509 research outputs found

    Автоматизоване проектування вітроенергетичних установок з комбінованим ротором

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    The paper is devoted to the vertical axis wind turbine combined rotor computer-aided design. Itincludes the description of main types of vertical axis rotors and their structural parameters. It is solved theproblem of combined rotor structural and parameter synthesisРассмотрено проектирование автоматизированных ветроэнергетических установок с вертикальной осью вращения и комбинированным ротором. Описаны основные типы роторов с вертикальной осью вращения и ихструктурные параметры. Решена задача структурного и параметрического синтеза комбинированного ротораРозглянуто проектування автоматизованих вітроенергетичних установок з вертикальною віссю обертання такомбінованим ротором. Описано основні типи роторів з вертикальною віссю обертання та їх структурні параметри. Розв’язано задачу структурного та параметричного синтезу комбінованого ротор

    Оптимальний вибір профілю лопаті ротора вітроенергетичної установки

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    The paperis devoted to vertical axis wind turbine combined rotor blade profile optimalselection. It includes the description of wind turbine optimization parameters, the statement ofmulticriteria optimization problem and the description of hybrid optimization algorithmРазработан алгоритм оптимального выбора профиля лопасти комбинированного ротора с вертикальной осью вращения. В работе приведено описание параметров оптимизации ротора, поставлена задача многокритериальной оптимизации и приведен гибридный алгоритм многокритериальной оптимизацииРозроблено алгоритм оптимального вибору профілю лопаті комбінованого ротора вітроенергетичної установкиз вертикальною віссю обертання. У роботі наведено опис параметрів оптимізації ротора, поставлено задачу багатокритеріальної оптимізації та наведено гібридний алгоритм багатокритеріальної оптимізаці

    The study of organogel formation with cyclo(leucyl-leucine) by the AFM method

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    This work was supported by the ministry of education and science of russian federation [grant №14.y26.31.0019

    Selective preparation of beta-cyclodextrin clathrates by solid-phase exchange of included tetrahydrofurane for volatile guests in absence of water

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    © 2014 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary. Solid-phase guest-exchange products, prepared from dehydrated clathrate of beta-cyclodextrin (bCD) with tetrahydrofurane (THF) by its saturation with vapor of second guest, were studied using thermal analysis by thermogravimetry combined with mass-spectrometric detection of evolved vapors. This guest-exchange procedure was found to be effective for inclusion of volatile guests, which otherwise require a difficult optimization of preparation conditions. Besides, a performed solid-phase exchange without liquid/solid-phase contact is a standard, technologically friendly procedure of clathrate preparation, which does not require further drying to provide an end product. An observed exchange of THF in the absence of water is rather selective, with some hydrophobic guests being unable to replace THF in its dried clathrate with bCD. This selectivity together with low toxicity of THF may be an advantage for practical applications of this guest-exchange method

    A calorimetric study of the formation of phenacetin solid dispersions with PEG-1400 and pluronic F127

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    The formation of solid dispersions is one of the methods of drug hydrophilization. The method of low-temperature differential scanning calorimetry showed the possibility to obtain phenacetin solid dispersions with polyethylene glycol and Pluronic F127. The method of low-temperature differential scanning calorimetry proved that when the polymer/phenacetin ratio is 10:1, the crystalline phase of the drug is not fixed, while when the ratio is 1:1 the pharmacological component exhibits the properties of a separate phase and does not form a solid dispersion. Phenacetin does not exhibit plastifying action and does not change the thermophysical properties of polymer phase that can facilitate an easy release of the drug from the composite. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Cultural-historic resources as a factor of entrance tourism development in Finland

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. The article is devoted to the complex evaluation of the venue of cultural-historic heritage of Finland, in order to prove its tourist attraction and inclusion into the touristic routes around the country. The cultural-historic venue are classified thematically, their territorial location and ranging in Finland are shown

    Rheological properties of epoxy oligomers and their mixtures in a wide temperature range

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    The rheological properties of a series of epoxy-diane and epoxy-novolac oligomers and active diluents were studied in a wide temperature range. The activation energies of their viscous flow in the regions of low and high temperatures were calculated. In a series of active diluents, the efficiency of decreasing viscosity of their mixtures with epoxy oligomers correlates with the glass transition temperature of the diluent. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Analysis of guest binary mixtures by tert-butylcalix[6]arene using host memory of previously bound guests

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    A new principle of quantitative and qualitative analysis of binary organic mixtures is offered, which is based on an ability of calixarene receptor for specific polymorphic transitions related to the composition of the analyzed guest mixture. The ability of tert-butylcalix[6]arene to remember selectively some guests bound from headspace both of pure liquids and their binary mixtures is used. The image of guest mixture remains written in metastable polymorphs of host after partial or complete guest elimination from clathrates. The memory was read using differential scanning calorimetry as the enthalpy of exothermic polymorphic transition of host collapse. This enthalpy monotonously changes with the variation of guests' ratio in mixture, unlike the enthalpies of endothermic pseudopolymorphic transitions of guest release. So, the composition of volatile binary mixture can be estimated using only one receptor and only one its parameter even in absence of preferential binding from a binary mixture of guests. This is an example of a genuine molecular recognition. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry