149 research outputs found

    Miglioramento dell'efficienza energetica in sistemi aggregati di edilizia pre-industriale di base, tra istanze conservative e prestazionali. Valutazione quantitativa del fabbisogno di energia in alcuni aggregati nel centro urbano di Ferrara

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    The energy performance of buildings, their needs and the possibilities of energy saving, have long been an issue in the debate of construction and real estate sectors. The transposition of the Directive 2002/91/EC (EPBD), as well as of the Directive 2010/31/EU, has modified the relationship between building and energy, also in existing buildings. On the other hand, the energy performance certificate (EPC) spreading has changed the real estate perception. Energy upgrade is a good way for retrofit existing buildings of the second half of the 20th century, but not for all existing buildings. The cultural heritage and preindustrial basic building should be a special case to discuss. Several studies discuss energy performance of single building, building stock, heritage building and also urban comfort. The planning of actual energy policies and the organization of targeted action in the structural planning, can only start from the knowledge of the real state of things. With the aim of validating the real need for improvement of energy performance in preindustrial basic building, my dissertation provides an in-depth quantitative analysis of the thermal energy demand and the improvement of energy efficiency in preindustrial basic building, through the analytical investigation of the case studies in the urban center of Ferrara

    Consumi alimentari in tempi di recessione: il caso dell'Italia nel periodo 2001-2013

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    Italian families, affected by the recession, have reduced consumption not only in terms of expenditure, but also on the amount of goods and services purchased. The analysis shows that expenditure, in real terms, for food and beverages fell by -21 percent in 2007-2013; contraction in 2001-2007, always net of price dynamics, was found to -5 percent only. The food can reduce spending through its recomposition favoring merchandise less “rich” and processed within the different food categories. The affirmation of a style marked by purchasing savings depends not only upon the constraints dictated by the family budget, but also by ethical values that inspire respect for the environment and sustainability and that helped to increase the consumption of organic products in contrast to the food expenditure as a whole

    Resilienza e patrimonio culturale. Il progetto BhENEFIT e il caso studio della Regione Emilia-Romagna a sette anni dal sisma 2012

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    I profondi cambiamenti nella governance regionale intrapresi a seguito dell’evento traumatico con esclusivo riferimento al patrimonio culturale costruito consentono di caratterizzare l’incremento di resilienza del sistema perseguito mediante l’adattamento e la trasformazione di alcuni processi e, in seconda battuta, di inquadrare le signifcative ricadute sulla struttura territoriale colpita. Il progetto Interreg Central Europe BhENEFIT rappresenta in tale contesto la sintesi di un ampio confronto su strumenti di governance in rapporto alle attuali tecnologie digitali integrate a supporto della gestione dell’informazione nei processi di gestione, intesa anche come gestione del rischio, e valorizzazione dei centri storici anche minori.The Emilia-Romagna Cultural Heritage scenario after the damages –Emilia-Romagna earthquake 2012– allow both professionals and policy maker to register the resilience capacity building of the governance procedures as well as of the affected territory. In this context, the Interreg Central Europe BhENEFIT Project represents the synthesis of a broad comparison on governance tools in relation to the current digital technologies, in order to support information management processes, and risk management analysis, for the enhancement of historic centers, even minor ones

    Commodity futures markets: are they an effective price risk management tool for the European wheat supply chain?

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    The instability of commodity prices and the hypothesis that speculative behaviour was one of its causes has brought renewed interest in futures markets. The paper analyses the European wheat futures markets (feed and milling) and the Chicago Board of Trade’s wheat contract as a comparison. Although the main purpose of the paper is to analyse whether futures markets are still useful for hedging (considering the demands from different market participants), implicitly this can be seen as testing whether the increasing presence of speculation has made futures markets divorced from physical markets. The results indicate that hedging with futures markets is still a viable alternative for dealing with price risk. This is particularly true in short period hedges (e.g. merchants and processors), where the basis seems to have been affected by the observed price instability

    Un modèle quantitatif pour l’évaluation des effets de la réforme de la PAC en Italie

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    L’objectif de cette étude est de décrire les caractéristiques principales d’un modèle qui a pour but l’estimation des effets des mesures de politique agricole au niveau des sous-régions et aux niveaux régional et national. Ce modèle est basé sur l’utilisation de l’information « positive » contenue dans deux bases de données différentes, RICA et IACS-AGEA (la base de données administrative italienne), et d’outils théoriques, comme la PMP (Programmation Mathématique Positive), capables de reproduire et simuler le comportement entrepreneurial des agriculteurs de chaque région.The purpose of this paper is to describe the principle characteristics of a model that aims to estimate the effects of agricultural policy measures at sub-regional, regional and national level. This model is based on the use of “positive” information contained in two different databases, RICA and IACS-AGEA (the Italian administrative databank), and theoretical tools, such as PMP (Positive Mathematical Programming), able to reproduce and properly simulate the entrepreneurial behaviour present in each region

    Santarcangelo di Romagna: il sistema di strutture ipogee in rapporto al tessuto urbano storico tra tutela e valorizzazione

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    ITALIANO: Santarcangelo di Romagna presenta un elevato numero di ipogei scavati all’interno del colle sul quale sorge l’abitato, tale fenomeno costituisce un vero e proprio ‘sistema’ di cavità sovrapposte ed interconnesse. Oggetto dello studio è stato quello di esaminare la documentazione disponibile e procedere al rilievo di quattro di esse tramite Laser Scanner 3d. La raccolta del dato ha portato ad aumentare la conoscenza delle strutture, al fine di garantirne la tutela anche mediante ricostruzione virtuale degli ambienti ipogei. / ENGLISH: Santarcangelo di Romagna has a high number of hypogea excavated inside the hill on which the town stands, this phenomenon constitutes a real ‘system ’ of overlapping and interconnected cavities. The object of the study was to examine the available documentation and proceed with the survey of four of them through 3d Laser Scanner. The collection of data has led to increase the knowledge of the structures, in order to ensure their protection also through virtual reconstruction of the underground environments

    L'origine delle materie prime agroalimentari: importazioni e produzione interna in Italia

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    The theme of “origin of the product” is likely a media and commercial exploitation if not thorough providing the consumer with adequate information. In a few cases he knows some facts which can not be ignored. To this end, the paper aims to provide an updated assessment of the degree of self-sufficiency for the Italian agricultural and food products. To correctly understand the situation, it should be stressed that our country does not have and couldn’t have the potential to provide all the agricultural feedstock needed to carry out, in quantity and quality, all the Italian domestic consumption. Italy is self-sufficient only for a few food consumption, for the rest our country needs to import many raw materials and then export them in the form of finished products, thanks to the capacity and know-how of its processing industry. It is better to endure a trade deficit for raw materials, but to succeed, with the imports, to preserve the industrial potential that ensures value added and income

    La certificazione volontaria della sostenibilità nel processo di restauro e l’evoluzione del quadro normativo nazionale.

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    The concept of sustainability and restoration results from a critical attribution of value and the subsequent need to allow future generations to enjoy what has been considered as valuable and appreciated. From this perspective, it is necessary to renounce to a strictly economic and short-term-vision on what it is considered as valuable and foster a wider and longer-term-vision. The ‘operational’ moment of restoration represents the only culturally-sustainable possible action, facing the pre-existing material evidence, to which a ‘cultural value’ has been critically recognized. However, even though restoration is the only possible action to achieve a cultural sustainability, it is not the only possible action on a pre-existing construction. The assessment of the sustainability level of a design process should take into consideration the multiple potential aspects, although the actual restoration process must focus on the culturally sustainable action. This goal is achievable by using tools and methods pertaining to the context of buildings sustainability and GBC Historic Building®, a LEED®-based rating system for the voluntary certification of historic buildings’ preservation, fulfils this need by defining requirements to be met and by suggesting approaches to demonstrate performance achievement. In this context the adoption of the Environmental Minimum Criteria by the Ministry of Environment create a binding legal framework that must be integrated as an integral part of voluntary certification systems

    Cosa sono i contratti futures e perché è utile conoscerli

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    Il progressivo depotenziamento dei meccanismi di intervento e protezione dei mercati offerto dalla Pac ha via via aumentato la volatilità dei listini delle commodity. L’utilizzo dei futures consente di gestire meglio il rischio di prezzo di cereali e semi oleosi