1,523 research outputs found

    Surface Induced Ordering on Model Liquid Crystalline Dendrimers

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    We present results from Monte Carlo simulations of liquid crystalline dendrimers (LCDrs) adsorbed on flat, impenetrable substrates. A tractable coarse grained force field for the inter-dendritic and the dendrimer-substrate interactions is introduced. We investigate the conformational and ordering properties of single, end-functionalized LCDrs under homeotropic, random (or degenerate) planar and unidirectional planar aligning substrates. Depending on the anchoring conditions of the mesogenic units of the LCDr and on temperature a variety of stable LCDr states, differing in their topology, are observed and analysed. The influence of the denritic generation and core functionality on the surface-induced ordering of the LCDrs are examined.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Measuring Market Integration in Mozambican Maize Markets: A Threshold Vector Error Correction Approach

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    The primary objective of this research was to measure the extent of market integration between major surplus and deficit maize markets in Mozambique namely, Chimoio-Maputo, Chimoio-Beira, Ribaue-Nampula, and Mocuba-Nampula. To achieve this objective, Threshold Vector Autoregressive models were applied. The choice of the model was motivated by unobservable transaction costs and the import ant influence that their presence may exert on equilibrium spatial price relationships. The following are some of the major findings of the study. Firstly, threshold values (i.e. estimates of transaction costs) are found to be correlated positively with distance and inversely with the condition of the roads connecting markets. Secondly, market integration analysis revealed that out of the four surplus and deficit market combinations studied, Chimoio- Maputo and Mocuba-Nampula market pairs are integrated. However, the degree of integration was found to be the strongest in the former. Finally, results from the impulse response suggested that deficit/surplus markets, in the integrated market combinations, are relatively more responsive to shocks emanating from surplus/deficit markets.Mozambique, market integration, maize market, transaction cost, threshold vector error correction, Crop Production/Industries, Marketing, C21, C22, D4, E3, Q13,

    Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Striga Infestation, Yield and Yield Related Traits in Sorghum [(Sorghum Bicolor (L.)Moench] Varieties at Kile, Eastern Ethiopia

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    Striga spp. are considered to be the greatest biological constraint to food production in sub-Saharan Africa. They are among the most specialized root-parasitic plants inflicting serious injury to their host depriving them water, minerals and photosynthesis from the host. Ethiopia is the one among countries facing the challenges of those deadly enemies for sorghum crop production. This problem is also common in the eastern semi-arid area which is one of the most sorghum producing areas of the country including Kile-Bisidimo plain. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates on Striga infestation, yield and yield related traits on three sorghum varieties (Gubiye, Hormat and Teshale) and five nitrogen fertilizer rates (0, 23, 46, 69 and 92 kg N ha- 1) at Kile, eastern Ethiopia in a randomized complete block design replicated three times. Plots treated with N fertilizer had significantly fewer number of Striga at 10, and 12 weeks after planting (WAP), but at 8WAP and at harvest was not significant due to all.  Based on this study, nitrogen fertilizer has the potential to reduce number of Striga per plot while increasing rates from zero to 92kg N ha-1. Similarly, N fertilizer was significantly affected the plant height, capsules/plant and dry weight/plot.  Nitrogen at 92 kg N ha-1was significantly more effective in suppressing S. hermonthica than nitrogen at 0, 23, 46 and 69 kg N ha-1 applied at 10 and 12 WAP.  There was statistically significant difference due to variety on days to 50% flowering, due to nitrogen was not significant. Days to 90% maturity was significantly affected by both. Growth parameter (plant height) was only significant due to nitrogen. Among yield and yield components, stand count was not affected by all.  Productive tillers per plot (12m2) and tiller number per plant were significant for all except nitrogen by variety interaction.  Regarding panicle weight, above ground biomass, grain yield, 1000-kernel weight and harvest index) were significant due to nitrogen and variety, but nitrogen by variety interaction was not significant. Panicle length was significant due to only variety, but others were not.  With regard to economic analysis application of 92 kg ha-1was gave the highest gross benefit (45,402.48 ETB ha-1) whereas the lowest gross benefit (22,217.76 ETB ha-1) was obtained under no N treatment. The highest net benefit (31,535.84 ETB ha-1) was obtained with 92 kg N ha-1 application while the lowest net benefit (15,495.76 ETB ha-1) was from no N application. Marginal rate of return was positive for all N rates. The percentage gain from 46 to 69 kg N ha-1 is better as compared to the gain from 0 to 23 kg N ha-1, 23 to 46 kg N ha-1 and 69 to 92 kg N ha-1.  The economic analysis has led to 69 kg N ha-1 when compared to 0, 23, 46 and 92 kg N ha-1 as suitable for potential adoption by farmers. Keywords:  Nitrogen, soil characteristics, S.hermonthica, Yield components of sorghu

    Major Causes of Organ Condemnation and Direct Financial Loss in Bovine Slaughter in Hawassa Municipal Abattoir Hawassa, Ethiopia

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    This study was conducted from November 2009 to April 2010 on cattle slaughter at Hawassa municipal abattoir. An attempted was made to study major causes of organ condemnation and to estimate the direct finical loss due to the condemnation of edible organ. A total of 768 were examined by standard postmortem inspection procedure.  Out of the 524 (67.19%) livers 503 (65.4%) lungs 59 (7.7%) heart and 38 (4.95%) kidney was rejected. The main causes of organ condemnation were fasciolosis, 295 (56.2%) hydatidosis (61.8%), nephritis 19 (50%) and cystericuse bovis 27 (45.7%), rendering them unfit for local market on aesthetic ground or zoonotic considering their risks to human being. The total annual financial loss due to condemnation of these organs was calculated to be 1,350,790 per annum. The result of this present work indicate immediate need the prevention of organ condemnation and pathological abnormality through development of animal health delivery enforcement of slaughter policy and training of slaughter house personnel on standard slaughter operation. Keywords: abattoir, cattle, condemnation, organ, Hawassa DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-9-02 Publication date:May 31st 201

    African Orphan Crops under Abiotic Stresses: Challenges and Opportunities

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    A changing climate, a growing world population, and a reduction in arable land devoted to food production are all problems facing the world food security. The development of crops that can yield under uncertain and extreme climatic and soil growing conditions can play a key role in mitigating these problems. Major crops such as maize, rice, and wheat are responsible for a large proportion of global food production but many understudied crops (commonly known as “orphan crops”) including millets, cassava, and cowpea feed millions of people in Asia, Africa, and South America and are already adapted to the local environments in which they are grown. The application of modern genetic and genomic tools to the breeding of these crops can provide enormous opportunities for ensuring world food security but is only in its infancy. In this review, the diversity and types of understudied crops will be introduced, and the beneficial traits of these crops as well as their role in the socioeconomics of Africa will be discussed. In addition, the response of orphan crops to diverse types of abiotic stresses is investigated. A review of the current tools and their application to the breeding of enhanced orphan crops will also be described. Finally, few examples of global efforts on tackling major abiotic constraints in Africa are presented

    Causes of Household Food Insecurity in Koredegaga Peasant Association, Oromiya Zone, Ethiopia

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    The main objective of the study is to examine the determinants of households food security using a logistic regression procedure. Initially the model was fitted with eleven factors of which six were found to be significant and all had the expected signs. These include farm land size, ox ownership, fertilizer application, education level of household heads, household size, and per capita production. The result obtained was further analyzed to compute partial effects and to conduct simulation studies on significant factors. Analysis of partial effects revealed that an introduction to fertilizer use and an improvement in the educational level of household heads give relatively higher changes in the probably of food security. On the other hand, simulations conducted on the basis of the base category of farmers, representing food secure households, revealed that both educational levels of household heads and fertilizer applications by farmers have relatively high potential to more than double the number of food secure households in the study area following improvements in these factors.Food Security and Poverty,

    Formulation of Mixed Probiotic Starter Culture for the Production and Extending the Shelf Life of Ergo (Spontaneously Fermented Milk)

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    Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer a beneficial effect on the host when administered in enough amounts and in appropriate conditions. They can modulate the intestinal biome of the consumer. This study aimed to formulate probiotic starter culture and evaluating their antagonistic effect on some foodborne pathogens such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogen. The study also aimed at evaluating the impact of the formulated starter cultures on the sensory acceptability and shelf life of ergo. Accordingly, seven lactic acid bacteria L. rhamnosus(GB-15), L. paracasei(SB-7),  L. reuteriG-23), L. sake(BB-60), L. curvatus(NZ-44) L. plantarum(NN-33), L. casei(BZ-26) and one yeast species S. cerevisiae (Y-72) were used. The selected isolates were combined in different proportions to formulate the starter cultures for the production of ergo. Nine formulations were made in different proportions based on the compatibility of the isolates. Ergo prepared in this study was observed to have a pH of 3.99 - 4.38 with titratable acidity of 0.60 - 0.97 after 48 hrs of fermentation. The formulate F2 (GB-15,G-23, NZ-44, BB-33, NZ-26, Y-72) and F6 (GB-15, BB-60,NZ-44,NZ-26,Y-72) showed complete inhibition against all the test pathogens after 48 hrs of fermentation, except for Staphylococcus aurous with F6. The ergo products with starter culture formulate F2, F4 and, F6 were found to have better overall sensory acceptability with a mean score value of 3.75, 3.56, 3.73, and 4.03/5.00, respectively. Ergo products with formulate F2and F6 had a shelf life of more than 12 days and 15 days, respectively, at an ambient temperature of 18-24oC. Our starter culture formulates in addition to retaining the typical sensory quality of homemade ergo, they improved the shelf life and safety of the product. Keywords: Bio-protective; Ergo; Probiotics; Shelf life; Starter Culture DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/13-6-02 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Human capital and economic growth: causality and co – integration analysis

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    In this study, the relationship between education and health that are accepted as an indicator of human capital and economic growth is tested empirically. The study aimed at decomposing the relationship between human capital (using health index and education index as a proxy) and economic growth using time series data from 1971- 2011 in Ethiopia using modern econometrics technique. Long-run relationship among variables is confirmed through Johnson co-integration analysis whereas the long-run and short-run dynamics are observed by VECM specification. For causality purpose VECM based causality tests are employed. The finding indicates that in the long run investment on education and health would affect further economic growth. Hence policy makers and / or the government should strive to create institutional capacity that increase school enrolment and improved basic health service by strengthening the infrastructure of educational and health institutions that produce quality manpower. In addition to its effort, the government should continue its leadership role in creating enabling environment that encourage better investment in human capital (education and health) by the private sector. So any countries policy designed to promote economic growth should have to consider priority in health and education.Jimma Universit