518,540 research outputs found

    Studying Membrane Biogenesis with a Luciferase-Based Reporter Gene Assay

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    To study the coordination of different lipid synthesis pathways during membrane biogenesis it is useful to work with an experimental system where membrane biogenesis occurs rapidly and in an inducible manner. We have found that phagocytosis of latex beads is practical for these purposes as cells rapidly synthesize membrane lipids to replenish membrane pools lost as wrapping material during particle engulfment. Here, we describe procedures for studying changes in phagocytosis-induced gene expression with a luciferase-based reporter gene approach using the Dual-Glo Luciferase Assay System from Promega

    Auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo calculations of molecular systems with a Gaussian basis

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    We extend the recently introduced phaseless auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) approach to any single-particle basis, and apply it to molecular systems with Gaussian basis sets. QMC methods in general scale favorably with system size, as a low power. A QMC approach with auxiliary fields in principle allows an exact solution of the Schrodinger equation in the chosen basis. However, the well-known sign/phase problem causes the statistical noise to increase exponentially. The phaseless method controls this problem by constraining the paths in the auxiliary-field path integrals with an approximate phase condition that depends on a trial wave function. In the present calculations, the trial wave function is a single Slater determinant from a Hartree-Fock calculation. The calculated all-electron total energies show typical systematic errors of no more than a few milli-Hartrees compared to exact results. At equilibrium geometries in the molecules we studied, this accuracy is roughly comparable to that of coupled-cluster with single and double excitations and with non-iterative triples, CCSD(T). For stretched bonds in H2_2O, our method exhibits better overall accuracy and a more uniform behavior than CCSD(T).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. submitted to JC

    An optimal synchronous bandwidth allocation scheme for guaranteeing synchronous message deadlines with the timed-token MAC protocol

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    This paper investigates the inherent timing properties of the timed-token medium access control (MAC) protocol necessary to guarantee synchronous message deadlines in a timed token ring network such as, fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), where the timed-token MAC protocol is employed. As a result, an exact upper bound, tighter than previously published, on the elapse time between any number of successive token arrivals at a particular node has been derived. Based on the exact protocol timing property, an optimal synchronous bandwidth allocation (SBA) scheme named enhanced MCA (EMCA) for guaranteeing synchronous messages with deadlines equal to periods in length is proposed. Thm scheme is an enhancement on the previously publiibed MCA scheme

    Fermi motion and nuclear modification factor

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    It has been argued recently that the so-called nuclear modification factor (RAAR_{AA}) is an observable useful for identifying the quark-gluon plasma. We discuss the effect of Fermi motion in nuclei on RAAR_{AA} at CERN SPS and BNL RHIC energies. Contrary to the simple intuition, rather large effects are found for CERN SPS. The Fermi motion in nuclei contributes significantly to the Cronin effect. The effect found is qualitatively similar to the one observed experimentally at CERN energies and similar to the one obtained in the models of multiple scattering of initial partons. We predict different size of the effect for different types of hadrons, especially at low energies.Comment: 16 pages + 6 figures, some calculations have been corrected, text has been modified accordingly, 1 figure has been added, in print Modern Physics Letters A19 (2004)

    Intramolecular dynamics. II. Artificial intelligence search evaluation function and treatment of resonance centers for large systems

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    The role of resonance centers in obtaining large size matrices via an artificial intelligence (AI) search is discussed. The results are used to develop for an AI search an evaluation function which takes cognizance of isolated internal resonances in these many-state systems. The effect of later-accepted states on resonance centers is included. This evaluation function and one without a resonance factor are used in Part III of this series. A search is made there to select zeroth-order vibrational states of benzene that are used in a diagonalization treatment of CH overtone spectra. When there are many overlapping resonances, as in that case, a comparison of results obtained with those two types of evaluation function is of particular interest
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