11 research outputs found

    Organization of rural tourism as a factor of rural development

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    This article is an attempt to study the agricultural tourism and developing recommendations on their organization in the regions of Russia. In the Belgorod region, the development of rural tourism is of fundamental importance for small businesses, which can be traced in regional development program

    System of strategic management of the development of the organization

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    The article discusses the process of organizing and developing the modern system of management strategy and de-velopment of the organization in terms of mobility and instability in the market secto

    Comprehensive Study of Ni Nanotubes for Bioapplications: From Synthesis to Payloads Attaching

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    Due to the Ni nanotubes’ shape anisotropy, low specific density, large specific surface, and uniform magnetic field, they have been offered as carriers for targeted delivery of drug or protein and the process of their formation from synthesis stage to the stage of surface modification and protein attaching has been demonstrated. Some steps to hasten their biomedical application have been applied. First, to have full control over the carrier dimensions and structure parameters, electrodeposition method in pores of polyethylene terephthalate template has been applied. Second, to understand the scope of Ni nanostructures application, their degradation in media with different acidity has been studied. Third, to improve the biocompatibility and to make payloads attachment possible, nanotubes surface modification with organosilicon compound has been carried out. At last, the scheme of protein attaching to the nanostructure surface has been developed and the binding process was demonstrated as an example of the bovine serum albumin


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    In the paper the template synthesis of ferromagnetic (Fe, Co, Ni) nanotubes in the pores of track membranes were studied. The aim of this work was determination of nanotubes basic structural and magnetic parameters and demonstration of the possibility of application in the flexible electronics elements.By electrochemical deposition, ferromagnetic nanotubes with a diameter of 110 nm and an aspect ratio of 100 were formed in the pores of polyethylene terephthalate track membranes. The morphology of the obtained nanostructures were studied by scanning electron microscopy, the elemental composition was determined by the energy-dispersion analysis. Using the X-ray structural analysis, the main parameters of the crystal structure were established: lattice type, lattice parameter and average crystallite size. The magnetic properties were studied by the method of vibrational magnetometry.It was shown that in the selected conditions of synthesis without reference to the type of ferromagnetic metals nanotubes had the same dimensions – length, diameter and wall thickness. The produced nanotubes consisted of iron, cobalt and nickel, respectively without oxides impurities. Nanotubes had a polycrystalline structure of walls with a body-centered cubic (iron), face-centered cubic (cobalt and nickel) crystal lattice. According to the main magnetic parameters, nanotubes belonged to a group of soft magnetic materials. Also, the presence of magnetic anisotropy, which is caused by the features of crystalline structure and shape of the nanostructures.Based on the analysis of structural and magnetic characteristics of ferromagnetic nanotubes which were synthesized in the pores of track membranes, were proposed the main principles of their using in the elements’ of flexible electronics constructing (magnetic field direction sensors and magnetic memory elements). В работе рассмотрены особенности шаблонного синтеза нанотрубок из ферромагнитных металлов (Fe, Co, Ni) в порах трековых мембран. Целью работы являлось изучение их основных структурных и магнитных параметров и демонстрация потенциала применения в элементах гибкой электроники.При помощи электрохимического осаждения в порах полиэтилентерефталатовых трековых мембран сформированы ферромагнитные нанотрубки с диаметром 110 нм и аспектным соотношением 100. Методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии изучены морфологические особенности полученных наноструктур, методом энергодисперсионного анализа изучен элементный состав. С использованием рентгеноструктурного анализа установлены основные параметры кристаллической структуры: тип кристаллической решетки, параметр элементарной ячейки и средний размер кристаллитов. Методом вибрационной магнитометрии изучены магнитные свойства.Показано, что вне зависимости от типа ферромагнитного металла при выбранных условиях синтеза нанотрубки имеют одинаковые характеристические размеры – длину, диаметр и толщину стенки. Полученные нанотрубки состоят соответственно из железа, из кобальта и из никеля и не содержат оксидных примесей. Нанотрубки имеют поликристаллическую структуру стенок с объемно-центрированной кубической (железные), гране-центрированной кубической (кобальтовые и никелевые) кристаллической решеткой. По основным магнитным параметрам нанотрубки соответствуют группе магнитомягких материалов. Также установлено наличие магнитной анизотропии, которая обусловлена особенностями кристаллической структуры и формой наноструктур.На основании анализа особенностей структурных и магнитных характеристик ферромагнитных нанотрубок, синтезированных в порах трековых мембран, предложены базовые принципы их использования при конструировании элементов гибкой электроники: наноконденсаторов, датчиков направления магнитного поля и магнитных элементов памяти.

    Нанотрубки со структурой типа «магнитное ядро-оболочка из благородного металла»

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    Using a simple two-stage method including the electrochemical synthesis of Ni nanotubes in the pores of PET membranes and their coating with gold or platinum, nanotubes with a structure of the «magnetic core - noble metal shell» type have been synthesized. The morphology of the coating is a thin continuous film with growths of various shapes. X-ray diffraction analysis estimated separate phases of nickel (core) and noble metal (coating). The magnetic properties of coated nanotubes do not differ significantly from the properties of the initial nanotubes. The method allows one to synthesize structures such as one-dimensional nanostructures of the «magnetic core - noble metal shell» type for use in the detection of chemical and biological compounds, as magnetic carriers for the delivery of drugs and genes, which can also be used as multicyclic catalysts on a magnetic carrier.С использованием простого двухстадийного метода, включающего электрохимический синтез Ni нанотрубок в порах ПЭТФ-мембран и их покрытие золотом или платиной химическим методом, синтезированы нанотрубки со структурой типа «магнитное ядро-оболочка из благородного металла». Морфология покрытия представляет собой тонкие постоянные пленки с наростами различной формы. Рентгеноструктурный анализ выявил отдельные фазы никеля (ядро) и благородного металла (покрытие). Магнитные свойства покрытых нанотрубок существенно не отличаются от свойств исходных нанотрубок. Метод позволяет синтезировать одномерные наноструктуры типа «магнитное ядро-оболочка из благородного металла» для применения при детектировании химических и биологических соединений, в качестве магнитных носителей при доставке лекарств и генов, а также могут быть использованы в качестве многоциклических катализаторов на магнитном носителе

    Methodological questions of creation the budgeting system at the enterprise

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    The formation of optimal and effective budgeting system depends, among other things, the timely and correct decision of organizational questions at the initial stage of the formation process


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    In the paper the template synthesis of ferromagnetic (Fe, Co, Ni) nanotubes in the pores of track membranes were studied. The aim of this work was determination of nanotubes basic structural and magnetic parameters and demonstration of the possibility of application in the flexible electronics elements.By electrochemical deposition, ferromagnetic nanotubes with a diameter of 110 nm and an aspect ratio of 100 were formed in the pores of polyethylene terephthalate track membranes. The morphology of the obtained nanostructures were studied by scanning electron microscopy, the elemental composition was determined by the energy-dispersion analysis. Using the X-ray structural analysis, the main parameters of the crystal structure were established: lattice type, lattice parameter and average crystallite size. The magnetic properties were studied by the method of vibrational magnetometry.It was shown that in the selected conditions of synthesis without reference to the type of ferromagnetic metals nanotubes had the same dimensions – length, diameter and wall thickness. The produced nanotubes consisted of iron, cobalt and nickel, respectively without oxides impurities. Nanotubes had a polycrystalline structure of walls with a body-centered cubic (iron), face-centered cubic (cobalt and nickel) crystal lattice. According to the main magnetic parameters, nanotubes belonged to a group of soft magnetic materials. Also, the presence of magnetic anisotropy, which is caused by the features of crystalline structure and shape of the nanostructures.Based on the analysis of structural and magnetic characteristics of ferromagnetic nanotubes which were synthesized in the pores of track membranes, were proposed the main principles of their using in the elements’ of flexible electronics constructing (magnetic field direction sensors and magnetic memory elements)