44 research outputs found

    Determinants of increased real prices of livestock in Balochistan

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    The real prices of livestock in Balochistan have been increasing dramatically over the last decade and still there is no sign for them to recede. There is no study that accounts for determinants of this rise in the real prices of livestock in Balochistan. The purpose of this research was to find out the determinants for the increasing real prices of livestock. The research was mainly conducted in Balochistan including rural and urban areas of Quetta, Mastung and Kuchlaq. Twenty-nine farmers, livestock experts, government agencies and vets were selected as the respondents to gather data using questioning technique. In addition, some of the data was also obtained from the report of SMEDA. Judgemental sampling was used as the method for data collection from the respondents. The data thus collected was descriptively analysed. The study found that the determinants for the rise in the real prices of livestock included shortage of production/supply, high risk of raising animals, smuggling of livestock across the boarders, lack of government support and low level of technological use

    Determinants of increased real prices of livestock in Balochistan

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    The real prices of livestock in Balochistan have been increasing dramatically over the last decade and still there is no sign for them to recede. There is no study that accounts for determinants of this rise in the real prices of livestock in Balochistan. The purpose of this research was to find out the determinants for the increasing real prices of livestock. The research was mainly conducted in Balochistan including rural and urban areas of Quetta, Mastung and Kuchlaq. Twenty-nine farmers, livestock experts, government agencies and vets were selected as the respondents to gather data using questioning technique. In addition, some of the data was also obtained from the report of SMEDA. Judgemental sampling was used as the method for data collection from the respondents. The data thus collected was descriptively analysed. The study found that the determinants for the rise in the real prices of livestock included shortage of production/supply, high risk of raising animals, smuggling of livestock across the boarders, lack of government support and low level of technological use.real prices; livestock; Balochistan

    The nature, sources and the socio-economic effects of terrorism in Balochistan

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    Terrorism has badly affected Pakistan and Balochistan is one of its worst – hit provinces. There is no research that accounts for the nature, sources and effects of terrorism on Balochistan; this study, thus, tried to explore the same. A sample size of 250 respondents was chosen to cast their opinion about the problem using a questionnaire through a stratified sample of Quetta city. The results indicated that the nature of terrorism in Balochistan is, at first, Political and is caused by the prevailing social injustice and lack of economic activity, cross-border activities and religious and ethnic extremism. Terrorism has negatively affected business optimism, foreign investment and economic life in Balochistan. As far as the social life is concerned, a sense of fear prevails in the province that has reduced social activities in the province. One of the worst – hit areas by terrorism is education and religious practices. In order to correct the current situation prevailing in Balochistan the government has to play an intelligent, planned and effective role in Balochistan.Socio-economic effects, Terrorism, Balochistan

    Determinants of increased real prices of livestock in Balochistan

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    The real prices of livestock in Balochistan have been increasing dramatically over the last decade and still there is no sign for them to recede. There is no study that accounts for determinants of this rise in the real prices of livestock in Balochistan. The purpose of this research was to find out the determinants for the increasing real prices of livestock. The research was mainly conducted in Balochistan including rural and urban areas of Quetta, Mastung and Kuchlaq. Twenty-nine farmers, livestock experts, government agencies and vets were selected as the respondents to gather data using questioning technique. In addition, some of the data was also obtained from the report of SMEDA. Judgemental sampling was used as the method for data collection from the respondents. The data thus collected was descriptively analysed. The study found that the determinants for the rise in the real prices of livestock included shortage of production/supply, high risk of raising animals, smuggling of livestock across the boarders, lack of government support and low level of technological use

    Knowledge, Cause and Level of Acceptance of Interest among Muslims in Balochistan

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    Islam is not just a religion but a life’s complete code – presents economic, social and political systems of its own to guide human in all aspects of life – thus has prohibited interest which is the exploitation to the people and acting like a curse for the whole humanity – due to interest rich is getting richer and poor is getting poorer – affects the borrower and the lender alike. There is no research that throws light on the knowledge, cause and level of acceptance of interest among Muslims; this study thus evaluates the same. The sample size of 100 respondents was chosen to give their opinions against the questionnaire regarding to the issue in stratified sampling of the Muslims living in Quetta, Balochistan. The results clearly indicated that Muslims do have knowledge of prohibition of interest in Islam. The cause behind the acceptance of interest is relying on conventional economic system, being modern and selfish, return on deposits, credit facilities, assurance of guaranteed profit, the risk on investment and time value consideration of money. In order to help in reduction of the level of acceptance of interest the effective corporate governance and the highly ethical economic system are needed to be well-regulated with transparency to guide social lives with the compliance of main tenets of Shariah

    Knowledge, Cause and Level of Acceptance of Interest among Muslims in Balochistan

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    Islam is not just a religion but a life’s complete code – presents economic, social and political systems of its own to guide human in all aspects of life – thus has prohibited interest which is the exploitation to the people and acting like a curse for the whole humanity – due to interest rich is getting richer and poor is getting poorer – affects the borrower and the lender alike. There is no research that throws light on the knowledge, cause and level of acceptance of interest among Muslims; this study thus evaluates the same. The sample size of 100 respondents was chosen to give their opinions against the questionnaire regarding to the issue in stratified sampling of the Muslims living in Quetta, Balochistan. The results clearly indicated that Muslims do have knowledge of prohibition of interest in Islam. The cause behind the acceptance of interest is relying on conventional economic system, being modern and selfish, return on deposits, credit facilities, assurance of guaranteed profit, the risk on investment and time value consideration of money. In order to help in reduction of the level of acceptance of interest the effective corporate governance and the highly ethical economic system are needed to be well-regulated with transparency to guide social lives with the compliance of main tenets of Shariah

    Sentinel lymph node scintigraphy and radioguided dissection in breast carcinoma: an initial experience at Aga Khan University Hospital

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of SLN biopsy using imaging and gamma probe in breast cancer and to establish this technique at Aga Khan University Hospital.Methods: Thirty two patients (mean age 33-76 yrs) with operable breast carcinoma (4 with post-neo adjuvant therapy) with clinically negative axilla were studied. In 28 patients simultaneous axillary dissection was performed. Sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) scintigraphy was performed a day before surgery by injecting Tc-99m labeled nannocolloid sub-dermally in the peri-areolar region in 24 and peri-tumoral in remaining 8. First lymph node (LN) to appear to on the scan was labeled as SLN and marked on the skin. Blue dye was also injected in all patients and blue and hot LN was explored in the axilla using gamma probe.Results: The sentinel LN was identified in 31 patients (96.9% success rate) while in one patient (3.1%) SLN was not visualized on the scan (negative study) and this was a post-neo-adjuvant therapy case. The blue dye successfully localized the sentinel LNs in all 32 cases The gamma probe guided localization was successful in all 31 while in one case with post-neo-adjuvant chemotherapy it failed. In 9 out of 32 (28.1%) cases SLN was positive for metastasis and in 6 out of these 9 (66.6%) the SLN was the only metastatic node. This includes the post-neo-adjuvant case as well. There was no case of skip metastasis, i.e. negative SNL and positive other axillary nodes. In remaining 23 (71.9%) cases SLN was negative for metastasis and in all, axilla was free of disease (NPV of 100%).CONCLUSION: Lymphoscintigraphy with gamma probe guided SNL biopsy is safe, simple and highly reliable technique. With blue dye technique it reduces the blindness of the procedure if performed independently but increases the cost. Finally, this can accurately stage the axilla, possibly allowing axillary dissection to be foregone in patients where the SLN is clear

    Extra pulmonary uptake of Tc-99m-MAA perfusion lung scan as a result of right to left intra cardiac shunt

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    Extra pulmonary accumulation of Tc-99m-macroaggregate of albumin (MAA) is rarely seen on perfusion lung scan, and has been reported in less than 4% of a study population of nearly 380 patients1. It occurs when the agent bypasses the lungs due to a right to left (R-L) cardiac or pulmonary shunt, when it is shunted to the portal vein before reaching the right atrium and ventricle of the heart, and when the agent is degraded to a submicron particle size.2 When a pharmaceutical problem is excluded, extra-pulmonary uptake implies unusual hemodynamics with a shunt

    Extra [corrected] pulmonary uptake of Tc-99m-MAA perfusion lung scan as a result of right to left intra cardiac shunt

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    Extra pulmonary accumulation of Tc-99m-macroaggregate of albumin (MAA) is rarely seen on perfusion lung scan, and has been reported in less than 4% of a study population of nearly 380 patients. It occurs when the agent bypasses the lungs due to a right to left (R-L) cardiac or pulmonary shunt, when it is shunted to the portal vein before reaching the right atrium and ventricle of the heart, and when the agent is degraded to a submicron particle size. When a pharmaceutical problem is excluded, extra-pulmonary uptake implies unusual hemodynamics with a shunt. A case is reported in which a clinically unsuspected shunt was diagnosed from the lung perfusion scintigraphy

    The nature, sources and the socio-economic effects of terrorism in Balochistan

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    Terrorism has badly affected Pakistan and Balochistan is one of its worst – hit provinces. There is no research that accounts for the nature, sources and effects of terrorism on Balochistan; this study, thus, tried to explore the same. A sample size of 250 respondents was chosen to cast their opinion about the problem using a questionnaire through a stratified sample of Quetta city. The results indicated that the nature of terrorism in Balochistan is, at first, Political and is caused by the prevailing social injustice and lack of economic activity, cross-border activities and religious and ethnic extremism. Terrorism has negatively affected business optimism, foreign investment and economic life in Balochistan. As far as the social life is concerned, a sense of fear prevails in the province that has reduced social activities in the province. One of the worst – hit areas by terrorism is education and religious practices. In order to correct the current situation prevailing in Balochistan the government has to play an intelligent, planned and effective role in Balochistan