1,890 research outputs found

    Prevention of Image Quality Degradation in Wider Field Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images Via Image Averaging

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    Purpose: To evaluate the mutual effect of widening the field of view and multiple en face image averaging on the quality of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images. Methods: This prospective, observational, cross-sectional case series included 20 eyes of 20 healthy volunteers with no history of ocular or systemic disease. OCTA imaging of a 3 × 3-mm, 6 × 6-mm, and 12 × 12-mm area centered on the fovea was performed nine times using the PLEX Elite 9000. We acquired averaged OCTA images generated from nine en face OCTA images. The corresponding areas in the three scan sizes were evaluated for the original single-scanned OCTA images and averaged OCTA images both qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative measurements included vessel density (VD), vessel length density (VLD), fractal dimension (FD), and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). Results: Significant differences in VD, VLD, FD, and CNR (P < 0.001) were observed due to the mutual effect of averaging and differences in scan size. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations indicated that the quality of 6 × 6-mm averaged images was equal to or better than that of 3 × 3-mm single-scanned images. However, the quality of 12 × 12-mm averaged images did not reach that of 3 × 3-mm single-scanned images. Conclusions: To some extent, multiple en face OCTA image averaging can compensate for the deterioration in image quality caused by widening the field of view. Translational Relevance: Multiple en face OCTA image averaging can be a technique for acquiring wider field OCTA images with good quality

    Opposing Roles of HDAC6 in Liver Regeneration and Hepatocarcinogenesis

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    Histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6), a deacetylase of p53, has emerged as a privileged inhibitory target for cancer therapy because of its deacetylating activity for p53 at K120 and K373/382. However, intricate roles of HDAC6 in hepatocellular carcinogenesis have been suggested by recent evidence, namely that HDAC6 ablation suppresses innate immunity, which plays critical roles in tumor immunosurveillance and antitumor immune responses. Therefore, it is valuable to determine whether HDAC6 ablation inhibits hepatocellular carcinogenesis using in vivo animal models. Here, we firstly showed that HDAC6 ablation increased K320 acetylation of p53, known as pro-survival acetylation, in all tested animal models but did not always increase K120 and K373/382 acetylation of p53, known as pro-apoptotic acetylation. HDAC6 ablation induced cellular senescence in primary MEFs and inhibited cell proliferation in HepG2 cells and liver regeneration after two-thirds partial hepatectomy. However, the genetic ablation of HDAC6 did not inhibit hepatocarcinogenesis, but instead slightly enhanced it in two independent mouse models (DEN + HFD and DEN + TAA). Notably, HDAC6 ablation significantly promoted hepatocarcinogenesis in a multiple DEN treatment hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) mouse model, mimicking chronic DNA damage in the liver, which correlated with hyperacetylation at K320 of p53 and a decrease in inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Our data from three independent in vivo animal HCC models emphasize the importance of the complex roles of HDAC6 ablation in hepatocellular carcinogenesis, highlighting its immunosuppressive effects

    Sharing luxury possessions in the age of digital experience economy: Consumption type and psychological entitlement

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    With the advent of the digital experience economy, contemporary luxury brands have embraced social media as an important channel for improving brand perceptions and developing customer relationships. This is because encouraging consumers to share luxury purchases on social media offers a strategic value for luxury brands. The present research investigates the conditions under which consumers are more likely to share luxury (vs. nonluxury) purchases on social media. Across two experiments, we establish that luxury (vs. non-luxury) purchases are shared more when they are associated with material (vs. experiential) consumption, and among consumers with a high (vs. low) sense of entitlement. These findings make several theoretical and managerial contributions, providing avenues for future research on what consumers do with luxury brands on social media

    Chiral electroluminescence from thin-film perovskite metacavities

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    Chiral light sources realized in ultracompact device platforms are highly desirable for various applications. Among active media employed for thin-film emission devices, lead-halide perovskites have been extensively studied for photoluminescence due to their exceptional properties. However, up to date, there have been no demonstrations of chiral electroluminescence with a substantial degree of circular polarization (DCP), being critical for the development of practical devices. Here, we propose a new concept of chiral light sources based on a thin-film perovskite metacavity and experimentally demonstrate chiral electroluminescence with DCP approaching 0.38. We design a metacavity created by a metal and a dielectric metasurface supporting photonic eigenstates with close-to-maximum chiral response. Chiral cavity modes facilitate asymmetric electroluminescence of pairs of left and right circularly polarized waves propagating in the opposite oblique directions. The proposed ultracompact light sources are especially advantageous for many applications requiring chiral light beams of both helicities.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    TRIP13 Participates in Immediate-Early Sensing of DNA Strand Breaks and ATM Signaling Amplification through MRE11

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    Thyroid hormone receptor-interacting protein 13 (TRIP13) participates in various regulatory steps related to the cell cycle, such as the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint and meiotic recombination, possibly by interacting with members of the HORMA domain protein family. Recently, it was reported that TRIP13 could regulate the choice of the DNA repair pathway, i.e., homologous recombination (HR) or nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). However, TRIP13 is recruited to DNA damage sites within a few seconds after damage and may therefore have another function in DNA repair other than regulation of the pathway choice. Furthermore, the depletion of TRIP13 inhibited both HR and NHEJ, suggesting that TRIP13 plays other roles besides regulation of choice between HR and NHEJ. To explore the unidentified functions of TRIP13 in the DNA damage response, we investigated its genome-wide interaction partners in the context of DNA damage using quantitative proteomics with proximity labeling. We identified MRE11 as a novel interacting partner of TRIP13. TRIP13 controlled the recruitment of MDC1 to DNA damage sites by regulating the interaction between MDC1 and the MRN complex. Consistently, TRIP13 was involved in ATM signaling amplification. Our study provides new insight into the function of TRIP13 in immediate-early DNA damage sensing and ATM signaling activation

    Acetic Acid Treatment Enhances Drought Avoidance in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

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    The external application of acetic acid has recently been reported to enhance survival of drought in plants such as Arabidopsis, rapeseed, maize, rice, and wheat, but the effects of acetic acid application on increased drought tolerance in woody plants such as a tropical crop “cassava” remain elusive. A molecular understanding of acetic acid-induced drought avoidance in cassava will contribute to the development of technology that can be used to enhance drought tolerance, without resorting to transgenic technology or advancements in cassava cultivation. In the present study, morphological, physiological, and molecular responses to drought were analyzed in cassava after treatment with acetic acid. Results indicated that the acetic acid-treated cassava plants had a higher level of drought avoidance than water-treated, control plants. Specifically, higher leaf relative water content, and chlorophyll and carotenoid levels were observed as soils dried out during the drought treatment. Leaf temperatures in acetic acid-treated cassava plants were higher relative to leaves on plants pretreated with water and an increase of ABA content was observed in leaves of acetic acid-treated plants, suggesting that stomatal conductance and the transpiration rate in leaves of acetic acid-treated plants decreased to maintain relative water contents and to avoid drought. Transcriptome analysis revealed that acetic acid treatment increased the expression of ABA signaling-related genes, such as OPEN STOMATA 1 (OST1) and protein phosphatase 2C; as well as the drought response and tolerance-related genes, such as the outer membrane tryptophan-rich sensory protein (TSPO), and the heat shock proteins. Collectively, the external application of acetic acid enhances drought avoidance in cassava through the upregulation of ABA signaling pathway genes and several stress responses- and tolerance-related genes. These data support the idea that adjustments of the acetic acid application to plants is useful to enhance drought tolerance, to minimize the growth inhibition in the agricultural field

    Protease Activated Receptor Signaling Is Required for African Trypanosome Traversal of Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells

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    Human African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness, occurs when single-cell trypanosome protozoan parasites spread from the blood to brain over the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This barrier is composed of brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs) especially designed to keep pathogens out. Safe drugs for treating sleeping sickness are lacking and alternative treatments are urgently required. Using our human BMEC BBB model, we previously found that a parasite protease, brucipain, induced calcium activation signals that allowed this barrier to open up to parasite crossing. Because human BMECs express protease-activated receptors (PARs) that trigger calcium signals in BMECs, we hypothesized a functional link between parasite brucipain and BMEC PARs. Utilizing RNA interference to block the production of one type of PAR called PAR-2, we hindered the ability of trypanosomes to both open up and cross human BMECs. Using gene-profiling methods to interrogate candidate BMEC pathways specifically triggered by brucipain, several pathways that potentially link brain inflammatory processes were identified, a finding congruent with the known role of PAR-2 as a mediator of inflammation. Overall, our data support a role for brucipain and BMEC PARs in trypanosome BBB transmigration, and as potential triggers for brain inflammation associated with the disease