13 research outputs found

    Studi Komparatif Keragaan Kebun Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya Rspo dan Non-rspo di Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Oil palm produces vegetable oil used in various products including food, non-food, and biodiesel. Increasing demand for crude palm oil has provoked demand for fresh fruit bunches. The oil palm growers respond the higher demand by development of new planting. Land expansion become an important issue since it creates not only positive impacts but also negative impacts such as deforestation, biodiversity loss, forest fire and land conflicts. RSPO certification was established to mitigate the negative impacts and to promote sustainable production of palm oil. The growers must comply the Principles and Criteria of RSPO. Independent smallholers are the most susceptible growers to be included in the oil palm supply chain. How does the farmers manage their plantation to meet the standard while they face various barriers to run their business? The aims of this study are to analyse smallholders' performance, to assess the application of RSPO Principles and Criteria, and to compare productivity and farm income of oil palm plantations between the RSPO and non-certified independent smallholders. A survey method is used to collect data from the selected samples, 78 of RSPO-certified and 59 of Non-certified smallholders. Using quantitative and qualitative analyses, the result shows that the RSPO-certified smallholders have a very good performance and applied all the RSPO standard. The non-certified smallholders have a good performance and they are in the process of certification to meet the criteria. There are no significant differences in productivity and farm income between the two models. The RSPO-certified and non-certified smallholders located in the same area, therefore, most of the non-certified smallholders have seen the best practices and start applying some of the best practices by themselves

    Efisiensi Produksi Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya di Desa Senama Nenek Kec Tapunng Hulu Kabupaten Kampar

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    This study aims to how level for the factors of production in non former-farmers in the Senama Nenek village from the aspects of technical efficiency, allocative efficiency and economic efficiency. The samples were calculated using purposive sampling is done by taking as many as 40 non former-farmers. Data were analyzed using two functions, the Cobb-Douglas production function and frontier Cobb-Douglas. Cobb-Douglas used see whether there is the classical assumptions. Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier as an approach based on the consideration for the measurement of technical efficiency, allocative and economical by using the approach in terms of input and output are integrated. Factors affecting the production of palm oil by the method of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is urea, KCl, SP36, and Dolomite. Factors affecting the level of palm oil production inefficiencies are aged farmer, aged Palm Oil. Oil palm plantation businesses are efficient in the use of a combination of factors of production, but not allocative efficient, and economical

    Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Karet Alam (Natural Rubber) Indonesia di Pasar Internasional

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the development of Indonesia's natural rubber exports and analyze the competitiveness of Indonesian natural rubber in the International market. The data used in this study was a secondary data export raw natural rubber Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia during the period 1996-2010. The data was taken from the value and volume of exports of natural rubber in the International market. The analytical method used was the Revealed Comparative Advantage ( RCA ) and Constant Market Share ( CMS ). The results of this study indicate that the development of Indonesia's natural rubber exports tend to increase every year. The level of the comparative advantage of Indonesia's natural rubber exports relatively higher than Malaysia. Meanwhile during the period 1996-2006, the level of the comparative advantage of Indonesia was lower than Thailand. While during the period 2007-2010, the level of the comparative advantage of Indonesia's natural rubber is relatively higher than Thailand. This data indicated that Indonesia has a comparative advantage exports of natural rubber were getting better every year. From the CMS analysis note that the competitiveness of Indonesia's natural rubber exports more influenced by standard growth and competitiveness effects. This represents an increase of Indonesia's natural rubber exports more influenced by the growth of the world's natural rubber exports. Additionally, Indonesia also exports natural rubber has high competitiveness due to the excellence of product quality or better price

    Pengaruh Tenaga Kerja dan Tingkat Optimasi Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja pada USAhatani Nenas Lahan Skala Sempit dan Skala Luas di Kabupaten Kampar

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    The purpose of this research are analyze the effect of labor on production pineapple, analyze the level of optimization of the use of labor, and analyze the optimization of the use of labor between broad and narrow area of land in Kampar. The methods of analysis used in this study is regression analyze. Based on the result of the analysis of effect labor on production pineapple, the amount of labor significantly affect the amount of production of pineapples, it applies to farming in a narrow area, wide area, and also overall. labor is a factor of production is greatest effect on farm production pineapple research area. labor used in the farming of pineapple consists of labor within the family and outside the family labor, in which the activities carried out are weeding and harvesting.The use value of labor in the area showed that the use of labor is not optimal, it should be increasing the number of workers, in order to increase productivity. level optimization on large tracts of land is better than the narrow land, it demonstrates the use of labor on a large area is optimal from the narrow land. then to optimize the use of labor on a narrow piece of land is necessary to increase the amount of labor

    Profil Sosial Ekonomi dan Kemiskinan Kabupaten/kota di Pulau Sumatera Tahun 2012

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    One of the most significant current discussions in development country is poverty, including in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the most populous in the worlds with 237.6 million people in 2010, where 76.93 % of povertyareconcentratedin Java(55.33%) andSumatra(21.6%). This paper attempted to create profiling poverty of 151 residences and cities in Sumatera. The poverty characteristics included in the profiling are:levelof education, manpower distribution, expenditures per capita, health, housing facilities, and government's poverty eradication programs. Data resources are from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). The data were analyzed by principle component analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Data Analysis.Factor analysis produced as many as 32 variables as the main components, adequate for further analysis as 'key factors' for social economic characteristic profile of residences and cities in Sumatera. These main components demonstrated the adequate values of KMO, MSA, and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity. Following the result from Factor Analysis to obtain the important factors of poverty, the method of hierarchical cluster analysis was, further, used to classify the profiles of 108 residences and cities in Sumatera. The results of cluster analysis with 5interesting clusters of poverty profile of socio-economic indicators show that Cluster 1 comprises of 7 residences with similar characteristic of level of educationand manpower distribution. Cluster 2 includes 9 residences with similar level of education and expenditures per capita. Cluster 3 consists of 36 residences and 2 cities with similar manpower distribution and expenditures per capita patterns. Cluster 4 comprises of 23 residences and 3 cities showing its own distinct characteristics in their similarity patterns of expenditures per capita and housing facilities. Then, the cluster 5 consists of 2 residences and 27 cities showing the similar patterns in level of education and housing facilities

    Peranan Sektor Pertanian terhadap Perekonomian Provinsi Riau: Analisis Strukturinput-output

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    Indonesia at this time stillincluding developing countriesas well as in Province of Riau, which is part of Indonesia.This is proved by the large majority of the population who worked in the agricultural sector and the largest contributor to non oil and gas GDP. The purpose of this study was to know the role the agricultural sector from the structure of the economy Province of Riau. The data used is the input-output table in 2012 with 20 x 20 sector classification obtained from the Badan Perencanaan Daerah (Bappeda). The analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis. Analysis the role of agriculture conducted through of reviews from the input side and output side. The results shown that contribution of agricultural sector in province of Riau is big enough, where it is reflected from a large contribution of output compared to other sectors. Components formation of output to show that output side of agricultural sector is driven by further consumption followed investment and exports. While the components of input side is driven by producer surplus followed by wage-salary and depreciation. Based on these results in order to create a conducive economy, it's necessary to efforts increase direct and indirect investment through capital accumulation that comes from producer surplus. Consumtion this time it is the largest constituent components. Although it Is the largest constituent components, but consumption can't create added value for the economy. If the investment continues to be improved in addition to increasing the value added to the economy, is also expected an increase in producer surplus that will be reused on the next investment activity

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Usahatani Kopi di Kecamatan Rangsang Pesisir Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

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    This research aims to determine and analyze the factors that affect the production of coffee in RangsangPesisirSub District. This research uses survey method to conduct interview with 75 sample of coffee farmers obtained by using the slovin method with field trips to their farms. Factors affecting agricultural production are analyzed using the Cobb Douglass production function and using the least estimated squares method. There are four factors of coffee production are assessed influen : number of coffee crops, amount of manure, pesticides, and labor. The variable significantly affect coffee production in RangsangPesisirSub District is the number of coffe crops and labor

    Efficiency Analysis of Inorganic Rice Production in Rakit Kulim Subdistrict Indragiri Hulu Regency

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    Rice is an important commodity because  it is a staple food source for almost all Indonesian people. One way to increase rice production is by using available resources more efficiently. The use of production factors such as land, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and labor will affect the total production of rice produced. This study aims to determine the technicality of inorganic rice cultivation, calculate production costs and analyze the efficiency of inorganic rice farming production in the District of Rakit Kulim. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, farming cost analysis and DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) analysis. The number of samples is 40 inorganic rice farmers. The results showed that the inorganic rice cultivation technique in the District of Rakit Kulim was not in accordance with the recommendations. Incompatibility is caused by the unavailability of technical books for inorganic rice cultivation from the localita specific crop study center. The total cost of producing inorganic rice farming in the District of Rakit Kulim is Rp. 23,622,481, - / Ha. While the average income is Rp. 24,230,168, - / Ha with a net income of 607,687, - / Ha with an RCR value of 1.07. The results of the analysis of production efficiency using DEA show that the proportion of technically efficient farmers is 50% with an average value of 0.946. The proportion of efficient farmers is allocatively relatively small at 32.5% with an average value of 0.975. Economic efficiency is relatively small at 32.5% with an average value of 0.927