4 research outputs found


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    Contemporary markets are oversaturated with ads, and increasingly so. The research literature indicates that a completely new era of communication has begun. The changing trends have transformed marketing and advertising. The techniques that dominated the market ten years ago, such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media advertising (SMA), etc. are now referred to as the traditional media. The paper looks at the most recent advances in technology and explores how the emergence of artificial intelligence and AI-powered tools and solutions has changed the digital advertising landscape in the context of digital transformation. The paper focuses on one such driver of change ā€“ a chatbot, an automated chat system that collects data based on usersā€™ online behaviour. Chatbots have become a powerful tool for marketers who use them to engage in a conversation with users in order to promote their products and services in a less intrusive and more natural manner. While chatbot use is on the rise worldwide, the extant literature does not provide a clear picture of the situation in Croatia. To fill this literature gap, the present paper aims to examine the relationship between chatbot advertising and campaign outcomes, and demonstrate the effectiveness of this advertising method.Danas, u vrijeme rastuće prezasićenosti oglaÅ”ivačkog tržiÅ”ta, mnoge znanstvene analize ukazuju na nepobitnu činjenicu početka potpuno nove ere komuniciranja. Sukladno navedenom, marketing i oglaÅ”avanje danas bilježi značajne promjene. Ono Å”to je prije deset godina bilo dominantno (SEO, SEM, oglaÅ”avanje na druÅ”tvenim mrežama itd.) danas se ubraja u kategoriju tradicionalnih medija. Razvoj tehnologije te pojava i razvoj umjetne inteligencije analizirati će se u radu u kontekstu digitalne transformacije. Drugim riječima, umjetna je inteligencija sa svim svojim mogućnostima promijenila digitalni oglaÅ”ivački krajolik. Jedan od alata promjene su chatbotovi ā€“ automatizirani chat sustavi koji prikupljaju podatke na temelju ponaÅ”anja korisnika na internetu i tako postaju moćno oružje oglaÅ”ivača koji, otvarajući razgovor sa korisnicima, potroÅ”ačima na neupadljiv i prirodniji način plasiraju oglase. Kako trend koriÅ”tenja chatbotova u svijetu raste iz dana u dan, iz dostupnih radova i literature nije jasno vidljivo kakva je situacija na malom hrvatskom oglaÅ”ivačkom tržiÅ”tu. Stoga je upravo cilj ovog rada utvrditi povezanost chatbot oglaÅ”avanja i rezultata kampanja, a samim time ukazati na učinkovitost ovakvog načina oglaÅ”avanja

    Art Installation as Architectural Design; Formative period

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    Umjetnička instalacija, promatrana kao arhitektonska kategorija, predstavlja izvor za iŔčitavanje refleksija konceptualnih umjetnosti na istraživanja u arhitektonskom projektiranju. Kao eksperimentalni oblik proizvodnje prostora ona ukazuje na mogućnost realizacije teorija ā€˜prostornog viÅ”kaā€™ i ā€˜kritičke prostorne prakseā€™ u području arhitektonskog projektiranja. Na taj način instalacija pruža osnovu za proučavanje alternativnih prostornih koncepata.Perceived as an architectural category, art installation becomes a starting point for interpreting the reflections of conceptual arts on the exploration within architectural design. As an experimental form of space production, it suggests that it is possible to implement the theories of ā€˜spatial excessā€™ and ā€˜critical spatial practiceā€™ in the field of architectural design. Thus the installation serves as a basis for exploring alternative spatial concepts

    Efficient and economical protection of wheat harmful biological agents

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    PÅ”enica je usev koji se seje na povrÅ”ini između 450.000 i 650.000 ha u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Prinosi variraju od 3 do 8 tona / ha ( prosek je 3,5 tone/ha ). Kao i za druge useve tako i kod pÅ”enice primena blagovremene i stručne tehnologije je obavezna mera. PÅ”enicu treba u toku proizvodnje održavati bez prisustva korova, Å”tetočina i patogena kako bi se potigao maksimalan prinos. Prisustvo Å”tetnih agenasa pored umanjenja prinosa dolazi i do smanjivanja kvaliteta proizvoda ā€“ zrna pÅ”enice i povećavaju troÅ”kove žetve i povećanje vlage u vreme žetve. Prognoza pojave Å”tetnih agenasa je prvi i osnovni zadatak kao i kontrola i terapija koja se preduzima tokom vegetacije. Na tržiÅ”tu postoji dovoljan broj preparata iz grupe herbicida, zoocida i fungicida koji blagovremenom primenom po preporuci stručnjaka iz Poljoprivrednih stručnih službi i po uputstvu proizvođača pesticida omoguđavaju proizvodnju zdravog useva uz postizanje maksimalnih prinosa.Wheat is a crop that is sown on the surface of between 450,000 and 650,000 ha in recent years. Yields range from 3 to 8 tons / ha (average is 3.5 tons / ha). As with other crops of wheat and timely implementation of the technology and expertise required measures. Wheat production should be maintained during the absence of weeds, pests and pathogens to achieved maximum yields. The presence of harmful agents in addition to yield reduction leads to the reduction of the quality of the product - wheat harvest and increase the cost and increase the moisture content at harvest time. Predicting the harmful agents is the first and foremost task as well as control and treatment undertaken during the growing season. On the market there are a sufficient number of agents from the group of herbicides, fungicides zoocides and timely implementation of the recommendation of experts in agricultural extension services and the pesticide manufacturerā€™s instructions cas producing healthy crops to achieve maximum yields