8 research outputs found

    Organization of the Emergency Dental Service in the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County

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    Hitna stomatološka služba društvena je javnozdravstvena djelatnost primarne stomatološke zaštite organizirana i financirana od HZZO-a Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije kako bi se na trima lokacijama svim građanima Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije pružile hitne stomatološke usluge u vremenu kada ostale stomatološke ustanove i ordinacije ne ordiniraju, a to je tijekom svake noći od 22 sata do 6 sati ujutro, te nedjeljama, praznicima i blagdanima. U cijelosti sagledavši organizaciju spomenute službe, do 2000. godine Gradski je ured za zdravstvo, rad i socijalnu skrb proveo funkcionalnu reorganizaciju sa svrhom da se postignu najviši standardi u hitnoj zubozdravstvenoj zaštiti svih građana Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije. Služba je organizirana u uređenim prostorima i s novom stomatološkom opremom na trima lokacijama: u KB Dubrava (Av. G. Šuška 6), u Stomatološkoj poliklinici Zagreb (Perkovčeva 3) i u Domu zdravlja Centarlokacija Siget (Aleja pomoraca bb). Radi se sa sedam timova; od čega pet timova financira HZZO, a po jedan tim financiraju Grad Zagreb i Zagrebačka županija. Grad Zagreb ima 780 000 stanovnika, a Županija još dodatnih 310 000 stanovnika.The emergency dental service is a social public health activity of primary dental health care organized and financed by the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, city of Zagreb and the Zagreb county. The emergency dental service offers quick and important dental services to every citizen of the city of Zagreb and Zagreb county. The emergency dental service works when other dental instutitions and practices do not work, i.e. each night from 10 pm. to 06 am., on Sundays, holidays and feasts. Based on the activity of the mentioned organization up to the year 2000, the city of Zagreb’s “Department for Health, Work and Social Welfare“ decided to conduct functional reorganization with the aim of achieving the highest standards of emergency dental service for each citizen of the town and county. The service is organized in new facilities with new dental equipment at three locations: Clinical Hospital “Dubrava“ (Av. G. Šuška 6), Dental polyclinic Zagreb (Perkovćeva 3) and Health Center “Center“- location Siget (Aleja pomoraca bb.). The service has 7 teams, 5 of which are financed by the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, 1 by the city of Zagreb, and 1 by the Zagreb county. The city of Zagreb has 780000 residents and the county has an additional 310000 residents

    Comparison of outpatient utilization of psychopharmaceuticals between Croatia and Scandinavian countries (2001-2003)

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    Neurotropic drugs account for 15% of total drug utilization in Croatia. The aim was to estimate outpatient consumption of psychotropic drugs in Croatia in correlation with Scandinavian countries. Data on drug utilization in Croatia were collected and analyzed for the 2001-2003 period. Data were obtained from Zagreb Municipal Pharmacy and extrapolated to the total number of pharmacies. All drugs were classified according to Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical (ATC) drug classification system. These data were used to calculate a number of defined daily doses (DDD) and DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day (DDD/TID). Data of the Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee were used for Scandinavian countries. In Croatia, total utilization of psychopharmaceuticals of 144.9 DDD/TID in 2001, 148.9 DDD/TID in 2002 and 141.9 DDD/TID in 2003 exceeded that recorded in Scandinavian countries. Anxiolytics accounted for 90% of psycholeptic utilization in Croatia versus 22% in Sweden and 34% in Finland. The anxiolytic/antidepressant ratio decreased in Croatia by 35.19% (7.19 in 2001 and 4.66 in 2003), whereas in Scandinavian countries it showed a constant rate (0.7 in Finland, 0.4 in Denmark and Norway, and 0.3 in Sweden)

    A review on greywater reuse: quality, risks, barriers and global scenarios

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