3 research outputs found

    Multilevel continuous creative education at school

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    Зиновкина Милослава Михайловна: В статье автор описывает теорию и практику внедрения в школах России и за рубежом авторской системы многоуровневого непрерывного креативного образования NFTM-TRIZ. Эта система с восторгом востребована и реализуется в школах Южной Кореи, в стране, которая за короткое время достигла огромных успехов в своем развитии. Статья адресована учителям школ, гимназий, лицеев; полезна аспирантам и специалистам, работающим в области креативной педагогики.In this article the author describes the theory and practice of introduction at Rossi's schools and abroad author's system of multilevel continuous creative education of NFTM-TRIZ. This system with delight is demanded and is realized at school in South Korea, in the country which has for a short time reached tre-mendous successes in the development. Article is addressed to teachers of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums. It is useful to graduate students and the experts working in the field of creative pedagogics

    Педагогическая система НФТМ-ТРИЗ при реализации ФГОС начального общего образования

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    The paper describes possible ways of using pedagogical system of continuous formation of creative thinking and development of creative abilities of students using intelligent means of the theory of inventive problem solving at schools to implement productively Federal State Educational Standard primary general education. The paper describes key features of the pedagogical system NFTM-TRIZ and the necessity of creating consultation centers on this methodology

    Система компьютерной интерактивной поддержки мышления молодежи с ограниченными возможностями здоровья

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    The basic principle of creative education - a creative collaboration of students and teachers in the learning process. Dialogic interaction is key when training people with disabilities. Dialogic interaction - a system of formation and development of practical skills of communication and co-creation of trainees based on openness and spiritual enrichment. Interactive technology is self-forming communication skills among the youth of the creative personality