193 research outputs found

    Can Europe recover without credit?

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    Data from 135 countries covering five decades suggests that creditless recoveries, in which the stock of real credit does not return to the pre-crisis level for three years after the GDP trough, are not rare and are characterised by remarkable real GDP growth rates: 4.7 percent per year in middle-income countries and 3.2 percent per year in high-income countries. However, the implications of these historical episodes for the current European situation are limited, for two main reasons. First, creditless recoveries are much less common in highincome countries, than in low-income countries which are financially undeveloped. European economies heavily depend on bank loans and research suggests that loan supply played a major role in the recent weak credit performance of Europe. There are reasons to believe that, despite various efforts, normal lending has not yet been restored. Limited loan supply could be disruptive for the European economic recovery and there has been only a minor substitution of bank loans with debt securities. Second, creditless recoveries were associated with significant real exchange rate depreciation, which has hardly occurred so far in most of Europe. This stylised fact suggests that it might be difficult to re-establish economic growth in the absence of sizeable real exchange rate depreciation, if credit growth does not return

    Financial Transaction Tax: Small is Beautiful

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    The case for taxing financial transactions merely to raise more revenues from the financial sector is not particularly strong. Better alternatives to tax the financial sector are likely to be available. However, a tax on financial transactions could be justified in order to limit socially undesirable transactions when more direct means of doing so are unavailable for political or practical reasons. Some financial transactions are indeed likely to do more harm than good, especially when they contribute to the systemic risk of the financial system. However, such a financial transaction tax should be very small, much smaller than the negative externalities in question, because it is a blunt instrument that also drives out socially useful transactions. There is a case for taxing over-the-counter derivative transactions at a somewhat higher rate than exchange-based derivative transactions. More targeted remedies to drive out socially undesirable transactions should be sought in parallel, which would allow, after their implementation, to reduce or even phase out financialtransaction taxes

    Reduction of systemic risk by means of Pigouvian taxation

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    We analyze the possibility of reduction of systemic risk in financial markets through Pigouvian taxation of financial institutions, which is used to support the rescue fund. We introduce the concept of the cascade risk with a clear operational definition as a subclass and a network related measure of the systemic risk. Using financial networks constructed from real Italian money market data and using realistic parameters, we show that the cascade risk can be substantially reduced by a small rate of taxation and by means of a simple strategy of the money transfer from the rescue fund to interbanking market subjects. Furthermore, we show that while negative effects on the return on investment (ROI) are direct and certain, an overall positive effect on risk adjusted return on investments (ROIRA) is visible. Please note that the taxation is introduced as a monetary/regulatory, not as a _scal measure, as the term could suggest. The rescue fund is implemented in a form of a common reserve fund

    Component-wise incremental LTL model checking

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    Efficient symbolic and explicit-state model checking approaches have been developed for the verification of linear time temporal logic (LTL) properties. Several attempts have been made to combine the advantages of the various algorithms. Model checking LTL properties usually poses two challenges: one must compute the synchronous product of the state space and the automaton model of the desired property, then look for counterexamples that is reduced to finding strongly connected components (SCCs) in the state space of the product. In case of concurrent systems, where the phenomenon of state space explosion often prevents the successful verification, the so-called saturation algorithm has proved its efficiency in state space exploration. This paper proposes a new approach that leverages the saturation algorithm both as an iteration strategy constructing the product directly, as well as in a new fixed-point computation algorithm to find strongly connected components on-the-fly by incrementally processing the components of the model. Complementing the search for SCCs, explicit techniques and component-wise abstractions are used to prove the absence of counterexamples. The resulting on-the-fly, incremental LTL model checking algorithm proved to scale well with the size of models, as the evaluation on models of the Model Checking Contest suggests
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