24 research outputs found

    Textiloma: a case of foreign body mimicking a spinal mass

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    Items such as cotton or gauze pads can be mistakenly left behind during operations. Such foreign materials (called textilomas or gossypibomas) cause foreign body reaction in the surrounding tissue. The complications caused by these foreign bodies are well known, but cases are rarely published because of medico-legal implications. Some textilomas cause infection or abscess formation in the early stage, whereas others remain clinically silent for many years. Here, we describe a case of textiloma in which the patient presented with low-back pain 4 years after lumbar discectomy. Imaging revealed an abcess-like mass in the lumbar epidural space

    Ventrikülo-peritoneal şantların proksimal kateterlerinde toplanan depozitlerin işık elektoro mikroskopik ve immünohistokimyasal olarak incelenmesi

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    TEZ2746Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1998.Kaynakça (s. 52-59) var.vi, 59 s. ; 30 cm.

    Clinic and Radiologic Considerations of Fusion and Non-Fusion After Spine Surgery

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    Spinal fusion, which joins two vertebra, prevents abnormal movement of vertebras. Fusion is one of the most commonly used surgical interventions.Pseudarthrosis, however, is used to define the situation in which there is a no progression of solid fusion one year after solid fusion and the continuity of movement segments leading symptoms and clinical findings. If there is an insufficiency of obtaining fusion this may give rise to benign radiological symptoms to ongoing pain or severe neurologic deficiency. Although advancement in medicine is so fast, it is still difficult to diagnose, non-fusion with 100% accuracy (specificity and sensitivity). In this study it is mentioned how to evaluate the spinal fusion in combination of clinics and radiology. [Cukurova Med J 2012; 37(3.000): 126-132

    The Role of Cine Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Chiari 0 Malformation

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    AIM: To define the role of phase-contrast cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in deciding the therapeutic strategy and underlying pathophysiology resulting in syrinx formation in patients with Chiari type 0 malformation. MATERIAL and METHODS: Seven patients who were admitted to our clinic with the diagnosis of Chiari 0 malformation from January 2005 to July 2016 were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent a detailed preoperative neurological examination. Entire neuroaxis MRI and phase-contrast cine MRI were obtained preoperatively and postoperatively. RESULTS: Seven patients (5 female and 2 male) with Chiari type 0 malformation fulfilled the inclusion criteria. All of the patients had absent cine flow at the craniovertebral junction except two patients. These five patients underwent surgical interventions; suboccipital decompression and duraplasty. All of them showed both clinical and radiological improvement in the postoperative period. CONCLUSION: Cine flow MRI appears to be a useful tool in the management of patients with Chiari 0 malformation. There was a good correlation between the clinical presentation and cine flow preoperatively, and between clinical improvement and cine flow in the postoperative periodAIM: To define the role of phase-contrast cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in deciding the therapeutic strategy and underlying pathophysiology resulting in syrinx formation in patients with Chiari type 0 malformation. MATERIAL and METHODS: Seven patients who were admitted to our clinic with the diagnosis of Chiari 0 malformation from January 2005 to July 2016 were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent a detailed preoperative neurological examination. Entire neuroaxis MRI and phase-contrast cine MRI were obtained preoperatively and postoperatively. RESULTS: Seven patients (5 female and 2 male) with Chiari type 0 malformation fulfilled the inclusion criteria. All of the patients had absent cine flow at the craniovertebral junction except two patients. These five patients underwent surgical interventions; suboccipital decompression and duraplasty. All of them showed both clinical and radiological improvement in the postoperative period. CONCLUSION: Cine flow MRI appears to be a useful tool in the management of patients with Chiari 0 malformation. There was a good correlation between the clinical presentation and cine flow preoperatively, and between clinical improvement and cine flow in the postoperative perio

    Split Cord Malformations

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    WOS: 000360663100001Split cord malformations are rare form of occult spinal dysraphism in children. Split cord malformations are characterized by septum that cleaves the spinal canal in sagittal plane within the single or duplicated thecal sac. Although their precise incidence is unknown, split cord malformations are exceedingly rare and represent %3.8-5 of all congenital spinal anomalies. Characteristic neurological, urological, orthopedic clinical manifestations are variable and asymptomatic course is possible. Earlier diagnosis and surgical intervention for split cord malformations is associated with better long-term fuctional outcome. For this reason, diagnostic imaging is indicated for children with associated cutaneous and orthopedic signs. Additional congenital anomalies usually to accompany the split cord malformations. Earlier diagnosis, meticuolus surgical therapy and interdisciplinary careful evaluation and follow-up should be made for good prognosis

    Split Cord Malformations

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    Ayrık omurilik malformasyonu (AOM); çocukluk çağında görülen okkült spinal disrafizmin nadir bir formudur. AOM tek veya çift dural kılıf içerisinde, omuriliğin iki ayrı yarıdan oluştuğu konjenital anomaliyi tanımlar. Kesin insidansı bilinmemekle birlikte nadirdir, tüm gelişimsel spinal anomalilerin %3.8-5' ni oluşturur. Asemptomatik kalabileceği gibi karakteristik nörolojik, ürolojik ve ortopedik yakınmalara neden olabilir. Bu problemlerin gelişmesinin önüne geçilebilmesi malformasyonun erken teşhis ve tedavisine bağlıdır. Erken teşhis için yeni doğan dönemindeki bebeklerin cilt ve ortopedik bulgularına dikkat edilmeli ve gerekirse tüm nöral aks radyolojik olarak incelenmelidir. AOM' na sıklıkla gergin omurilik sendromuna neden olan ilave patolojiler de eşlik eder. Erken teşhis, titiz cerrahi yaklaşım ve hastanın beyin cerrahi, ortopedi, çocuk nefroloji, üroloji hekimlerinden oluşan bir ekip tarafından yakın takip ve tedavisi ile başarılı sonuçlar elde edilirSplit cord malformations are rare form of occult spinal dysraphism in children. Split cord malformations are characterized by septum that cleaves the spinal canal in sagittal plane within the single or duplicated thecal sac. Although their precise incidence is unknown, split cord malformations are exceedingly rare and represent %3.8-5 of all congenital spinal anomalies. Characteristic neurological, urological, orthopedic clinical manifestations are variable and asymptomatic course is possible. Earlier diagnosis and surgical intervention for split cord malformations is associated with better long-term fuctional outcome. For this reason, diagnostic imaging is indicated for children with associated cutaneous and orthopedic signs. Additional congenital anomalies usually to accompany the split cord malformations. Earlier diagnosis, meticuolus surgical therapy and interdisciplinary careful evaluation and follow-up should be made for good prognosi

    Subdural Hematomu Taklit Eden Meme Karsinomunun Dural Metastazı: Vaka Sunumu

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    Beraberinde altta yatan serebral metastazlarla birlikte tespit edilen dural metastazlar nadiren gözlenen patolojiler değildirler. Ancak izole dural metastazlar nadir görülen klinik tablolardır. Klinik ve radyolojik olarak nadir görülen bu patolojiler görüntüleme yöntemleri ile subdural hematomlar veya meningiomlar ile karışabilirler. Bu bildiride kliniğimizde tespit edilen subdural hematomu taklit eden dural metastazlı 62 yaşında bayan olgu sunuldu. Radyolojik olarak atipik görünüme sahip subdural hematomlu olgularda metastazların ayırıcı tanıda değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu tarz metastazdan şüphelenilen olgularda kontrastlı görüntüleme yöntemleri uygulanmalıdır.While intracerebral metastases are common, insulated dural metastases are seen very rarely. The clinical and radiological features of this uncommon condition are often unsuspected and could mimic various benign conditions such as meningioma and subdural hematoma (SDH) as reported in the literature. In this report, we presented a case of 62-year-old female patient with dural metastasis from breast carcinoma mimicking subdural hematoma. We describe the presentation, evaluation and differential diagnosis of this rare case. Our experience in this case has led us to consider metastasis as a differential diagnosis even when a subdural hematoma with uncommon radiological image is diagnosed. Contrast enhanced scan techniques should be recommended for patients in whom dural metastasis is suspected

    Criteria for Preferring Anterior Approach in Surgical Treatment of Cervical Spondylotic Myeloradiculopathy

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    Servikal spondilosis; servikal intervertebral diskte başlayıp, daha sonra çevre kemik ve yumuşak dokularda devam eden, ilerleyici, süreğen ve sinsi bir dejeneratif hastalıktır. Bu dejeneratif değişikliklere bağlı omurilik ve sinir kökü tutulumu olur ise servikal spondilotik myeloradikülopati (SSMR) olarak isimlendirilir ve 50 yaş üzerinde myelopatinin en sık sebebidir.İlerleyici ve fonksiyonel nörolojik defisite sahip olan olgular ile uzun süreli tanı almış ve konservatif tedaviye yanıt vermeyen yakınmaları bulunan olguların cerrahi olarak tedavi edilmeleri gerekir. Cerrahi tedavinin amacı omurilik ve sinir kökleri üzerindeki basıyı ortadan kaldırmak, servikal omurganın dizilimini korumak veya bozulmuş ise bunu yeniden oluşturmak, hastanın nörolojik bulgularını ve yakınmalarını ortadan kaldırarak yaşam kalitesini artırmak ve bunları yaparken de mümkün olduğu kadar komplikasyona neden olmamaktır. Bu hedefler servikal omurgaya anterior veya posterior cerrahi yaklaşım yolları ile sağlanabilir.Cerrahi yaklaşımın şekline ancak hastanın klinik ve radyolojik olarak çok ayrıntılı değerlendirilmesi ile karar verilebilir.Cerrahi yaklaşımın en büyük amacı olan yeterli nöral dekompresyon ve servikal dizilimin korunması/sağlanması en iyi anterior yaklaşımlar ile sağlanabilir.Bu çalışmamızda SSMR'nin cerrahi tedavisinde anterior yaklaşımın tercih edilme sebepleri özetlenecektir.Cervical spondylosis is a progressive, chronic and insidious degenerative disease, which origins from the cervical intervertebral disc and then diffuses to surrounding bony and soft tissues. If the spine and nerve roots are involved due to degenerative changes, this is called as cervical spondylotic myeloradiculopathy (CSMR) and it is the most frequent cause of myelopathy over age of 50. Cases with progressive character and functional neurological deficits and cases with a prolonged course refractory to conservative therapy shall be treated surgically. The aim of the surgical treatment is to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots, to preserve the proper anatomical alignment of the cervical vertebrae or to reestablish correct anatomical positioning if it is distorted and lastly to increase the life quality by relieving patients neurological signs and complaints. While achieving these goals, complications shall be avoided as much as possible. These goals can be accomplished by anterior or posterior surgical approaches to the cervical vertebrae. The style of the surgical approach can only be decided by a detailed evaluation of the patient's clinical and radiological features. The utmost aim of the surgical procedure, which is to achieve sufficient neurological decompression and to preserve/establish proper cervical vertebral alignment, can be provided best by anterior approaches. In our current study, the criteria to prefer anterior approach in surgical treatment of CSMR will be reviewed

    Dural Metastasis From Breast Carcinoma Mimicking Subdural Hematoma: Case Report

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    WOS: 000347122100022While intracerebral metastases are common, insulated dural metastases are seen very rarely. The clinical and radiological features of this uncommon condition are often unsuspected and could mimic various benign conditions such as meningioma and subdural hematoma (SDH) as reported in the literature. In this report, we presented a case of 62-year-old female patient with dural metastasis from breast carcinoma mimicking subdural hematoma. We describe the presentation, evaluation and differential diagnosis of this rare case. Our experience in this case has led us to consider metastasis as a differential diagnosis even when a subdural hematoma with uncommon radiological image is diagnosed. Contrast enhanced scan techniques should be recommended for patients in whom dural metastasis is suspected