34 research outputs found

    Possibility of afforestation of halomorphic soils in Vojvodina

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    Pošumljavanje halomorfnih tala u Vojvodini predstavlja poseban problem obzirom na vrlo nisku produktivnost kao posljedicu niza nepovoljnih svojstava toga stanišnog tipa. Niska produktivnost određuje mogućnost, razinu i karakter korištenja toga stanišnog tipa u šumarstvu. U osnovi, pošumljavanje na tome stanišnom tipu predstavlja prostornu infrastrukturnu investiciju u smislu poboljšanja strukture šumskog fonda i porasta ukupnog biološkog potencijala. Osnivanje šumskih nasada u cilju dobivanja drvne mase nema ekonomskog opravdanja. Razlog tome je niska produktivnost, karakteristična mozaičnost, a time i nemogućnost korištenja u šumarstvu, tako da je na ovom stanišnom tipu osnovna funkcija ekološka.The afforestation of halomorphic soils in Vojvodina is a special problem considering the very low productivity, a consequence of a series of unfavourable properties of this site type. Low productivity determines the potential, level and character of this site type utilisation in forestry. The afforestation on this site type is basically a spatial infrasructural investment in the sense of improving the growing stock structure and the increase of the total biological potential. The establishment of forest plantations aimed at obtaining timber is not economically justified. The reasons for this are the low productivity, the characteristic mosaic pattern, and, through this, the inadequacy of using these sites forest exploitation. Accordingly, this site type should mainly have ecological functions

    Possibilities for using agricultural areas for the cultivation of poplars in the hilly and mountainous regions of the Republic of Serbia

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    Brojni manji ili već vodotoci rijeka i rječica u Republici Srbiji obrasli su fragmentima aluvijalno higrofilnih šuma i predstavljaju potencijal za proširenje šumskog fonda. Problem predstavlja usitnjenost parcela koje su korištene za uzgajanje poljoprivrednih kultura i u privatnom su vlasništvu. Poseban značaj podizanja aluvijalnih-higrofilnih šuma uz ove vodotoke je u povećanju ukupne površine pod šumama u Republici Srbiji, čime se posredno pospješuje održivi razvoj šumskih ekosistema, stabilnost poljoprivredne proizvodnje i zaštita životne sredine. Uz međe okolnih parcela od prirode se javljaju fragmenti nekadašnjih šuma, koji ukazuju na visok stupanj utjecaja antropogenog čimbenika, kao i na činjenicu da je na tim površinama bila autohtona šumska vegetacija. U radu su istraživana svojstva tala od značaja za uzgajanje selektiranih sorti crnih topola u plićaku rijeke Rasine. Izdvojena je pjeskovita i ilovasta forma fluvisola. Izdvojene sistematske jedinice tala su formirane u priobalnom genetičkom dijelu plićaka ove rijeke. Razlika između izdvojenih sistematskih jedinica tla je u sadržaju praha i gline, teksturnoj klasi i sadržaju odnosno tipu akumulacije organske tvari u tlu.Numerous smaller and larger river streams in Serbia are covered by the fragments of alluvial hygrophillous forests presenting a potential for an extension of the forest stock. Along with the private ownership of the land, there is also the problem of land fragmentation due to the use of the land for agriculture. The establishment of alluvial hygrophillous forests along these streams would enlarge the total forest area in the Republic, which would indirectly promote the sustainable development of the forest ecosystems, the stability of agriculture, and the protection of the environment. Along the margins of the surrounding land areas, the fragments of the past forests naturally return. This confirms a high degree of influence of the anthropogenetic factor, and the fact that autochthonous forest vegetation used to cover these areas. A special place in the enlargement of the growing stock of the Republic of Serbia is taken by the selected species of black poplars due to their fast growth, height increment and the multiple purpose of poplar timber. The many years of the research on the numerous factors influencing the production of the poplar wood mass resulted in the conclusion that a successful production requires the following most important steps: choice of species, choice of habitat (particularly soil), and the selection of the suitable technologies for the establishment, growth, and protection of the plantations

    A Double Rarity: Lost intravascular Catheter Guidewire in Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava and Coronary Sinus - A Case Report

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    Benjamin Palić,1,2 Marija Goluža Sesar,3 Kristina Galić,3 Gojko Bogdan,4 Zrinko Prskalo1 1Department of Internal Medicine, University Clinical Hospital Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 2Department of Pathophysiology, School of Medicine, University of Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 3Department of Pulmonology, University Clinical Hospital Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 4Department of Radiology, University Clinical Hospital Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and HerzegovinaCorrespondence: Benjamin Palić, Department of Internal Medicine, University Clinical Hospital Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Email [email protected]: Guidewire loss is a rare complication of central venous catheterization. A 65-year-old male was hospitalized in a high-dependency unit for exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, erythrocytosis, and clinical signs of heart failure. Upon admission, after an unsuccessful right jugular approach, a left jugular central venous catheter was placed. The next day, chest radiography revealed the catheter located in the left parasternal region, with suspected retention of the guidewire, visually confirmed by the presence of its proximal end inside the catheter. The left parasternal location of the catheter and the typical projection of the guidewire in the coronary sinus, later confirmed by echocardiography, raised suspicion of a persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC). Agitated saline injected into the left antecubital vein confirmed bubble entry from the coronary sinus into the right atrium. After clamping the guidewire, the catheter was carefully retrieved along with the guidewire without any complications. This is the first reported case of guidewire retention in PLSVC and coronary sinus. It underscores the potential causes of guidewire loss and advocates preventive measures to avoid this potentially fatal complication.Keywords: intraoperative complication, central venous catheter, persistent left superior vena cava, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive lung diseas

    Assessment of computed tomography simulators used in radiotherapy treatment planning in Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The purpose of this work was to evaluate computed tomography simulators used in radio-therapy treatment planning in Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. A survey of quality assurance programmes of 24 computed tomography simulators in 16 facilities was conducted. A dedicated CT-to-ED phantom was scanned at 120 kV and 140 kV, to obtain CT-to-ED conversion curves as well as CTDIvol. Thoracal phantoms were scanned in the standard and extended field of view to evaluate the dosimetric effect on treatment planning and delivery. The mean age of the measured scanners was 5.5 years. The mean water HU value was –6.5 (all scanners, all voltages) and air HU value was –997. Extended field of view computed tomography data differ from the standard field of view and differences between conversion curves have significant dosimetric impact. The CTDI data showed a large range of values between centers. Better quality assurance of computed tomography simulators in all countries is recommended. The CT-to-ED curve could be used as default at one voltage and per manufacturer. Extended field of view imaging can be used, but treatment planning should be avoided in the regions out of the standard field of view

    Analysis of development, potential and importance of the Northern Sea Route

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    Today, almost 80% of cargo is transported by sea. Most of the global maritime shipping operations are performed in the direction East – West, through the southern routes, e.g. Singapore – Suez Canal – Gibraltar – Europe. The total fuel cost is the major concern and the main drawback of these routes. According to the latest statistics and analyses, the price of fuel is growing and such a trend will cause a great impact on the economies of developing countries. For these reasons, new alternative maritime routes, in which the optimisation of transportation in the maritime transport network can be achieved, are to be found. There is a possibility of establishing such routes in the areas of high latitudes where climatological changes and diminishing ice open up entirely new possibilities for shipping and present completely new challenges in the global shipping industry. Through the comparative analysis of the main routes and the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) method, this paper discusses the advantages, potential and importance, as well as the level of reliability, threats and disadvantages of using the areas of high latitude in maritime transport