347 research outputs found

    Consensus-Based Distributed Batch Estimation in Asynchronous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, to address the distributed estimation problem over an asynchronous wireless sensor network (aWSN), an average consensus-based distributed batch estimation (DBE) method is proposed. The DBE seeks to update the global posterior with a predefined global update period (GUP) and is implemented with a local filter (LF) and a fusion filter (FF). For LF, we develop two different asynchronous batch estimation approaches to align and compute the asynchronous local posteriors of multiple nodes in an aWSN. At FF, an average consensus filter is adopted to compute the global posterior via a proposed DBE fusion rule. Numerical results show that the proposed DBE method has high target-tracking accuracy and is robust to strong asynchronism. Besides, the optimality of DBE fusion can be approximately achieved with a sufficiently large number of particles and consensus iterations

    Safe Stabilization with Model Uncertainties: A Universal Formula with Gaussian Process Learning

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    A combination of control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) and control barrier functions (CBFs) forms an efficient framework for addressing control challenges in safe stabilization. In our previous research, we developed an analytical control strategy, namely the universal formula, that incorporates CLF and CBF conditions for safe stabilization. However, successful implementation of this universal formula relies on an accurate model, as any mismatch between the model and the actual system can compromise stability and safety. In this paper, we propose a new universal formula that leverages Gaussian processes (GPs) learning to address safe stabilization in the presence of model uncertainty. By utilizing the results related to bounded learning errors, we achieve a high probability of stability and safety guarantees with the proposed universal formula. Additionally, we introduce a probabilistic compatibility condition to evaluate conflicts between the modified CLF and CBF conditions with GP learning results. In cases where compatibility assumptions fail and control system limits are present, we propose a modified universal formula that relaxes stability constraints and a projection-based method accommodating control limits. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach through a simulation of adaptive cruise control (ACC), highlighting its potential for practical applications in real-world scenarios

    Controlling a triangular flexible formation of autonomous agents

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    In formation control, triangular formations consisting of three autonomous agents serve as a class of benchmarks that can be used to test and compare the performances of different controllers. We present an algorithm that combines the advantages of both position- and distance-based gradient descent control laws. For example, only two pairs of neighboring agents need to be controlled, agents can work in their own local frame of coordinates and the orientation of the formation with respect to a global frame of coordinates is not prescribed. We first present a novel technique based on adding artificial biases to neighboring agents' range sensors such that their eventual positions correspond to a collinear configuration. Right after, a small modification in the bias terms by introducing a prescribed rotation matrix will allow the control of the bearing of the neighboring agents.Comment: 7 pages, accepted in the 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC

    Exponential stability for formation control systems with generalized controllers: A unified approach

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    This paper discusses generalized controllers for distance-based rigid formation shape stabilization and aims to provide a unified approach for the convergence analysis. We consider two types of formation control systems according to different characterizations of target formations: minimally rigid target formation and non-minimally rigid target formation. For the former case, we firstly prove the local exponential stability for rigid formation systems when using a general form of shape controllers with certain properties. From this viewpoint, different formation controllers proposed in previous literature can be included in a unified framework. We then extend the result to the case that the target formation is non-minimally rigid, and show that exponential stability of the formation system is still guaranteed with generalized controllers

    A network SIS meta-population model with transportation flow

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    This paper considers a deterministic Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) metapopulation model for the spread of a disease in a strongly connected network, where each node represents a large population. Individuals can travel between the nodes (populations). We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the healthy equilibrium to be the unique equilibrium of the system, and then in fact it is asymptotically stable for all initial conditions (a sufficient condition for exponential stability is also given). If the condition is not satisfied, then there additionally exists a unique endemic equilibrium which is exponentially stable for all nonzero initial conditions. We then consider time-delay in the travel between nodes, and further investigate the role of the mobility rate that governs the flow of individuals between nodes in determining the convergence properties. We find that sometimes, increasing mobility helps the system converge to the healthy equilibrium.</p

    An alternating peak-optimization method for optimal trajectory generation of quadrotor drones

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    In this paper, we propose an alternating optimization method to address a time-optimal trajectory generation problem. Different from the existing solutions, our approach introduces a new formulation that minimizes the overall trajectory running time while maintaining the polynomial smoothness constraints and incorporating hard limits on motion derivatives to ensure feasibility. To address this problem, an alternating peak-optimization method is developed, which splits the optimization process into two sub-optimizations: the first sub-optimization optimizes polynomial coefficients for smoothness, and the second sub-optimization adjusts the time allocated to each trajectory segment. These are alternated until a feasible minimum-time solution is found. We offer a comprehensive set of simulations and experiments to showcase the superior performance of our approach in comparison to existing methods. A collection of demonstration videos with real drone flying experiments can be accessed at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQGtPFK17zUYkwFT-fr0a8E49R8Uq712l
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