370 research outputs found

    Stress Prolongs Wound Healing Post Cesarean Section

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    Introduction: Decision for cesarean section may lead to the stress for women in delivery. Stress response requires longer recovery time in post cesarean section patients. Most of patients who experience stress before and after surgical is associated with wound healing delay. When this condition continues, the wound will have a higher risk of infection. The objective of this study was to analyze correlation between stress and wound healing phase in post cesarean section patients. Method: A cross sectional design was used in this study. The population were women with cesarean section, both elective or emergency, in Delivery Room I RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Samples were recruited by using purposive sampling, with 28 samples who met to the inclusion criterias. The observed variables were stress and wound healing phase in post cesarean section patient. Stress data were collected by interview and wound healing measurement done by observation on the 3rd day post cesarean section. Result: The result showed that women with stress experience wound healing delay. The characteristic of wound healing delay was prolonged on inflammation phase, nevertheless there was presence of granulation tissue. Spearman's rho correlation showed that correlation value r=0.675 with p=0.000. Discussion: It can be concluded that there was strong significant correlation between stress and wound healing phase in post cesarean section patients. It is important to give this information to the patients with cesarean section in order to prevent stress and delay in wound healing phase

    Perception Stimulation Group Activity Therapy Increases E Children Self Esteem at Prison

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    Introduction: Prison is societal implementer unit which accommodate care and develop the delinquent children. It was recorded that 57% of children at Blitar Child Prison undergo some self concept problems such as low self esteem. This was caused by some factors such as society\u27s stigmatization toward criminals, development pattern and education, and less support from family. If the self esteem problem is not being overcome soon, the children may fell useless, disable to control their self and recrime when they are back to society. The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of GAT (Group Activity Therapy) perception stimulation in increasing the children self esteem at prison. Method: A quasy experimental pre post control design was used in this study. Samples were recruited by using total sampling and there were 22 samples as on inclusion criteria. The independent variable was GAT perception stimulation and the dependent variable was increasing self esteem of these childen. Data were collected by using questionnare and analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and Mann Whitney U Test with the significance level α≤0.05.Result: The result showed that controlled group has significance level was p=0.654, it is mean there was no self esteem change before and after GAT perception stimulation was given. Whereas treatment group has significance level was p=0.001, it revealed that there was self esteem change before and after GAT perception stimulation was given. The result of Mann Whitney U Test showed p=0.000 which means was accepted. Discussion: It can be concluded that perception stimulation can increase the children self esteem at prison. Further studies are recommended to study the effect of GAT perception stimulation modified by skill therapy in increasing children self esteem in prison

    Crossword Puzzle Increase Attention of Children with Adhd

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    Introduction: Attention deficit is one of three main problems of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Children experience difficulty of paying attention and concentrating to one or more things or objects. As a results these children cannot perform the task well. Crossword puzzle is one of games that may increase attention and concentration. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of crossword puzzle to increase attention of children with ADHD. Method: Pre-experimental design was employed in this study. The population was ADHD students in Cakra Autisme Therapy. Seven students were recruited by means of purposive sampling. The independent variable was crossword puzzle and the dependent variable was the increase of attention. Data were collected using observation sheet and analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with level of significance of α≤ 0.05. Result: Result showed that crossword puzzle could increase attention. Respondent\u27s attention improved from less to good attention, particularly in playing activities (p=0.014). Analysis: This finding suggests that there was differences of attention between pre and post-test. It can be concluded that crossword puzzle can increase attention of the students with ADHD. Discussion: It is recommended for teachers and parents of ADHD children to give them crossword puzzle game everyday at school or at home. Further studies should involve larger sample size and employs another game not only to increase attention, but also reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity of ADHD child

    Relaxation Affirmation Technique Increases Self Efficacy of Patients with Nasopharingeal Cancer

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    Introduction: Patient with nasopharynx cancer may experience emotional distres. Emotional distres and anxiety may lead to decrease self-efficacy. Clients with a negative perception of the health or low self-efficacy would become apathetic and disability in soluns problem as compensation of getting that disease. The purpose of this study was the relaxation affirmations techniques in order to increase self-efficacy patient with nasopharynx cancer. Methode: This study used pra-experiment pre-post test design. Population was taken from patient with nasopharynx cancer of Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) Patient Departement Dr. Soetomo Hospital at Surabaya. Sample comprised of 19 respondents who selected based on inclusion criteria. Independent variable was the relaxation affirmations. Dependent variable was self efficacy of nasopharyngeal cancer patients. Data were collected using the observation sheet. Result: The results showed that there was a significant influence of relaxation affirmation in increased self-effi cacy patient with nasopharynx cancer, with p = 0.008. Discussion: Based on that results, it can be concluded that relaxation affirmations help patients nasopharyngeal cancer in THT Patient Departement Dr. Soeotomo Hospital at Surabaya in improving self-efficacy so that they would have ability to accept reality and belief in health pattern for optimalizing quality of life. Relaxation affirmations techniques including diaphragma breathing and affirmation decrease sympatic nerve activity and increase positive firm belief in patient
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