9 research outputs found

    Clinical epidemiology of partial edentation — dependency of age, sex and living place items

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    Rezumat Decizia investigaţiei epidemiologice a edentaţie parţiale a fost luată datorită observării incidenţei crescute a acestei patologii, considerând aceasta o problemă de sănătate publică, de cauze multiple, care poate ridica probleme de ordin clinic, ştiinţific şi etic. Studiul ce îndeplineşte riguros condiţiile de semnificaţie statistică demonstrează statistic dependenţa variabilelor analizate.Summary Clinical epidemiology of partial edentation — dependency of age, sex and living place items The epidemiological investigation of partial edentation was started due to increased incidence of disease, considered to be a health problem with multiple causes and the study is statistically correct, the results demonstrate the dependence between analyzed items

    Researches regarding the etiology of complications occured during fixed prosthetic treatments

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    Rezumat Deşi tehnologia şi materialele utilizate în practica sunt supuse unei evoluţii constante, frecvenţa complicaţiilor în tratamentul protetic al pacienţilor cu aparate gnato-protetice conjuncte este destul de ridicată. Făcând acest studiu am ajuns la următoarele concluzii: numărul şi probabilitatea apariţiei complicaţiilor în cadrul tratamentului conjunct este influenţat de cele mai multe ori de gradul de corectitudine în realizarea aparatului, în principal în faza de turnare şi adaptare la colet a acesteia cu ţesuturile dure dentare şi a gingiei marginale, corectitudinea preparii dinţilor şi alegerea corectă a metodei şi materialului de cimentare determină un prognostic favorabil în timp a lucrii, tratamentele odontale şi parodontale complete şi corect realizate, precum şi dispensarizarea cu controale periodice din şase în şase luni scade incidenţa apariţiei unor complicaţii.Summary Even the materials and dental technology that are used in prosthetic are involved in a constant evolution, the frequence of complications in the prosthetic treatment of patients with dental bridges are still high.The number and the probability for having complications in fixed prosthetic treatment is often influenced by correct realisation of bridge and by adaptation to the gingival margin. Correct preparation of the abutment teeth and correct choice of materials and method of fixation determine a favourable prognose. The complete and correct endodontic and periodontal treatments and the periodical monitoring of the patients, decrease the incidence of complication

    The prevalence of temporo mandibular joint in degenerative disease

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    Rezumat Articulaţia temporomandibulară (ATM), prin poziţie şi funcţie se integrează sistemului stomatognat (SSG), iar prin morfologie se aliniază sistemului articular general; aceste elemente fac ca patologia ATM să înregistreze numeroase aspecte, conturate şi înţelese mai bine în ultima perioadă prin elocvenţa metodelor imagistice. Scopul lucrării: identificarea prevalenţei afectării ATM în bolile reumatismale degenerative. Material şi metodă: studiu prospectiv pe 42 pacienţi cu artroză (OA), generalizată sau localizată la nivelul articulaţiilor mari (şold, genunchi), definitş conform ACR, şi un lot martor alcătuit din 33 bolnavi cu alte afecţiuni. Pacienţii au fost spitalizaţi în Clinica Reumatologie a Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iaşi, Romania în perioada 01.01.2005—31.07.2006. Rezultate şi discuţii: prevalenţa simptomatologiei ATM a înregistrat următoarele: durerea articulară, semn dominant, în 92.86% cazuri; durerea musculară frecvent la nivelul muşchiului maseter (71.43%) şi pterigoidian intern (47.62%); contractură musculară la nivelul muşchiului temporal (83.33%). Concluzii: simptomatologia afectării ATM trebuie corect apreciată şi corelată cu modificările imagistice locale, modificările la nivelul întregului SSG sau modificări articulare axiale şi periferice, în vederea stabilirii etiologiei şi terapiei optime.Summary Recent advances in imaging techniques of temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) result in a better understanding of TMJ pathology, taking into account that TMJ is included in both stomatognatic and articular system Objectives: to identify the prevalence of TMJ involvement in degenerative rheumatic disorders. Material and methods: prospective study on 42 patients with either generalized or localized (hip, knee) osteoarthritis (OA), defined according to ACR criteria, and 33 controllers. Patients were hospitalized in Rheumatology Department, Rehabilitation Hospital, Iasi, Romania during 01.01.2005—31.07.2006. Results: the prevalence of TMJ symptoms registered the following: articular pain, commonly reported, in 92.86% cases; muscular pain frequently in both maseter (71.43%) and internal pterigoidian (47.62%) muscles; muscular contracture in temporal muscle (83.33%). Conclusions: both correct assessment of TMJ involvement and identification of potential relationship between TMJ symptoms and imagistic details are necessary in order to establish etiology and optimal management of TMJ pathology

    Posture and Vertebral Pathology Issues in Dental Practice

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    Both posture and professional movement in a dental office are shaping the behaviour of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. Two different postural methods are commonly used by dental practitioners, including sitting and standing postures. While sitting is considered as ergonomic, the standing position is considered non-ergonomic, with significant consequences on vertebral structures. Objectives: to realize a complex analysis of the disco-vertebral and muscular pathology in relation with either orthostatic or sitting posture in the real life dental practice. Materials and methods: prospective observational trial on 142 dentists classified into groups based on the predominant position during medical activity, either orthostatic or sitting on ergonomic chair. Results: there is no ideal working posture for the dentist; both orthostatic and sitting position with three subtypes (ischiatic, ischio-femoral, ischio-sacral support) result in significant spine morbidity, meaning an increased number of degenerative disco-vertebral pathology identified clinically (local or irradiated pain, restriction of mobility, impaired tolerance for standing position) and imagistic (X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging). Conclusion: It is widely promoted the recurrent alternation of posture in dental practice and an ergonomic attitude at the workplace. An individualized, strictly monitored kinetic activity is mandatory for both prevention and management of static and dynamic spine abnormalities due to repetitive postural stress in dental practice


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    Posture influences at work on the entire musculoskeletal apparatus, but with great consequences for the spine. Postural dentists use two totally different ways of working: seated working position and postural working position. The seating position is currently considered the ergonomic and postural is considered all unergonomic. This study aims to analyze the disco-vertebral and muscle pain, the conditions for carrying out or postural seating. The study was conducted on two groups A and B consisting of 43 random and that 47 dentists (49 women, 41 men), aged 30-55 years (maximum age of assets). The primary composition of the lots was the position taken during medical activity. Group A was selected for orthostatic position and group B seated on a wheelchair. In conclusion, there is an ideal working posture for the dentist, such as orthostatic position and sitting with the three types of support may be required for the backbone. Must always wanted workstations that causes less fatigue as being major change position after a period of time (maximum one hour)


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    The radiographic imaging brings valuable information on the TMJ morphology, statics and dynamics and there are several methods described in the literature to determine condylar position. 20 patients, 10 men and 10 women, with ages between 20 and 42 years, were evaluated. The patients came for treatment to the Dental Medicine Training Centre of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi. All the patients included in the study group were affected by the TMJ dysfunctional syndrome intercepted at various stages of evolution. The patients were clinically and radiographically evaluated, after which they were supposed to receive medical care according to the standard treatment algorithm of the clinic. In five out of ten analysed cases of the group, asymmetries of condyle position were present on the right rather than on the left, either through anterior positions of the condyle to the centre of the glenoid fossa in four cases or a posterior position in one case. Only in 5 cases for group 1 and 2 cases for group 2, equal right-left starting positions of the condyles were found. In the other cases, either anterior or posterior displacements of the C condylar centre appear in relation to the morphological elements of the joint


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    Introduction: The multitude of definitions for the centric relation (CR) has sparked extensive scientific debates, marking significant milestones in the evolution of concepts in these fields. The discourse surrounding CR has remained contentious for over a century, and there is still a persistent divergence of perspectives. Aim: This narrative review aims to unravel the evolutionary trajectory of CR definitions, seeking to untangle the existing confusion prevalent within specialized literature. Moreover, it endeavors to provide guiding principles within this contentious domain, offering valuable insights to practitioners, students, educators, and researchers. Discussion: Dentistry has not arrived at a consensus definition and concept of CR. Even in the era of evidence-based dentistry, CR still leaves room for controversy. Conclusion: The evolution of the CR concept and its definition, progressing from the exact specification of the maxillomandibular relationship, temporomandibular joint elements, and hinge axis and to its partial “abandonment” due to the individuality and particularities of the patients, should be contextualized within the functional and adaptable nature of the stomatognathic system


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    The work performed within Clinical Base of the Gr. T. Popa U.M.P., Faculty of Dental Medicine Iași, has a number of objectives the materialization of which brings forth a new trend of dental medicine, towards a properly coordinated prophylaxis focused on the real needs of the population.The purpose of the study commencement consists in: evaluation of population’s oral health, on categories and age groups; determination of the local factor impact on health; assessment of dental care usage level in Moldova region; provision of statistical data regarding the oral health of the population in Romania; implementation of evaluation systems and of the data processing standard, in order to achieve oral health programs. A clinical record to contain data regarding the following section was created: environmental factors, anthropology, general condition of the body, prophylaxis, dental medicine. The study was conducted on a batch consisting of 646 patients from various social backgrounds and age categories, of which, a batch with age between 18-50 was selected. We deem the presentation of distribution according to age and sex of the whole batch, interesting. For a clearer vision, we considered a 5 to 10 year range. Our purpose, in this study, was to emphasize the extent of damage in the investigated population comprising patients aged between 18 and 50, the batch size and study scale allowing us to conclude that there are well defined clinical entities in the sphere of oral pathology. The clinical circumstance represented by lesions and existing treatments is dominant in the upper front group by the existing fillings and fixed prosthetics


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    ABSTRACT. The aim of this study is to emphasise the prevalence of the affectation by the dysfunctional syndrome of a heteromorphic group of population represented by all the patients of the Fixed Dental Prosthesis Clinic, GR. T. POPA UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY Iași, for a period of 5 years.Material and method A number of 6507 clinical consultation sheets, which represent the total number of patients of the clinic for a period of 5 years, was analysed.Results The results of the study confirm the existence of a susceptibility dyshomeostasis as a clinical entity and the importance of specific paraclinical investigations. Conclusions For an extremely heteromorphic group of population, with a majority of 67,13% of cases with ages over 35 years, the most frequent disorders were the occlusal disorders and the mandibular-cranial malrelations