34 research outputs found

    Zarządzanie wielokulturowe na przykładzie firmy Bjertnaes og Hoel

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    Charakter współczesnej gospodarki jest wynikiem oddziaływań procesów globalizacyjnych, które sprawiły, że zróżnicowanie kulturowe, coraz częściej obecne w organizacjach, nie stanowi już bariery, lecz jest aspektem, który nierzadko służy do budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej. Celem niniejszej pracy było zdiagnozowanie uwarunkowań, które mają wpływ na poziom skutecznego zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem wielokulturowym na przykładzie firmy Bjertnaes Og Hoel. Autor w swojej pracy, w oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu przedstawił teoretyczne problemy zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem wielokulturowym, zwracając szczególną uwagę na aspekty komunikacji oraz psychologiczne. Główny problem badawczy przyjęty w pracy brzmiał następująco: Jakie są uwarunkowania skutecznego zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem wielokulturowym? Natomiast hipoteza robocza przyjęta przez autora stanowiła, że zasadniczymi uwarunkowaniami skutecznego zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem wielokulturowym jest przyjęcie odpowiedniej strategii zarządzania personelem, sprawne rozwiązywanie konfliktów, uwzględniające niedyskryminacyjne traktowanie stron, sprawiedliwe ocenianie, bez skupiania się na kulturze pochodzenia pracowników, lecz na ich merytorycznych działaniach. Badaniem objęto 30 pracowników firmy Bjertnaes Og Hoel, pochodzących z różnych państw. Uzyskane rezultaty pozwoliły stwierdzić, że w badanym przedsiębiorstwie strategia zarządzania personelem koncentruje się na unikaniu waloryzowania kultur pracowników, bezstronności w ocenianiu i rozwiązywaniu konfliktów. Firma skupia się na merytorycznych działaniach pracowników, które są podstawą oceny i kontroli. Bariery komunikacyjne wynikają głównie z kwestii językowej i nie wywołują szczególnych trudności dla efektywności przedsiębiorstwa.The nature of the modern economy is the result of the impact of globalization processes, which meant that cultural diversity, increasingly present in organizations, is no longer a barrier, but is an aspect that is often used to build a competitive advantage. The purpose of this work was to diagnose the conditions that affect the level of effective management of a multicultural enterprise on the example of Bjertnaes Og Hoel. The author in his work, based on the literature on the subject, presented the theoretical problems of managing a multicultural enterprise, paying special attention to communication and psychological aspects. The main research problem adopted in the work was as follows: What are the conditions for effective management of a multicultural enterprise? However, the working hypothesis adopted by the author stated that the basic conditions for effective management of a multicultural enterprise are the adoption of an appropriate personnel management strategy, efficient conflict resolution, taking into account non-discriminatory treatment of parties, fair assessment, without focusing on the employees' culture of origin, but on their substantive activities. The research included 30 employees of the Bjertnaes Og Hoel company, from various countries. The obtained results allowed to state that in the examined enterprise the personnel management strategy focuses on avoiding valorisation of employee cultures, impartiality in assessing and resolving conflicts. The company focuses on substantive activities of employees, which are the basis for evaluation and control. Communication barriers result mainly from language issues and do not cause any particular difficulties for the efficiency of the enterprise

    Influence of Selected Physical Exercises to Improve Outcomes in Patients Operated for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Own Material

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of selected physical exercises on the improved results of treatment of patients operated for carpal tunnel syndrome. Hands were examined in 112 patients treated for carpal tunnel syndrome, aged 33 to 80 years. All individuals underwent open surgery procedure. Patients were divided into group I, in which the exercise was carried out under the supervision of the authors of this study and group II, in which exercises were not performed. Measurements were performed on all patients before surgery (initial) and 6 weeks after (final). Symptoms were studied according to Whitley and Mc Donnell, and they included night pain, sensory disturbance, thenar muscle weakness, Tinel’s sign and Phalen’s maneuver, the bottle syndrome and the opponens pollicis muscle activity. In the treatment of enhancing gliding exercise (automobilization) and neuromobilization. Stabilizing exercises included automobilization (nerve gliding) and neuromobilization. Wrist and hand stabilizing exercises were used and the correct settings in the carpo-metacarpal joints during work and physical activity were taught. The results were statistically analyzed using Chi-squared test. It was found that in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome the best way to eliminate or reduce symptoms of hands mobility disorders comes primarily with surgical treatment, followed by rehabilitation treatment using gliding and neuromobilization exercises

    Effects of Physical Exercise on the Motility of Hands in Patients Operated because of Dupuytren's Contracture in Own Material

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of physical exercise on limited locomotion in the hands of patients who underwent surgery to correct Dupuytren's contracture. We studied the hands of 84 patients with Dupuytren's contracture aged from 30 to 84 years. In all patients, the contracture was removed by performing a partial fasciectomy. Physical exercises were carried out a week prior to surgery and during the postoperative period. Patients were divided into group I, in which the exercise was carried out under the supervision of the authors of this study and group II, in which exercises were performed sporadically and without professional supervision. Measurements were performed on all patients one week before surgery (A), 1 week after surgery (B) and 6 weeks after (C). The range of movement of fingers was measured using a goniometer. The average total loss of finger extension was evaluated, taking due account of the extension loss in the MCP, PIP and DIP joints of all fingers of the treated hand. Rehabilitation treatment included active and passive exercises; in more severe cases the treatment of choice was massage and special equipment to help bear flexion contracture. Test results were statistically analyzed. In all patients, there was an increase in mobility of the fingers. Patients taking part in physical exercise had significantly greater range of finger movement


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    The aim of the article is to analyse hydraulic conditions of water flow in a fish pass. The test facility is part of the Pomiłowo barrage in the commune of Sławno, Poland. The authors applied HEC-RAS software for modelling hydraulic parameters of the water flow in the fish pass. The data from field measurements was implemented in the software and calculations of changes in the water table in the fish pass were made. The results confirmed the usefulness of HEC-RAS software for estimating hydraulic parameters of water flow in a fish pass. HEC-RAS software enables to take into account the parameters responsible for the phenomena accompanying the flow through a fish pass. Selecting mathematical model parameters (coefficients) should be preceded by a multidimensional analysis of the facility. More precise information on hydraulics, hydrology and biology of the test fish pass are also required

    Calculating earth dam seepage using HYDRUS software applications

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    This paper presents simulations of water seepage within and under the embankment dam of Lake Kowalskie reservoir. The aim of the study was to compare seepage calculation results obtained using analytical and numerical methods. In April 1985, after the first filling of the reservoir to normal storage levels, water leaks was observed at the base of the escarpment, on the air side of the dam. In order to control seepage flow, drainage was performed and additional piezometers installed. To explain the causes of increased pressure in the aquifer under the dam in May 1985 a simplified calculation of filtration was performed. Now, on the basis of archived data from the Department of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering using 3D HYDRUS STANDARD software, the conditions of seepage under the dam have been recreated and re-calculated. Piezometric pressure was investigated in three variants of drainage, including drainage before and after modernization


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    The aim of the article is to analyse hydraulic conditions of water flow in a fish pass. The test facility is part of the Pomiłowo barrage in the commune of Sławno, Poland. The authors applied HEC-RAS software for modelling hydraulic parameters of the water flow in the fish pass. The data from field measurements was implemented in the software and calculations of changes in the water table in the fish pass were made. The results confirmed the usefulness of HEC-RAS software for estimating hydraulic parameters of water flow in a fish pass. HEC-RAS software enables to take into account the parameters responsible for the phenomena accompanying the flow through a fish pass. Selecting mathematical model parameters (coefficients) should be preceded by a multidimensional analysis of the facility. More precise information on hydraulics, hydrology and biology of the test fish pass are also required

    Hydraulic Calculations of a Slotted Separator Using the SSIIM Program

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    Analysis of the results of the hydraulic calculations of a slotted separator allowed for changes in the separator design, considering the reduction of flow turbulence, ensuring the continuity of water flow and sediments, and the optimal location of the slots. The separator is a crucial element of the installation for the hydromechanical removal of sediments from the bottom of a water reservoir. Tests were carried out on the physical and mathematical models. Hydraulic calculations and numerical simulations were carried out using the SSIIM (Simulation of sediment movements in water intakes with multiblock option) program. The program enables three-dimensional analysis of flows and transport of sediments in rivers and canals by solving the Navier-Stokes equation and the turbulent model k-Ɛ. In addition, several numerical experiments of the separator work were carried out for various design solutions regarding the geometry of the inlet and outlet channels and their connection with the chambers and slots system. Finally, the numerical simulations and conducted research on a physical model allowed us to develop an optimal solution

    Straty hydrauliczne na kratach spowodowane materiałem organicznym unoszonym przez wodę

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    Eksploatacja budowli piętrzących, a w szczególności małych elektrowni wodnych niesie ze sobą wiele problemów natury technicznej. Jednym z nich jest osadzanie się na kratach materiału niesionego przez wodę. Zadaniem krat jest ochrona ujęć wody, pompy lub turbiny przed stałymi zanieczyszczeniami płynącymi wraz z wodą. Przy doborze krat istotne jest określenie strat hydraulicznych, które zależą m.in. od szerokości, kształtu i rozstawy prętów kraty czy prędkości przepływu wody. Całkowitą wysokość strat możemy określić, uwzględniając: straty wejściowe, straty na kratach, straty spowodowane obecnością wnęk bocznych. Straty te mogą powiększyć się w warunkach osadzania się na kratach materiału organicznego niesionego nurtem wody. Zwiększa to prędkość oraz opory przepływu. W pracy przeanalizowano wpływ zatrzymanego na kratach materiału organicznego i innych zanieczyszczeń pływających na straty hydrauliczne