30 research outputs found

    Perancangan Buku Travel Guide Wisata Belanja Grosir Pakaian di Kota Surabaya Berbasis Fotografi sebagai Sarana Informasi Institut Bisnis dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya

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    The purpose of designing a city guide book wholesale clothing shopping Surabaya based photography as a means of information. To give an information about wholesale shopping city of Surabaya. Further studies conducted using qualitative research methods are observation, interviews, documentation, and literature. To obtain the data used and supports the creation of a shopping travel city guide book wholesale clothing Surabaya based photography as a means of information. Data were analyzed using multiple stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. After analyzing the data, found a city guide book concept shopping wholesale clothing Surabaya based photography as a means of information. Keyword "Elegant", description "Elegant Elegant, neat, elegant, graceful, supple. The main concept of the book itself is a travel guide book wholesale clothing shopping Surabaya-based photography to illustrate the location, atmosphere, and photos of activities that are in the market. The concept of "Elegant" aims to illustrate the location, atmosphere, and photos of activities that are in the market

    Penciptaan Buku Referensi Wisata Kuliner dengan Teknik Fotografi Guna Mengenalkan Potensi Wisata Kota Mojokerto

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    Mojokerto is a small town in East Java province. The city became the economy cantilever area of Surabaya along with other surrounding cities. Location of Mojokerto city is also quite strategically located on the provincial road leading to or from Surabaya. Therefore, the food processing industry thrives in Bypass road Mojokerto. Plenty of restaurants and other culinary destination that stand even to the middle of the city. To introduce this potential, then felt the need to create a culinary reference book of Mojokerto with photographic technique that can be used as a reference at the same time the introduction to the tourists who want to food traveling in Mojokerto. This book contains information about phone number, location, prices, facilities, favorite menu, until the operational hour

    Perancangan Buku Pengenalan Reptil Iguana Hijau Berbasis Fotografi Sebagai Sarana Informasi Bagi Masyarakat Surabaya

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    The purpose of designing a book based green iguana reptile introduction of photography as a means of information for the people of Surabaya. To introduce and provide a knowledge of the green iguana reptiles, and also provides maintenance information reptile green iguana well. Further studies conducted using qualitative research methods are observation, interviews, documentation, and literature. To obtain the data used and supports the creation of a book-based green iguana reptile introduction of photography as a means of information for the people of Surabaya. Data were analyzed using multiple stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. After analyzing the data, found a book concept based green iguana reptile introduction of photography as a means of information for the people of Surabaya. Keyword "Beauty", the description of "beauty" is a state of unsightly nature and character of a person, place, object, or idea that provides perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. An entity that is admired, has a feature that is associated in perfection. The concept of "beauty" aims to show that the Green Iguana Reptile are exotic animals and pets can be

    Perancangan Branding Candi Palah Penataran Blitar Berbasis Sejarah sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat

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    Blitar Regency has a lot of tourism sector, one of which is in the historical Palah Penataran Temple. Palah Penataran Temple is the largest temple complex in East Java and one of the main attractions in Blitar. As a main tourist attraction, promotional activities should be the maximum. This research aims to increase public awareness of historical knowledge about the Palah Penataran Temple. So beside visitors who come to enjoy the beauty of Palah Penataran Temple also understand the historical. Data collection technique is doing by observation, interviews and documentation to obtain the Branding that will be applied to the Palah Penataran Temple. It brings the concept of "grandeur" Candi Penataran Palah are implemented in the design of media promotion starting from a color photo, illustrations, text, typography and logo. The results of this research are expected tourists visiting the Palah Penataran Temple to increase they knowledge about the historcal and finally is expected to increase a sense of concern in history of Palah Penataran Temple.

    Perancangan Buku Referensi Karakteristik Tata Rias Tari Surabaya dengan Teknik Fotografi sebagai Sarana Informasi Masyarakat Surabaya

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    The Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) defines a reference book as a guidance, hint source, or referencing source. The designing process of this reference book will elucidate the cosmetic characteristics of Surabaya dance (Tari Surabaya) in which most of the society have less recognition about it. The character in the designing process of this reference book represents the cosmetic characteristics of Surabaya dance that. The cosmetic characteristic of Surabaya dance reference book projected to design the cosmetic characteristic of Surabaya dance reference book as an information medium for Surabaya society. In order to support the book, the research employs photography technique that believes could produce a clear, and high quality image. By the existence of the photography technique, the information about cosmetic characteristic of Surabaya dance could become informative and interesting. The informative and interesting book will amplify the reading interest

    Perancangan Desain Kemasan Premium Village Leather Berbasis Kayu dan Resin sebagai Upaya Menungkatkan Brand Awareness

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    The purpose of designing the packaging premium Village Leather based on the wood and resin is to increase brand awareness. The research done by using qualitative research methods by doing interviews, observation and documentation, and study of the library to get data that is used as a supporter of the making of the concept of design promotion media. The data has been analyzed using several stages, i.e. data reduction, presentation of data and the conclusions. From the analysis of the data found some key words that refers to the communication strategy promotional media that will be used to reach the target audiance intended. After the analysis of the data, clean the concept of keyword or design premium packaging design that is "precious". Description of the concept of precious is something valuable, glorious, and have aesthetic value more. The concept of "precious" aims to show that the design of the packaging premium Village Leather is seuah packaging design that has a different appeal to the other. The concept of precious aims to convey the identity of Village Leather through the design of the premium packaging design with the achieved brand awareness

    Perancangan Buku Ruang Terbuka Hijau Surabaya dengan Teknik Essay Photography Guna Meningkatkan Kesadaran Lingkungan Hijau Masyarakat Kota Surabaya

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    Surabaya can be the learning object to study about how metropolitan city manage their area so that it has the existence of suitable green open space, concerning the fact that it has important role for environment. It is associated with the way the government of Surabaya City maintain and sought the existence of green open space in the middle of high land requirements as the Metropolitan City. Green open space is the most needed thing especially in urban area. The benefit of keeping the green environment especially in urban area is: direct benefit (within the meaning of quick and tangible) is shaping beauty and comfort (shady, fresh and cool) and gaining thing to be sold (woods, flowers and fruits), indirect benefit (long term and intangible), which is cleaning the air effectively, conserving and continuance of groundwater supply, preserving environmental function along with the content of flora and fauna exist (biological conservation and diversity)

    Kesenian Tradisi Reog Sebagai Pembentuk Citra Ponorogo

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    Manunggale Cipto, Roso, Karso Agawe Rahayuning Bumi Reog slogan ini terpampang pada Pendopo Agung Ponorogo yang terletak di alun-alun pusat Kota Ponorogo. Ponorogo memanfaatkan kesenian tradisonalnya yaitu Reog untuk mengkomunikasikan kotanya. Reog merupakan kesenian khas daerah Ponorogo yang telah ada sejak berabad-abad yang lalu dan diwariskan secara turun-temurun di kalangan masyarakat Ponorogo hingga saat ini. Kesenian ini juga banyak mengandung tradisi dan nilai-nilai luhur budaya yang harus dilestarikan, untuk itu pemerintah mengangkat Reog sebagai inspirasi dalam menciptakan sebuah brand bagi kotanya. Reog dihadirkan melalui berbagai elemen pembentuk citra kota, tujuan utama dari pencitraan ini adalah mengundang hadirnya para wisatawan domestik maupun asing, terutama pada acara tahunan yang diadakan oleh pemerintah yaitu Grebeg Suro.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penggalian data melalui observasi dan wawancara. Penggalian data dilakukan selama empat hari di Ponorogo untuk mengetahui citra kota yang dihadirkan melalui Reog. Analisis citra kota ditinjau berdasarkan hasil wawancara terhadap masyarakat dan pengunjung Kota Ponorogo.Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya paradoks yang terjadi pada Reog ketika digunakan sebagai pembentuk citra kota Ponorogo. Citra kota yang dihasilkan tidak sesuai dengan makna secara tradisi yang terkandung pada Reog Ponorogo

    Perancangan Place Identity Ranu Grati sebagai Upaya untuk Meningkatkan BrandAwareness

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    Pasuruan is one of the regencies in East Java province has many attractions but not yet terekpose perfectly. Pasuruan not only has a beautiful nature, but also a tourist destination worth to visit. The study was conducted using qualitative research is to conduct interviews, observation, documentation, and literature to obtain data to support the drafting. Data were analyzed using multiple stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. the concept of "Original" presented to provide information to the target audience that Ranu Grati has a natural beauty and beautiful and natural panorama that can be enjoyed by families who want to travel to Ranu Grati. Results from logo creation and media campaign against Ranu Grati is an attempt Travel introduction lake Ranu Grati Pasuruan, East Java, to attract tourists to visit. Besides promoting Ranu Grati which can be enjoyed in various media