2,913 research outputs found

    Large-eddy simulation for flow and dispersion in urban streets

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    Large-eddy simulations (LES) with our recently developed inflow approach (Xie &Castro, 2008a) have been used for flow and dispersion within a genuine city area -the DAPPLE site, located at the intersection of Marylebone Rd and Gloucester Plin Central London. Numerical results up to second-order statistics are reported fora computational domain of 1.2km (streamwise) x 0.8km (lateral) x 0.2km (in fullscale), with a resolution down to approximately one meter in space and one secondin time. They are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. Such a comprehensiveurban geometry is often, as here, composed of staggered, aligned, squarearrays of blocks with non-uniform height and non-uniform base, street canyons andintersections. Both the integrative and local effect of flow and dispersion to thesegeometrical patterns were investigated. For example, it was found that the peaksof spatially averaged urms, vrms, wrms and < u0w0 > occurred neither at the meanheight nor at the maximum height, but at the height of large and tall buildings. Itwas also found that the mean and fluctuating concentrations in the near-source fieldis highly dependent on the source location and the local geometry pattern, whereasin the far field (e.g. >0.1km) they are not. In summary, it is demonstrated thatfull-scale resolution of around one meter is sufficient to yield accurate prediction ofthe flow and mean dispersion characteristics and to provide reasonable estimationof concentration fluctuation

    Adsorption and desorption kinetics of gallium atoms on 6H-SiC(0001) surfaces

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    Gallium (Ga) surface adsorption and desorption kinetics on 6H-SiC(0001) are investigated using reflection high-energy electron diffraction. It is found that for Ga adsorption, a wetting layer bonds strongly to the SiC(0001) surface. Additional Ga atoms form droplets on top of the wetting layer. The Ga droplets behave like a metallic liquid. The activation energies for desorption are determined to be 3.5 eV for Ga in the wetting layer and 2.5 eV for Ga in the droplets. It is further found that the desorption of Ga atoms from the wetting layer follows a zero-order kinetics, i.e., the desorption rate is independent of the number of adsorbed atoms. ©2000 The American Physical Society.published_or_final_versio

    Coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics of the 2017 extreme coastal El Niño.

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    In March 2017, sea surface temperatures off Peru rose above 28 °C, causing torrential rains that affected the lives of millions of people. This coastal warming is highly unusual in that it took place with a weak La Niña state. Observations and ocean model experiments show that the downwelling Kelvin waves caused by strong westerly wind events over the equatorial Pacific, together with anomalous northerly coastal winds, are important. Atmospheric model experiments further show the anomalous coastal winds are forced by the coastal warming. Taken together, these results indicate a positive feedback off Peru between the coastal warming, atmospheric deep convection, and the coastal winds. These coupled processes provide predictability. Indeed, initialized on as early as 1 February 2017, seasonal prediction models captured the extreme rainfall event. Climate model projections indicate that the frequency of extreme coastal El Niño will increase under global warming

    Modelling extreme concentration from a source in a turbulent flow over rough wall

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    The concentration fluctuations in passive plumes from an elevated and a groundlevel source in a turbulent boundary layer over a rough wall were studied using large eddy simulation and wind tunnel experiment. The predictions of statistics up to second order moments were thereby validated. In addition, the trend of relative fluctuations far downstream for a ground level source was estimated using dimensional analysis. The techniques of extreme value theory were then applied to predict extreme concentrations by modelling the upper tail of the probability density function of the concentration time series by the Generalised Pareto Distribution. Data obtained from both the simulations and experiments were analysed in this manner. The predicted maximum concentration (?0) normalized by the local mean concentration (Cm) or by the local r.m.s of concentration fluctuation (crms), was extensively investigated. Values for ?0/Cm and ?0/crms as large as 50 and 20 respectively were found for the elevated source and 10 and 15 respectively for the ground-level source

    Observation of 'ghost' islands and surfactant effect of surface gallium atoms during GaN growth by molecular beam epitaxy

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    GaN (0001) films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) were studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). 'Ghost' islands were observed on surfaces grown under excess Ga conditions. These ghost islands were associated to a metastable, intermediate nucleation state of the surface.published_or_final_versio

    Initial stage of GaN growth and its implication to defect formation in films

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    In situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) observations of initial growth processes of GaN by molecularbeam epitaxy reveal important differences between growth on vicinal versus flat SiC(0001) substrates. Based on stop-growth STM studies, we explain why there are orders of magnitude reductions in the density of threading screw dislocations in the vicinal films. It is shown that on vicinal surfaces, three-dimensional (3D) islands develop into a characteristic shape. The islands coalesce much sooner than on flat surfaces. Consequently, fewer defects are created at their boundaries.published_or_final_versio

    Anisotropic step-flow growth and island growth of GaN(0001) by molecular beam epitaxy

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    GaN(0001) thin films are grown using radio frequency plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. By changing the growth temperature, anisotropic growth rate behavior is observed in both the step-flow growth mode and the 2D island growth mode. Tunneling scanning microscopy reveals, in the step-flow growth mode, strong influences from the growth anisotropy on the shape of the terrace edges, resulting in striking differences between hexagonal and cubic films. In the 2D nucleation growth mode, triangularly shaped islands are formed. The significance of growth anisotropy to growing high quality GaN films is discussed.published_or_final_versio

    Comparative study on the broadening of exciton luminescence linewidth due to phonon in zinc-blende and wurtzite GaN epilayers

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    The broadening of exciton luminescence linewidth due to phonon in zinc-blende and wurtzite GaN epilayers was discussed. The coupling parameters between exciton and acoustic and longitudinal optical phonons were obtained for both structures. The analysis showed that the coupling constants of both exciton-acoustic optial phonon coupling and exciton-longitudinal optical phonon coupling for zinc-blende GaN were almost twice as much as the corresponding values of wurtzite GaN.published_or_final_versio

    Evidence for a Type-II band alignment between cubic and hexagonal phases of GaN

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    The study of photoluminescence spectra of a series of thin, undoped, hexagonal GaN films containing cubic GaN inclusions grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on 6H-SiC was presented. It was shown that an emission peak at ∼3.17 eV in thin, hexagonal GaN films exhibits behaviors typical of a spatially indirect transition. The values of the band offsets extracted from the data were in good agreement with theoretical predictions.published_or_final_versio