44 research outputs found

    Complex marginal deformations of D3-brane geometries, their Penrose limits and giant gravitons

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    We apply the Lunin--Maldacena construction of gravity duals to beta-deformed gauge theories to a class of Type IIB backgrounds with U(1)^3 global symmetry, which include the multicenter D3-brane backgrounds dual to the Coulomb branch of N=4 super Yang-Mills and the rotating D3-brane backgrounds dual to the theory at finite temperature and chemical potential. After a general discussion, we present the full form of the deformed metrics for three special cases, which can be used for the study of various aspects of the marginally-deformed gauge theories. We also construct the Penrose limits of the solutions dual to the Coulomb branch along a certain set of geodesics and, for the resulting PP--wave metrics, we examine the effect of beta-deformations on the giant graviton states. We find that giant gravitons exist only up to a critical value of the sigma-deformation parameter, are not degenerate in energy with the point graviton, and remain perturbatively stable. Finally, we probe the sigma-deformed multicenter solutions by examining the static heavy-quark potential by means of Wilson loops. We find situations that give rise to complete screening as well as linear confinement, with the latter arising is an intriguing way reminiscent of phase transitions in statistical systems.Comment: 53 pages, 5 figures; v3: version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    On three-point correlation functions in the gauge/gravity duality

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    We study the effect of marginal and irrelevant deformations on the renormalization of operators near a CFT fixed point. New divergences in a given operator are determined by its OPE with the operator D that generates the deformation. This provides a scheme to compute the couplings a_DAB between the operator D and two arbitrary operators O_A and O_B. We exemplify for the case of N=4 SYM, considering the simplest case of the exact Lagrangian deformation. In this case the deformed anomalous dimension matrix is determined by the derivative of the anomalous dimension matrix with respect to the coupling. We use integrability techniques to compute the one-loop couplings a_LAB between the Lagrangian and two distinct large operators built with Magnons, in the SU(2) sector of the theory. Then we consider a_DAA at strong coupling, and show how to compute it using the gauge/gravity duality, when D is a chiral operator dual to any supergravity field and O_A is dual to a heavy string state. We exemplify for the Lagrangian and operators O_A dual to heavy string states, showing agreement with the prediction derived from the renormalization group arguments

    On the velocity and chemical-potential dependence of the heavy-quark interaction in N=4 SYM plasmas

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    We consider the interaction of a heavy quark-antiquark pair moving in N=4 SYM plasma in the presence of non-vanishing chemical potentials. Of particular importance is the maximal length beyond which the interaction is practically turned off. We propose a simple phenomenological law that takes into account the velocity dependence of this screening length beyond the leading order and in addition its dependence on the R-charge. Our proposal is based on studies using rotating D3-branes.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures; v2: energy regularization discussed in detail, references added, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Three-point correlation functions from semiclassical circular strings

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    The strong-coupling limit of three-point correlation functions of local operators can be analyzed beyond the supergravity regime using vertex operators representing spinning string states. When two of the vertex operators correspond to heavy string states having large quantum numbers, while the third operator corresponds to a light state with fixed charges, the correlator can be computed in the large string tension limit by means of a semiclassical approximation. We study the case when the heavy string states are circular string solutions with one AdS_5 spin and three different angular momenta along S^5, for several choices of the light string state.Comment: 13 pages. Latex. v2: Misprints corrected and references adde

    Holographic duals of SQCD models in low dimensions

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    We obtain gravity duals to supersymmetric gauge theories in two and three spacetime dimensions with unquenched flavor. The supergravity solutions are generated by a set of color branes wrapping a compact cycle in a Calabi-Yau threefold, together with another set of flavor branes extended along the directions orthogonal to the cycle wrapped by the color branes. We construct supergravity backgrounds which include the backreaction induced by a smeared set of flavor branes, which act as delocalized dynamical sources of the different supergravity fields.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures;v2: typos correcte

    D3/D7 Quark-Gluon Plasma with Magnetically Induced Anisotropy

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    We study the effects of the temperature and of a magnetic field in the setup of an intersection of D3/D7 branes, where a large number of D7 branes is smeared in the transverse directions to allow for a perturbative solution in a backreaction parameter. The magnetic field sources an anisotropy in the plasma, and we investigate its physical consequences for the thermodynamics and energy loss of particles probing the system. In particular we comment on the stress-energy tensor of the plasma, the propagation of sound in the directions parallel and orthogonal to the magnetic field, the drag force of a quark moving through the medium and jet quenching.Comment: 29 pages + appendices, 5 figures. v2 Version to appear in JHEP, with minor revisions, references added and typos correcte

    Gravity duals for the Coulomb branch of marginally deformed N=4 Yang-Mills

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    Supergravity backgrounds dual to a class of exactly marginal deformations of N supersymmetric Yang-Mills can be constructed through an SL(2,R) sequence of T-dualities and coordinate shifts. We apply this transformation to multicenter solutions and derive supergravity backgrounds describing the Coulomb branch of N=1 theories at strong 't Hooft coupling as marginal deformations of N=4 Yang-Mills. For concreteness we concentrate to cases with an SO(4)xSO(2) symmetry preserved by continuous distributions of D3-branes on a disc and on a three-dimensional spherical shell. We compute the expectation value of the Wilson loop operator and confirm the Coulombic behaviour of the heavy quark-antiquark potential in the conformal case. When the vev is turned on we find situations where a complete screening of the potential arises, as well as a confining regime where a linear or a logarithmic potential prevails depending on the ratio of the quark-antiquark separation to the typical vev scale. The spectra of massless excitations on these backgrounds are analyzed by turning the associated differential equations into Schrodinger problems. We find explicit solutions taking into account the entire tower of states related to the reduction of type-IIB supergravity to five dimensions, and hence we go beyond the s-wave approximation that has been considered before for the undeformed case. Arbitrary values of the deformation parameter give rise to the Heun differential equation and the related Inozemtsev integrable system, via a non-standard trigonometric limit as we explicitly demonstrate.Comment: 43 pages, Latex, 2 figures. v2: References added. v3: small typos corrected, published versio

    Holographic Hadrons in a Confining Finite Density Medium

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    We study a sector of the hadron spectrum in the presence of finite baryon density. We use a non-supersymmetric gravity dual to a confining guage theory which exhibits a running dilaton. The interaction of mesons with the finite density medium is encoded in the dual theory by a force balancing between flavor D7-branes and a baryon vertex provided by a wrapped D5-brane. When the current quark mass m_q is sufficiently large, the meson mass reduces, exhibiting an interesting spectral flow as we increase the baryon density while it has a more complicated behaviour for very small m_q.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figures, errors for some figures are fixe

    Holographic flavor in N=4 gauge theories in 3d from wrapped branes

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    We study the addition of flavor to the gravity dual of N=4 three-dimensional gauge theories obtained by wrapping NcN_c D4-branes on a two-cycle of a non-compact Calabi-Yau two-fold. In this setup the flavor is introduced by adding another set of D4-branes that are extended along the non-compact directions of the Calabi-Yau which are normal to the cycle which the color branes wrap. The analysis is performed both in the quenched and unquenched approximations. In this latter case we compute the backreacted metric and we show that it reproduces the running of the gauge coupling. The meson spectrum and the behavior of Wilson loops are also discussed and the holographic realization of the Higgs branch is analyzed. Other aspects of this system studied are the entanglement entropy and the non-relativistic version of our backgrounds.Comment: 44 pages, 6 figure