71 research outputs found

    Preparation of encapsulated α-tocopherol acetate and study of its physico-chemical and biological properties

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    The article discusses the results of research for obtaining encapsulated vitamin E using a water-soluble oligosaccharide (cyclodextrin). The inclusion complexes of β-CD with α-tocopherol were obtained in an aqueous-alcoholic medium by coprecipitation and microwave activation. The highest yields of target clathrate inclusion complexes of vitamin E with cyclodextrin were obtained under microwave synthesis conditions. Molecular modeling of inclusion complexes of α-tocopherol acetate with β-cyclodextrin in the ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4 was performed using the MM+ method. Based on semi-empirical PM3 calculations, without taking into account the influence of the environment, the total energy of the systems under study was estimated. Data on the study of the structure of the clathrate complex of α-tocopherol acetate with β-cyclodextrin was presented. The surface morphology of the resulting “guest-host” clathrate complex was described using a scanning electron microscope. The spectral properties of the inclusion complex were characterized by FT-IR and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy data. The study of the 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra of β-CD in the free and bound state in the form of the β-CD: VE clathrate made it possible to reveal the displacements of the signals of the nuclei (± ∆δ) 1H and 13C of the host molecule both in the region of weak and strong fields. The experimental results confirmed the possibility of the formation of inclusion complexes of α-tocopherol acetate with β-cyclodextrin at various ratios. The data on the study of the effect of encapsulated α-tocopherol acetate on the safety of food meat products was presented

    Fish and Seafood Safety: Human Exposure to Toxic Metals from the Aquatic Environment and Fish in Central Asia

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    Toxic metals that are released into aquatic environments from natural and anthropogenic sources are absorbed by aquatic organisms and may threaten the health of both aquatic organisms and humans. Despite this, there have been limited studies on the metal concentrations in fish and humans in Central Asia. This study summarizes the presence of the toxic metals arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) in aquatic bodies, fish, and seafood products and conducts a risk assessment. While certain areas show a notable increase in fish and seafood consumption, the overall intake in Central Asia remains below recommended levels. However, in regions with high fish consumption, there is a potential for elevated exposure to toxic metals, especially Hg. The risk of exposure to toxic metals in fish and seafood in Central Asia emerges as a significant concern. Comprehensive monitoring, regulation, and remediation efforts are imperative to ensure the safety of water sources and food consumption in the region. Public awareness campaigns and the establishment of dietary guidelines play a crucial role in minimizing the health risks associated with consumption

    In vivo effect of dried chicory root (Cichorium intybus L.) on xenobiotica metabolising cytochrome P450 enzymes in porcine liver

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    Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes are widely studied for their involvement in metabolism of drugs and endogenous compounds. In porcine liver, CYP1A2,2Aand 2E1 are important for the metabolism of skatole.Feeding chicory roots to pigs is known to decrease the skatole concentration in plasma and fat. In the present study we investigated the effect of chicory on CYP mRNA and protein expression, as well as their activity. Male pigs were feed dried chicory root for 16 days before liver samples were collected. By the use of RT-PCR and Western blotting we showed that the mRNA and protein expression of CYP1A2 and 2A were increased in chicory fed pigs. The mRNA expression of CYP2E1 was increased, while there was no effect on protein expression. Activity of CYP1A2 and 2A were increased in chicory feed pigs; this was not the case for CYP2E1 activity. In conclusion; oral administration of chicory root for 16 days to pigs increased the mRNA expression of CYP1A2, 2A and 2E1; and the protein expression of CYP1A2 and 2A. The activities of CYP1A2 and 2A were increased

    Samarbete kring framtida behov av forskning om galtluktsproblematik

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    enligt en frivillig överenskommelse jobbar flera EU-länder för att hitta alternativ till kirurgisk kastrering. Arbetet pågår i många EU-länder för att hitta gemensamma hållbara alternativ. Nyligen träffades EU:s forskare och företrädare för industrin för att diskutera frågorna och presentera kunskapen om alternativen till kirurgisk kastrering, med inriktning på produktion av okastrerade och immunokastratrerade hangrisar

    Feeding driet chicory root to pigs decrease androstenone accumulation in fat by increasing hepatic 3β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase expression

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    The present study investigated the in vivo effect of chicory root on testicular steroid concentrations and androstenone metabolizing enzymes in entire male pigs. Furthermore, the effect on skatole and indole concentrations in plasma and adipose tissue was investigated. The pigs were divided into two groups; one receiving experimental feed containing 10% dried chicory root for 16 days before slaughter, the control group was fed a standard diet. Plasma, adipose and liver tissue samples were collected at slaughter. Plasma was analyzed for the concentration of testosterone, estradiol, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), skatole and indole. Adipose tissue was analyzed for the concentration of androstenone, skatole and indole, while the liver tissue was analyzed for mRNA and protein expressions of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD), sulfotransferase 2A1 and heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70). The results showed that the androstenone concentrations in the adipose tissue of chicory fed pigs were significantly (p < 0.05) lower and indole concentrations were higher (p < 0.05) compared to control fed pigs. Moreover the chicory root fed pigs had increased mRNA and protein expression of 3β-HSD and decreased HSP70 expression (p < 0.05). Testosterone and IGF-1 concentrations in plasma as well as skatole concentrations in adipose tissue were not altered by dietary intake of chicory root. It is concluded that chicory root in the dietreduces the concentration of androstenone in adipose tissue via induction of 3�-HSD, and that these changes were not due to increased cellular stress

    Ферменттік гидролиздің жануартектес коллагенді шикізатына әсері

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    Етті өңдеу кезінде субөнімдердің едәуір бөлігі қалдық ретінде өңделмей тасталады немесе құндылығы төмен өнімдерді өндіру үшін қолданылады. Ет субөнімдері (мысалы, сирақтар) ақуыз гидролизатын алудың жақсы көзі болып табылады, өйткені олар көп мөлшерде өндіріледі және ақуыздарға бай. Бұл жанама өнімдерді ферментативті гидролиз арқылы құндылығы жоғары өнімдерге тиімді қолдану және өңдеу үшін жүнді субөнімдерден ақуыз гидролизаты алынды. Ақуыз гидролизаты – бұл функционалды тағамдарды дамытуға арналған перспективалы тағамдық ингредиент. Ақуыз гидролизатын алу үшін ферменттік препарат таңдалды және гидролиз параметрлері (концентрациясы, ұзақтылығы) анықталды. Өндірісте геродиетикалық бағыттағы ет өнімдерін қолдану мақсатында ақуыз гидролизатының физика-химиялық, микробиологиялық қасиеттері зерттелді. Сиыр етінің сирақта-рынан алынған ақуыз гидролизаттарында глициннің жоғары концентрациясы – 27,160±9,235%, валин мен пролин 17,284±6,914 16,667±4,333%, аланин – 10,494±2,728%, аргинин – 6,173±2,469% дерлік жоғары деңгейді көрсетті. Дайын ақуыз гидролизатының минералды құрамын зерттеу макро және микроэлементтердің концентрациясының деңгейін көрсетті: кальций - 0,93±0,005 мг/100 г, магний - 0,27±0,005 мг/100 г және мырыш - 0,07±0,001 мг/100 г. Жүнді субөнімдерінен ақуыз гидролизатын алудың технологиялық схемасы жетілдіріп, ұсынылды. Сиыр етінің ақуыздарының гидролизін қамтамасыз ететін ферменттік препарат ретінде 1% ВLT 7 қолдану тиімділігі негізделген

    Immunocastration as Alternative to Surgical Castration in Pigs

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    Surgical castration of piglets is a routine practice in pig production used to prevent the incidence of boar taint of pig meat, which may develop in entire male pigs as they reach puberty. This practice is being presently questioned in the European Union, and there is a strong initiative to end it. The initiative is presently voluntary; however, key stakeholders of European pig production sector have signed a declaration, and the actions undertaken by them already affect the business. Before such new concepts in pig production can be implemented, alternative solutions are needed, one of them being immunocastration. The present chapter will thus focus on the presentation of immunocastration as one of the promising alternatives to surgical castration. Theoretical and practical aspects of immunocastration in pig production will be described, and the advantages and disadvantages of this alternative will be summarised. Physiological principles of immunocastration and impacts on metabolism, growth performance, body composition and meat quality will be described and aspects of public acceptability reviewed

    Assessing the digestibility and estimated bioavailability/ bioaccessibility of plant-based proteins and minerals from soy, pea, and faba bean ingredients

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    Concerns have been raised about the nutritional adequacy of plant-based foods due to the presence of antinutrients and overall low protein digestibility. Therefore, this study characterizes the estimated bioavailability/ bioaccessibility of iron and zinc and the protein digestibility of 11 commercially available plant-based ingredients to assess their potential in the future development of nutritious plant-based foods. The accessibility of iron and zinc was limited in all ingredients, with only faba bean isolate, pea isolate, faba bean concentrate and texturized pea containing accessible iron. Faba bean isolate was found to have the highest amount of accessible iron (67.4 mg/kg) whereas textured pea showed the lowest amount (0.5 mg/kg). The estimated bioavailability of iron and zinc, based on the calculated molar ratio of phytate, was low for all studied ingredients, with isolates showing the highest overall tendency for available iron and zinc. The amino acid composition data revealed limitations regarding valine and/or isoleucine in all protein concentrates and texturized proteins, soy isolate, and faba bean flour. In contrast, no significant differences were found in overall protein digestibility, suggesting that all tested raw materials, including faba bean, can be considered good protein sources

    7-Hydroxylation of warfarin is strongly inhibited by sesamin, but not by episesamin, caffeic and ferulic acids in human hepatic microsomes

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Warfarin is a commonly used anticoagulant drug and is a derivate of coumarin. Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) plays the key role in transformation of coumarin and thus, influences determination of warfarin dosage. A number of factors including dietary compounds such as sesamin, caffeic acid and ferulic acids can regulate the activity of CYP2C9. The present study tested the hypothesis that sesamin, episesamin, caffeic acid and ferulic acid decreases the rate of warfarin 7-hydroxylation via inhibition of hepatic CYP2C9. The experiments were conducted on hepatic microsomes from human donors. It was demonstrated that the rate of 7-hydroxylation of warfarin was significantly decreased in the presence of sesamin in the range of concentrations from 5 to 500 nM, and was not affected by episesamin, caffeic acid and ferulic acid in the same range of concentrations. The kinetic analysis indicated non-competitive type of inhibition by sesamin with Ki = 202 ± 18 nM. In conclusion, the results of our in vitro study revealed that sesamin was able to inhibit formation of a major metabolite of warfarin, 7-hydroxywarfarin. The potentially negative consequences of the consumption of high amounts of sesamin-containing food or dietary supplements in warfarin-treated patients need to be further studied

    Attitudes and preferences regarding plant-based yoghurt analogues among Swedish consumers with different dietary habits

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    This study evaluated drivers and barriers in consumer willingness to purchase plant-based yoghurt analogues (PBYA) and assessed the most important attributes of PBYA. Questionnaire data from 702 Swedish adults (19% vegan, 20% lacto-ovo-vegetarian, 21% flexitarian, 41% omnivore) showed that attitudes and preferences regarding PBYA differed between consumers with different dietary preferences. Animal welfare was an important driver for vegans, while interest in trying new foods was one of the main drivers for omnivores. All four consumer groups believed that PBYA is good for the environment. The main reasons indicated for not consuming PBYA were unpleasant taste and lack of motive to switch from dairy yoghurt to PBYA. All groups indicated taste, appearance and price as overall driving forces when choosing PBYA. The importance of some factors, such as local ingredients, few additives and low sugar content, was rated higher by flexitarians and omnivores than by vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians. These data about consumer attitudes and preferences regarding PBYA should be implemented during PBYA product development, especially when targeting different food preference groups