1,486 research outputs found

    Long-time asymptotic series for the Painleve II equation: Riemann-Hilbert approach

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    We elaborate a systematic way to obtain higher order contributions in the nonlinear steepest descent method for Riemann-Hilbert problem associated with homogeneous Painleve II equation. The problem is reformulated as a matrix factorization problem on two circles and can be solved perturbatively reducing it to finite systems of algebraic linear equations. The method is applied to find explicitly long-time asymptotic behaviour for tau function of Painleve II equation.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    The new approaches to problem of polymorbidity

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    High prevalence of polymorbidity in outpatient therapeutic practice calls for improvement of diagnostic approaches, in particular, the development of methods for its measurement and using the results for optimization the number of medical, rehabilitation, expert and prevention processes. The methodology of integrated evaluation of polymorbidity based on the principles of polyparametric analysis allows to stratify degree polymorbidity and significantly optimize the program of clinical supervision, treatment (including - assessing pharmacological load), prevention, rehabilitation, sanatorium selection, predicting the course and outcome of diseases, perform express-analysis of the degree of disability, cardiovascular risk in complex diagnostic and treatment intervention

    Quality estimation of structurally ordered assembly for threaded connection welding

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    Structurally ordered assembly for threaded connection welding allowing supporting high accuracy of relative position of a product connectable components has been considere

    Investigation of the optical spectra of barium-zinc (aluminum) fluoroborates and barium-zinc fluorocarbonate from first principles

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    The Raman scattering, infrared absorption, and reflection spectra of hexagonal non-centrosymmetric BaZnBO3F and BaAlBO3F2 and centrosymmetric BaZn3BO3F2 and BaZnCO3F2 are calculated using the standard procedures of the CRYSTAL package with the basis of localized orbitals and the B3LYP hybrid functional within the framework of the Hartree-Fock conjugate perturbation method. It is shown that the layered structure of crystals manifests itself in the spectra of vibrational modes polarized along and perpendicular to the c axis with wavenumbers for the lattice region formed by displacements of atoms in [BaF]∞ and [MAO3]∞ (M: Zn, Al; A: B, C) layers, for molecular deformation outside and in the plane of anions BO3 and CO3. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the spectra is determined by the symmetry of the crystal lattice

    Effective free-fermionic form factors and the XY spin chain

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    We introduce effective form factors for one-dimensional lattice fermions with arbitrary phase shifts. We study tau functions defined as series of these form factors. On the one hand we perform the exact summation and present tau functions as Fredholm determinants in the thermodynamic limit. On the other hand simple expressions of form factors allow us to present the corresponding series as integrals of elementary functions. Using this approach we re-derive the asymptotics of static correlation functions of the XY quantum chain at finite temperature

    On Landauer--B\"uttiker formalism from a quantum quench

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    We study transport in the free fermionic one-dimensional systems subjected to arbitrary local potentials. The bias needed for the transport is modeled by the initial highly non-equilibrium distribution where only half of the system is populated. Additionally to that, the local potential is also suddenly changed when the transport starts. For such a quench protocol we compute the Full Counting Statistics (FCS) of the number of particles in the initially empty part. In the thermo\-dynamic limit, the FCS can be expressed via the Fredholm determinant with the kernel depending on the scattering data and Jost solutions of the pre-quench and the post-quench potentials. We discuss the large-time asymptotic behavior of the obtained determinant and observe that if two or more bound states are present in the spectrum of the post-quench potential the information about the initial state manifests itself in the persistent oscillations of the FCS. On the contrary, when there are no bound states the asymptotic behavior of the FCS is determined solely by the scattering data of the post-quench potential, which for the current (the first moment) is given by the Landauer--B\"uttiker formalism. The information about the initial state can be observed only in the transient dynamics
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