry. Result from hierarchy multiple regression analysis showed that there were significant interaction between organizational culture and organizational climate with high performance work system. The findings of this study confirm that the organizational climate acted as a moderator for high performance work practice in the organization.Results suggest that greater use of high performance work practice is associated with positive organizational culture and climates

    Islam Hadhari’s principles and reward management practices: A study in Malaysian private organizations

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    This study is an attempt to provide further insights into the theory and practice of reward management in the local context as Malaysia is implementing Islam Hadhari’s principles in the country.This study also further investigates the relationship between Islam Hadhari’s principles and perceptions of non-monetary and monetary rewards toward the reward program influences.The study adopts a quantitative approach using Partial Least Square (PLS) based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach.The study will benefit the human resource practitioners theoretically and practically by providing direction and suggestions in designing and implementing the non-monetary and monetary rewards for Malaysian private organizations from Islamic perspectives

    Exploring factors that contribute to individual indebtedness among young Muslims

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    This research was aimed at exploring the factors that contribute to individual indebtedness among young Muslims.A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed to the target group within the age range of 25 and 45 years old who are facing debt problems and undergoing financial counselling from AKPK in the Northern region of Malaysia, which encompasses the states of Perak, Pulau Pinang and Kedah/Perlis.Of the 350 questionnaires distributed, 149 were usable as the level of debt of the respondents was 40% and above of the total monthly income.The results revealed that the factors contribute to individual indebtedness are personality extraversion, personality neuroticism, lifestyle impulsive buying, purchasing for lifestyle, parental guidance, religious practice and religious principal

    Pengaruh kepimpinan dalam hubungan antara keadilan organisasi dan politik organisasi dalam institusi kewangan Islam di Malaysia

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    Kajian ini bertujuan menguji peranan perantara kepimpinan dalam hubungan antara keadilan organisasi dan persepsi politik organisasi. Berasaskan reka bentuk keratan rentas, sampel kajian ini melibatkan seramai 291 orang pekerja bukan pegawai daripada pelbagai institusi kewangan Islam di Malaysia. Kajian ini juga menunjukkan bahawa terdapat dimensi-dimensi baru yang wujud dalam keadilan organisasi dan politik organisasi di institusi kewangan Islam di Malaysia. Penemuan dimensi-dimensi baru dilihat dengan menggunakan analisis faktor. Kesan pengaruh antara keadilan organisasi, kepimpinan dan politik organisasi diuji dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa keadilan organisasi mempunyai kesan pengaruh yang signifikan dengan politik organisasi dan kepimpinan berperanan sebagai perantara dalam hubungan antara keadilan organsasi dan politik organisasi