100 research outputs found

    Effects of Magnetic System Unbalance on Magnetron Sputtering Characteristics

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    Deposition rate and ion current density distribution profiles at DC magnetron sputtering of Al, Ti and Cutargets were studied as functions of the process parameters and level of magnetron unbalance. Based onthe experimental data the distributions of the ion-to-atom ratio on the condensing surface under variousdeposition modes were calculated. It was established that in the case of DC magnetron sputtering the ionto-atom ratio on the condensing surface increased if the sputtering yield of the target’s material droppeddown. The minimal energy impact on the growing film and the most uniform distribution profile of theion-to-atom ratio were achieved by applying the I-type unbalanced magnetron system

    Alles, nur keine Revolution! Drei Ausstellungen zum hundertsten Jahrestag der Ereignisse von 1917

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    Die Schlüsselmedien in Russland schenken dem 100. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution von 1917 wenig Aufmerksamkeit. In einer solchen Situation werden Ausstellungen in großen Museen zu einem wichtigen Instrument, um das Interesse des Publikums für das Jubiläum zu gewinnen. Der nachfolgende Text betrachtet drei Ausstellungen, die in der Tretjakow-Galerie, im Museum der Zeitgeschichte Russlands und im PuschkinMuseum für darstellende Künste zu sehen sind. Alle drei Expositionen nutzen verschiedene Strategien, um das Jahr 1917 zu diskutieren. Während der chinesische Künstler Cai Guo-Qiang im Puschkin-Museum ein multidimensionales und umfassendes Stück Erinnerungsarbeit präsentiert, gestaltet sich die Erinnerung in den beiden anderen Museen eher eindimensional: Sie reduzieren das revolutionäre Ereignis auf einen katastrophenartigen Kollaps und einen Zusammenbruch des Staates, der von einer Gruppe intellektueller Extremisten provoziert worden sei. Statt des Jahres 1917 zu gedenken, nutzen diese beiden Ausstellungen die Vergangenheit als Kontext, um – mit Blick auf die Gegenwart – eine Revolution als solche zu verurteilen

    Business processes. Modeling and managing

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    The definitions of management and business process modeling are presented in the article. It also deals with properties and functions of business models and provides reference abstract model of business processes. Examples of making models are drawn. Modeling value to optimize production is described

    Business processes. Modeling and managing

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    The definitions of management and business process modeling are presented in the article. It also deals with properties and functions of business models and provides reference abstract model of business processes. Examples of making models are drawn. Modeling value to optimize production is described

    Utilizando reflexão computacional no desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.O desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas exige o uso de algum mecanismo que possibilite a comunicação entre os processos cliente e servidor. Tecnologias de distribuição como RMI, CORBA e XML-RPC/SOAP disponibilizam serviços que facilitam esta atividade. Todavia, a implementação baseada nas interfaces de programação destas especificações acaba por misturar o código necessário à distribuição com a funcionalidade da aplicação, tornando-a dependente do mecanismo escolhido. Minimizar o impacto diante de uma troca de tecnologia e, simultaneamente, permitir que o desenvolvedor do software esteja focado em requisitos funcionais, constitui o principal problema desta pesquisa. De forma a possibilitar o desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas independentemente da plataforma de distribuição, esta dissertação propõe um framework que isola as especificidades de cada padrão dos componentes funcionais. Técnicas de reflexão computacional são aplicadas na implementação, de maneira a eliminar a codificação de adaptadores e proxies exigida em outras abordagens. Ao separar os elementos necessários à distribuição dos elementos funcionais, o framework possibilita a substituição dos mecanismos através de uma configuração externa ao software, dispensando, desta maneira, alterações no código fonte

    The Increase in Thickness Uniformity of Films Obtained by Magnetron Sputtering with Rotating Substrate

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    The titanium thin films obtained by magnetron sputtering with the rotating substrate at different distances between the substrate and magnetron centers were studied with regard to the uniformity of the film thickness distribution. On the basis of the experimental data obtained, the model for the magnetron film deposition during substrate rotation was developed. The analysis of the simulation results shows that the model error is not greater than 10%

    Optical and Tribological Properties of PVD/CVD Diamond-like Carbon Films

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    The optical and tribological properties of diamond-like carbon (DLC) films deposited by the combination of magnetron sputtering of graphite and plasmochemical dissociation of methane were studied. It was established that at methane concentration in the gas mixture Ar/CH4 at about 5–10 % the formation of DLC films with refraction index n 2.0, microhardness larger than 1000 HK and friction coefficient of 0.06–0.08 becomes possible

    Research of the alkylation process of phenol by tetramers of propylene on ion-exchange smols

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    The article is described the regularity of phenol alkylation process by tetramers of propylene by ion exchange catalyst. This process possesses a current interest in manufacturing of phenol engine additive. Reaction’s conversion and selectivity were estimated in different circumstances

    Outline of local additives production problems

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    The article describes the actual problems of local additives manufacturing. Analysis of the lubricants quality is performed