74 research outputs found
Fiduciary Duties of Directors of Insolvent Corporations: A Comparative Perspective
Over the last two decades, in many jurisdictions great emphasis has been placed on directors’ fiduciary duties when a corporation is insolvent or in the amorphous “zone of insolvency”; notably, to investigate whether the directors should continue to promote the best interests of the corporation for the benefits of its shareholders, or whether their duties shift to creditors.
The resolution of this ubiquitous issue will help to answer the following questions: Do creditors have standing to pursue claims for breach of fiduciary duties in the insolvency scenario? And, if they do, is it direct or derivative standing?
This Article will address both questions. Moreover, it will discuss the issue of who has standing to assert (direct or derivative) claims against directors who have failed to act in the best interests of the corporation upon the commencement of a reorganization proceeding.
The Article compares three countries—the United States, France, and Italy—where the role of the reorganization or the (pre-)insolvency proceedings in overcoming corporate crises has been prominent for many years, or has been increasing in importance year by year. Particularly, this comparative analysis aims to highlight the differences between the United States, France, and Italy in terms of creditors’ protection vis- ` a-vis directors’ mismanagement and to evaluate the effectiveness of their respective regulatory and judicial responses
HARMO-DATA Project \u2013 cross border spatial data harmonization using INSPIRE model
HARMO-DATA is an ongoing project, funded by EU in the framework of the INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 Programme. It involves different stakeholders, target groups and end-users in three regions: Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (Italy), Veneto (Italy) and Slovenia. The main purpose of this project is to develop common solutions for more efficient cross-border spatial data management \u2013 by harmonizing the existing spatial data, implementing a cross-border spatial data platform, and developing a common protocol for the harmonization of territorial data. It will provide an instrument to define the specific obligations and rights of the involved parts \u2013 in terms of data harmonization, exchange, use and maintenance. Five pilot case studies were identified by the project partners \u2013 in cooperation with public and private end-users, and additional stakeholders. The core use cases of the project relate to spatial data search, view and download, and the harmonization model for spatial datasets applies the INSPIRE data specifications. A joined common spatial data platform was established as an extension of the existing search-view-download platforms (metadata systems), upgraded and improved to better enable open data access by users from both Italy and Slovenia. The common spatial HARMO-DATA data platform, as well as, a joint protocol for cross-border spatial data harmonization, have been formalized in an official bilateral agreement
HARMO-DATA Project – cross border spatial data harmonization using INSPIRE model
HARMO-DATA is an ongoing project, funded by EU in the framework of the INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 Programme. It involves different stakeholders, target groups and end-users in three regions: Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (Italy), Veneto (Italy) and Slovenia. The main purpose of this project is to develop common solutions for more efficient cross-border spatial data management – by harmonizing the existing spatial data, implementing a cross-border spatial data platform, and developing a common protocol for the harmonization of territorial data. It will provide an instrument to define the specific obligations and rights of the involved parts – in terms of data harmonization, exchange, use and maintenance. Five pilot case studies were identified by the project partners – in cooperation with public and private end-users, and additional stakeholders. The core use cases of the project relate to spatial data search, view and download, and the harmonization model for spatial datasets applies the INSPIRE data specifications. A joined common spatial data platform was established as an extension of the existing search-view-download platforms (metadata systems), upgraded and improved to better enable open data access by users from both Italy and Slovenia. The common spatial HARMO-DATA data platform, as well as, a joint protocol for cross-border spatial data harmonization, have been formalized in an official bilateral agreement
Il progetto Interreg Italia-Slovenia HARMO-DATA: un geoportale per la condivisione di dati territoriali transfrontalieri armonizzati
Il progetto Interreg HARMO-DATA, finanziato nell’ambito del Programma Interreg V-A Italia-Slovenia 2014-2020, è stato avviato ufficialmente a Settembre 2017 e si è concluso il 30 giugno 2019. Il Partenariato era composto da: Geodetski In titut Slovenije, Ljubljana, Slovenia (coordinamento), Geodetska Uprava Republike Slovenije, Igea S.r.l. Ljubljana, Slovenia, Insiel S.p.a. Trieste, GeoSNav Lab - Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura, Università degli Studi di Trieste - Terre S.r.l. Mestre. Hanno partecipato inoltre in qualità di partner associati: Regione Veneto, Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia e Ministero sloveno per l’ambiente ed il territorio. Obiettivo generale del Progetto è stato quello di rafforzare la capacità di cooperazione istituzionale transfrontaliera tra le autorità pubbliche e i responsabili della pianificazione territoriale, promuovendo la creazione di soluzioni condivise per il coordinamento e un’efficace gestione del territorio
Death and the Societies of Late Antiquity
Ce volume bilingue, comprenant un ensemble de 28 contributions disponibles en français et en anglais (dans leur version longue ou abrégée), propose d’établir un état des lieux des réflexions, recherches et études conduites sur le fait funéraire à l’époque tardo-antique au sein des provinces de l’Empire romain et sur leurs régions limitrophes, afin d’ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives sur ses évolutions possibles. Au cours des trois dernières décennies, les transformations considérables des méthodologies déployées sur le terrain et en laboratoire ont permis un renouveau des questionnements sur les populations et les pratiques funéraires de l’Antiquité tardive, période marquée par de multiples changements politiques, sociaux, démographiques et culturels. L’apparition de ce qui a été initialement désigné comme une « Anthropologie de terrain », qui fut le début de la démarche archéothanatologique, puis le récent développement d’approches collaboratives entre des domaines scientifiques divers (archéothanatologie, biochimie et géochimie, génétique, histoire, épigraphie par exemple) ont été décisives pour le renouvellement des problématiques d’étude : révision d’anciens concepts comme apparition d’axes d’analyse inédits. Les recherches rassemblées dans cet ouvrage sont articulées autour de quatre grands thèmes : l’évolution des pratiques funéraires dans le temps, l’identité sociale dans la mort, les ensembles funéraires en transformation (organisation et topographie) et les territoires de l’empire (du cœur aux marges). Ces études proposent un réexamen et une révision des données, tant anthropologiques qu’archéologiques ou historiques sur l’Antiquité tardive, et révèlent, à cet égard, une mosaïque de paysages politiques, sociaux et culturels singulièrement riches et complexes. Elles accroissent nos connaissances sur le traitement des défunts, l’emplacement des aires funéraires ou encore la structure des sépultures, en révélant une diversité de pratiques, et permettent au final de relancer la réflexion sur la manière dont les sociétés tardo-antiques envisagent la mort et sur les éléments permettant d’identifier et de définir la diversité des groupes qui les composent. Elles démontrent ce faisant que nous pouvons véritablement appréhender les structures culturelles et sociales des communautés anciennes et leurs potentielles transformations, à partir de l’étude des pratiques funéraires.This bilingual volume proposes to draw up an assessment of the recent research conducted on funerary behavior during Late Antiquity in the provinces of the Roman Empire and on their borders, in order to open new perspectives on its possible developments. The considerable transformations of the methodologies have raised the need for a renewal of the questions on the funerary practices during Late Antiquity, a period marked by multiple political, social, demographic and cultural changes. The emergence field anthropology, which was the beginning of archaeothanatology, and then the recent development of collaborative approaches between various scientific fields (archaeothanatology, biochemistry and geochemistry, genetics, history, epigraphy, for example), have been decisive. The research collected in this book is structured around four main themes: Evolution of funerary practices over time; Social identity through death; Changing burial grounds (organisation and topography); Territories of the Empire (from the heart to the margins). These studies propose a review and a revision of the data, both anthropological and archaeological or historical on Late Antiquity, and reveal a mosaic of political, social, and cultural landscapes singularly rich and complex. In doing so, they demonstrate that we can truly understand the cultural and social structures of ancient communities and their potential transformations, based on the study of funerary practices
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