7 research outputs found

    "Der det slutter, starter det"

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    Master's thesis in Social workDenne masteroppgaven har hatt fokus pÄ hvordan ungdom opplever sin egen overgang fra institusjon og fosterhjem til en selvstendig tilvÊrelse. Jeg Þnsket Ä fÄ fem de unges tanker og erfaringer rundt deres egen overgang. Jeg endte opp med problemstillingen: Hvordan opplever ungdom som har vÊrt pÄ institusjon og fosterhjem sin egen overgang til en selvstendig tilvÊrelse? Gjennom denne problemstillingen Þnsket jeg Ä fÄ frem de unges stemme, som kunne vÊre med pÄ Ä styrke dagens ettervern. Ettervern handler om Ä stÞtte de unge i barnevernet pÄ vei ut i en selvstendig tilvÊrelse pÄ en god mÄte. Problemstillingen vil kunne gi svar pÄ hvordan ungdom fra institusjon og fosterhjem opplever sin overgang til et selvstendig liv. Gjennom min barnevernutdanning opplevde jeg mye fokus pÄ ungdom pÄ vei inn i barnevernet, og lite pÄ de som var pÄ vei ut. Det er viktig Ä tenke pÄ at de en dag skal ut i det selvstendige liv og kunne ta vare pÄ seg selv og kunne bidra i samfunnets oppgaver. Det med utgangspunkt Ä legge til rette for den enkelte ungdom, slik at de mÞter sin selvstendige tilvÊrelse pÄ best mulig mÄte. Gjennom denne studien ville jeg rette oppmerksomheten pÄ de unge opplevelser av denne prosessen Jeg har valgt en kvalitativ studie med dybdeintervju som metodeform. I tillegg til intervjuene har jeg ogsÄ brukt ulike teoretisk og forskningsmessig perspektiv for Ä belyse problemstillingen min. Jeg har intervjuet syv ungdommer, seks jenter og en gutt i alderen 18-24 Är. Ungdommene satt inne med informasjon om deres overgang til den selvstendige tilvÊrelse. Informantene ble rekruttert gjennom institusjonen og bekjente. Mine informanter skulle ha to fellestrekk, de skulle vÊre over myndighetsalderen og ha vÊrt pÄ institusjon eller fosterhjem. Det som kommer frem i denne studien handler om Ä se pÄ ettervern som en prosess som omhandler fÞr, under og etter utflytting. Fremstillingen viser at fravÊr i hele prosessen resulterte i en negativ overgang, og ingen grunnlag for Ä klare seg i det selvstendige liv. Prosessen som tilstedevÊrende fÞrte til en god overgang, med et bedre grunnlag for Ä leve selvstendig. I diskusjon av mine funn fant jeg at seks av syv informanter levde den selvstendige tilvÊrelse. Den siste bodde pÄ intervjutidspunktet pÄ institusjon igjen. Det kom frem en rekke faktorer som ikke var til stede i overgangen til den selvstendige tilvÊrelse. Funnene viser at oppfÞlging etter utflytting og relasjon kom frem som viktigst. Det vil si etter utflytting

    Uneven geographies of asylum accommodation: Conceptualizing the impact of spatial, material, and institutional differences on (un)familiarity between asylum seekers and local residents

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    Asylum accommodation is held to isolate asylum seekers spatially and socially from the majority population in host societies. Little attention has been devoted to variation in asylum accommodation at the level of the everyday. Central to this paper is the argument that variation between localities, as well as variation on the level of the built environment creates ‘uneven geographies of asylum accommodation’. The paper theorizes that more ‘open’ forms of asylum accommodation may foster familiarity between asylum seekers and local residents through the development of closer everyday social relations, and more ‘closed’ forms of asylum accommodation may enforce feelings of unfamiliarity by strengthening processes of categorization and everyday bordering. In so doing, we propose to differentiate between ‘spatial’, ‘material’ and ‘institutional’ dimensions of openness of asylum accommodation and aim to understand ‘(un)familiarity’ as expression of people’s experiences, knowledge and perceptions of social distance. We further argue that feelings of (un)familiarity are connected to processes of belonging and estrangement

    European Policy Brief. The Assets of Urban Diversity

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    City policy agendas are much more geared to the assets of diversity than national agendas. Careful city planning can link diversity policies to spatial interventions and stimulates the inclusion of new groups, such as refugees. A hopeful sign for cities is that younger generations are more at ease with diversity than older ones and tend to focus more on what unites us than what separates us. This policy brief, therefore, calls for a positive approach to diversity and presents cities as spaces of hope

    Uneven geographies of asylum accommodation: Conceptualizing the impact of spatial, material, and institutional differences on (un)familiarity between asylum seekers and local residents

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    Asylum accommodation is held to isolate asylum seekers spatially and socially from the majority population in host societies. Little attention has been devoted to variation in asylum accommodation at the level of the everyday. Central to this paper is the argument that variation between localities, as well as variation on the level of the built environment creates ‘uneven geographies of asylum accommodation’. The paper theorizes that more ‘open’ forms of asylum accommodation may foster familiarity between asylum seekers and local residents through the development of closer everyday social relations, and more ‘closed’ forms of asylum accommodation may enforce feelings of unfamiliarity by strengthening processes of categorization and everyday bordering. In so doing, we propose to differentiate between ‘spatial’, ‘material’ and ‘institutional’ dimensions of openness of asylum accommodation and aim to understand ‘(un)familiarity’ as expression of people’s experiences, knowledge and perceptions of social distance. We further argue that feelings of (un)familiarity are connected to processes of belonging and estrangement

    European Policy Brief. The Assets of Urban Diversity

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    City policy agendas are much more geared to the assets of diversity than national agendas. Careful city planning can link diversity policies to spatial interventions and stimulates the inclusion of new groups, such as refugees. A hopeful sign for cities is that younger generations are more at ease with diversity than older ones and tend to focus more on what unites us than what separates us. This policy brief, therefore, calls for a positive approach to diversity and presents cities as spaces of hope

    Enhancement of bioactivity and bioavailability of curcumin with chitosan based materials

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