1,359 research outputs found

    Limit of vanishing regulator in the functional renormalization group

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    The nonperturbative functional renormalization group equation depends on the choice of a regulator function, whose main properties are a "coarse-graining scale"k and an overall dimensionless amplitude a. In this paper we shall discuss the limit a→0 with k fixed. This limit is closely related to the pseudoregulator that reproduces the beta functions of the MS¯ scheme that we studied in a previous paper. It is not suitable for precision calculations but it appears to be useful to eliminate the spurious breaking of symmetries by the regulator, both for nonlinear models and within the background field method

    Functional renormalization and the MS scheme

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    Working with scalar field theories, we discuss choices of regulator that, inserted in the functional renormalization group equation, reproduce the results of dimensional regularization at one and two loops. The resulting flow equations can be seen as nonperturbative extensions of the MS scheme. We support this claim by recovering all the multicritical models in two dimensions. We discuss a possible generalization to any dimension. Finally, we show that the method also preserves nonlinearly realized symmetries, which is a definite advantage with respect to other regulators

    Momentum transferred to a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate by stimulated light scattering

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    The response of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensed gas to a density perturbation generated by a two-photon Bragg pulse is investigated by solving the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We calculate the total momentum imparted to the condensate as a function of both the time duration of the pulse and the frequency difference of the two laser beams. The role of the dynamic response function in characterizing the time evolution of the system is pointed out, with special emphasis to the phonon regime. Numerical simulations are compared with the predictions of local density approximation. The relevance of our results for the interpretation of current experiments is also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 postscript figure

    Physical properties, starspot activity, orbital obliquity, and transmission spectrum of the Qatar-2 planetary system from multi-colour photometry

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    We present seventeen high-precision light curves of five transits of the planet Qatar-2b, obtained from four defocussed 2m-class telescopes. Three of the transits were observed simultaneously in the SDSS griz passbands using the seven-beam GROND imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope. A fourth was observed simultaneously in Gunn grz using the CAHA 2.2-m telescope with BUSCA, and in r using the Cassini 1.52-m telescope. Every light curve shows small anomalies due to the passage of the planetary shadow over a cool spot on the surface of the host star. We fit the light curves with the prism+gemc model to obtain the photometric parameters of the system and the position, size and contrast of each spot. We use these photometric parameters and published spectroscopic measurements to obtain the physical properties of the system to high precision, finding a larger radius and lower density for both star and planet than previously thought. By tracking the change in position of one starspot between two transit observations we measure the orbital obliquity of Qatar-2 b to be 4.3 \pm 4.5 degree, strongly indicating an alignment of the stellar spin with the orbit of the planet. We calculate the rotation period and velocity of the cool host star to be 11.4 \pm 0.5 d and 3.28 \pm 0.13 km/s at a colatitude of 74 degree. We assemble the planet's transmission spectrum over the 386-976 nm wavelength range and search for variations of the measured radius of Qatar-2 b as a function of wavelength. Our analysis highlights a possible H2/He Rayleigh scattering in the blue.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, to appear in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    The potential of simulating energy systems: The multi energy systems simulator model

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    Energy system modelling is an essential practice to assist a set of heterogeneous stakeholders in the process of defining an effective and efficient energy transition. From the analysis of a set of open-source energy system models, it emerged that most models employ an approach directed at finding the optimal solution for a given set of constraints. On the contrary, a simulation model is a representation of a system used to reproduce and understand its behaviour under given conditions without seeking an optimal solution. In this paper, a new open-source energy system model is presented. Multi Energy Systems Simulator (MESS) is a modular, multi-energy carrier, multi-node model that allows the investigation of non optimal solutions by simulating an energy system. The model was built for urban level analyses. However, each node can represent larger regions allowing wider spatial scales to be represented as well. In this work, the tool’s features are presented through a comparison between MESS and Calliope, a state of the art optimization model, to analyse and highlight the differences between the two approaches, the potentialities of a simulation tool and possible areas for further development. The two models produced coherent results, showing differences that were tracked down to the different approaches. Based on the comparison conducted, general conclusions were drawn on the potential of simulating energy systems in terms of a more realistic description of smaller energy systems, lower computational times and increased opportunity for participatory processes in planning urban energy systems

    Kinetic theory and dynamic structure factor of a condensate in the random phase approximation

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    We present the microscopic kinetic theory of a homogeneous dilute Bose condensed gas in the generalized random phase approximation (GRPA), which satisfies the following requirements: 1) the mass, momentum and energy conservation laws; 2) the H-theorem; 3) the superfluidity property and 4) the recovery of the Bogoliubov theory at zero temperature \cite{condenson}. In this approach, the condensate influences the binary collisional process between the two normal atoms, in the sense that their interaction force results from the mediation of a Bogoliubov collective excitation traveling throughout the condensate. Furthermore, as long as the Bose gas is stable, no collision happens between condensed and normal atoms. In this paper, we show how the kinetic theory in the GRPA allows to calculate the dynamic structure factor at finite temperature and when the normal and superfluid are in a relative motion. The obtained spectrum for this factor provides a prediction which, compared to the experimental results, allows to validate the GRPA. PACS numbers:03.75.Hh, 03.75.Kk, 05.30.-dComment: 6 pages, 1 figures, QFS2004 conferenc
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